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The D.H. Lawrence Memory Theatre: A Digital Pilgrimage

Discover a digital journey through literature, education & connectivity, empowering students in a screen-centric world. Explore visual essays, themed blogs, and interactive discussions on Twitter & Instagram.

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The D.H. Lawrence Memory Theatre: A Digital Pilgrimage

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  1. The D.H. Lawrence Memory Theatre: A Digital Pilgrimage James.walker@ntu.ac.uk @TheSpaceLathe @Memorytheatre

  2. Trust Thyselfie… “If students live in a culture that digitizes and educates them through a screen, they require an education that empowers them in that sphere, teaches them that language, and offers new opportunities of human connectivity” Stommel and Morris in An Urgency of Teachers (2018) ‘Most learning is not the result of instruction. It is rather the result of unhampered participation in a meaningful setting’ Ivan Illich in Deschooling Society’ (1971) ‘No-one is born fully-formed: it is through self-experience in the world that we become what we are’ Paulo Friere in Education for critical consciousness (1974) ‘If the 20th century was about knowledge, the 21st century is about experience’ James Walker  'Dawn of the Unread: A Manifesto' Beyond Crisis: Visions for the New Humanities, Durham University (2014)

  3. 1. Visual Essays (YouTube) See Time to Ditch the Traditional Essay! James Walker  Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 11:2, 1 Sept 2018, pp. 267-273(7)

  4. 2. Themed blogs (#MondayBlogs) • https://thedigitalpilgrimage.wordpress.com/ • Provide additional content to lectures • Guest blogs from specialists to help widen student reading • Opportunity for students to blog if they want to (motivation) • Mock up film posters to get across issues

  5. 3. Twitter • Dissertation module so small class = intimacy and feasible • To reduce emails and focus conversation • To promote ‘real’ digital literary projects I’m working on • Immediacy • Digital literacy (creating a professional account)

  6. 4. Instagram • https://www.instagram.com/dhldigitalpilgrimage/ • We live in a visual culture • Students prefer it to Twitter (this term) • Simple archiving system • Feed through snippets of information to raise knowledge/confidence • Trigger conversations outside of the class

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