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Presented by : Mohamed Zaki, Academic Director

Faculty Development Workshops. مخرجات التعلم. L earning O utcomes :. Understanding LOs Delivery and Assessment with focus on the Topic Level. فهم مخرجات التعلم : التطبيق والتقييم مع التركيز على مستوى الدرس. Presented by : Mohamed Zaki, Academic Director.

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Presented by : Mohamed Zaki, Academic Director

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  1. Faculty Development Workshops مخرجات التعلم Learning Outcomes: Understanding LOs Delivery and Assessment with focus on the Topic Level فهم مخرجات التعلم :التطبيقوالتقييم مع التركيز على مستوى الدرس Presented by : Mohamed Zaki, Academic Director

  2. The aim of this session The LOs of the LOs Workshop ! By the end of this session, you be able to: • Clearly identify the key components of a learning outcome for the course you teach. • Write clear learning outcomes for each topic in your course • Select the most suitable assessment method(s) that can be used to test a learning outcome. • Design LOs that help the students to have more focus on what is required for each topic.

  3. Agenda • Basics • The Levels of Learning Outcomes at KIC • Our focus: LOs for Topic Level • Writing Learning Outcomes • Components of Learning Outcomes • Assessment based on the Learning outcomes • Your tasks

  4. Learning Outcomes Defined Definition of the LO A statement of what a student is expected to know, understand and/or be able to do by the end of a period of learning. Question #1

  5. Basics of Instructional Design Process In education, we need to answer these questions: Answer (Learning Outcome) 1-What do you want the student to be able to do? 2- What does the student need to know in order to do this well? (Curriculum) (Teaching Method) 3-What activity will facilitate the learning? 4-How will the student demonstrate the learning? (Assessment  Exam, Quiz, present .. ) 5-How will I know the student has done this well? (Criteria/ Model Answer)

  6. Basics of Instructional Design Process The triangle: Learning outcomes • LOs help you to design Learning activities (Lesson, Lab, Discussion, Library Visit, Experiment…) • LOs help you to construct assessment ways (tests , quizzes , assignments, presentation ) Assessment Learning activity Question #2 Question #3 Question #4 Question #5

  7. Levels of Learning Outcomes at KIC Stage Courses Courses Courses topic topic topic

  8. Levels of Learning Outcomes at KIC Stage Courses Courses Courses topic

  9. Components of LOs • A Learning Outcome usually has 3 parts: • What the students will do (to demonstrate learning) • The context in which the students will do • How well the students will do Example: The student will be able to: design a company report using the information provided in case study such that the report is suitable for discussion at board level

  10. Components of LOs • Learning outcomes have 3 parts: • What the student will do (to demonstrate learning) • The context in which the students will act • How well the students will do Example 1: an LO from management course The student will be able to design a company report using the information provided in case study such that the report is suitable for discussion at the board level 1 2 3 1 2 3

  11. Components of LOs • Learning outcomes have 3 parts • What the student will do (to demonstrate learning) • The context in which the students will do • How well the students will do Example 2: an LO about the LO workshop The student will be able to Write clear learning outcomes for each topic in your course 3 1 2

  12. Components of LOs • Learning outcomes have 3 parts • What the student will do (to demonstrate learning) • The context in which the students will do • How well the students will do Example3: an LO about the LO workshop • Select the most suitable assessment method(s) that can be used to test a learning outcome for each course. 3 1 2

  13. Components of LOs • Learning outcomes have 3 parts • What the student will do (to demonstrate learning) • The context in which the students will do • How well the students will do Example4: an LO about the LO workshop The teacherwill be able to Design LOs that help the students to have more focus on what is required in each topic 3 1 2

  14. Classificationof Learning Outcomes What do you want the students to learn ? -You want them to memorize information -You want them to explain a process -You want them to apply what they know -You want them to analyze a situation -You want them to design -You want them to judge - You want them to practice

  15. Learning Outcomes ClassificationBloom Classification According to Bloom, student can demonstrate learning by each of the following levels: #1 being the lowest and #6 being the highest You do not have to cover all of them in one course or topic Advanced courses should cover the highest sets in Bloom while introductory courses do not need to Each level has a set of suitable verbs to write LOs

  16. Choosing a suitable verb • 1-Knowledge • (Keywords) Define, List, Describe, Find, Identify, Label, Match, Name, Quote, Recall, Recite, Sequence, Tell, Write • Example You will be able to : List the characteristics of …. Question # 6

  17. Choosing a suitable verb • 2-Comprehension • Conclude, Demonstrate, Discuss, Explain, Generalize , Illustrate, Interpret, Paraphrase, Predict, Report, Restate, Review, Summarize, Tell, give examples • Example You will be able to : • Explain briefly merge-in-transit as a logistic model for medium-size business

  18. Choosing a suitable verb • 3-Application • Apply, Change, Choose, Compute, Prepare, Produce, Role-play, Show, Transfer, Use, schedule, sketch, employ illustrate • Example You will be able to : • Choose range of communication skills that can be used in situation x ….

  19. Choosing a suitable verb • 4-Analysis • Break down, make a diagram, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, appraise, illustrate, infer, outline, relate, select, investigate, analyze, calculate, contrast, debate, compare, or criticize. • Example You will be able to : • Differentiate between the needed communication skills in situation x and y ….

  20. Choosing a suitable verb • 5-Synthesis • Compose, Construct, Create, Design, Develop, Integrate, Invent, Make, Organize, Perform, Plan, Produce, Propose, Rewrite, modify, rearrange, plan, prepare • Example You will be able to : • Organize a patient education program that ……..

  21. Choosing a suitable verb • 6-Evaluation • Appraise, Argue, Assess, Choose, Conclude, Critique, Decide, Evaluate, Judge, Justify, Predict, Prioritize, Prove, Rank, Rate, Select, summarize, evaluate, rate • Example You will be able to : • Summarize the advantages of doing …………

  22. Characteristics of Good Learning Outcome • Measurable/Assessable • Clear to the student & instructor • Suitable to the level of the course • Integrated • Real world application • Uses variety of Bloom’s Taxonomy levels

  23. Writing the LOs for When writing LOS of the topic • Match the LOs for the topic and the LOs of the course • You should put one eye on the topic in hand and another on the LOs of course

  24. Help students to focus topic Look at the learning outcomes topic topic What are the important points

  25. Your Tasks • Review the LO for your course • Write LOs for each topic in your course • The students will know what is important from these LOs • Review the assessment way for each LO. • Assessments we are using should be suitable for the course level (not very ambitious)

  26. References • Writing Learning Outcomes, Best Practices, ACRL’s IIL Immersion Summer 2005 • http://www.brookes.ac.uk/services/ocsd/2_learntch/writing_learning_outcomes.html

  27. Questions • Characteristics of Good Learning Outcomes are: • Measurable • Assessable • Achievable • Open Back

  28. Questions • What would be the assessment method(s) to test the students understanding about basic concepts in an Accounting Course • Home Assignment • Quiz • Exam • Presentation • Lab Test Back

  29. Questions • What would be the assessment method(s) that can be used to identify and analyze a marketing strategy for a company. • Home Assignment • Quiz • Exam • Lab Test • Presentation Back

  30. Questions • What would be the assessment method(s) for the following LO: • “Describe Local and Wide Area Networks” • Home Assignment • Quiz • Exam • Lab Test • Presentation Back

  31. Questions • What would be the assessment method(s) for the following LO: • “Use GUI and command line driven operating systems effectively” • Home Assignment • Quiz • Exam • Lab Test • Presentation Back

  32. Questions • What is wrong with the following LO : “Be aware of the hardware components of Local Area Network” • Suggested Correction • “Identify the common hardware components of Local Area Network” Back

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