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Technology Portfolio. Towson University College of Education Integrating Literacy and Technology REED 660 Dr. CarolAnn Stevens By Brenda Stevenson. Reflections. Reflections Class 1. Class 2. May 31
Technology Portfolio Towson University College of Education Integrating Literacy and Technology REED 660 Dr. CarolAnn Stevens By Brenda Stevenson
Reflections Reflections Class 1 Class 2 • May 31 • I really appreciate all the information presented about google documents. I am sure that I will be able to use some of it with my class in the future. Also, I thought that the use of the acrostic as a tool to introduce myself to the class was creative. • re: Standards for Students: BSteve2 Jun 6, 2011 7:24 pmI thought the same thing – more standards. I also wondered if all students at all grade levels are expected to achieve all the standards.
Reflections Class 2 Class 3 Summary: Section Three “As a Nation We Have Done Little to Prepare Our Youth for Reading on the Internet” • re: Section 3BSteve2 Jun 8, 2011 10:28 pmSummary: Section ThreeThis section of the article, “As a Nation We Have Done Little to Prepare Our Youth for Reading on the Internet,” mentioned the new skills needed for reading online. The skills were also mentioned in section two of this article. The author stated that the U.S. reading assessments do not include the online skills in their assessments.This section of the article also stated, since the poor urban schools must meet adequate yearly progress, the teachers spend most of their time with “traditional reading experiences.” Also, the students in these schools have limited internet access at home and school.Lastly, the author stated that little is being done to improve reading online for students in the poor urban and rural schools. QuestionIs anyone trying to do anything to improve internet access for these students? • June 6 • “Refreshing the ISTE Technology Standards”BSteve2 Jun 6, 2011 7:06 pmI agree with your comments about the underprivileged students. Your question prompted me to ask about underprivileged schools. “What provisions are made students in schools that do not or that are unable to provide students with adequate technology?” “Are these students still accountable to measure up to these standards.”
Reflections Class 3 Excel June 7, 2011 Excel • I would like to spend more time learning how to use Microsoft Excel. I appreciate what you said about collecting data and then using it. The idea you provided about the data that teachers record and using the data in various categories to tier grouping was helpful. Also,
New Literacies Article Responses to New Literacy Article re: Section 6BSteve2 Jun 9, 2011 7:24 am I also think that giving struggling students more online access is a great idea in order to see academic progress.Brenda re: Section 1BSteve2 Jun 8, 2011 10:38 pm After reading this section of the article, my question is, “What can we do to make sure that our students are as competent in their online skills as students in other countries, like Japan?”Brenda re: Section 5BSteve2 Jun 8, 2011 10:52 pm As a first grade teacher, I have noticed that my students' skills are limited. However, I give assignments that require internet usage. Therefore, I understand the necessity to teaching students how to analyze information found online.Brenda
Reflections Class 5- Webquests • Web Quest Activity Brenda Stevenson June14Since a WebQuest is a useful tool using the inquiry method for allowing students to search the World Wide Web for information on a particular subject area, I understand and appreciate how this tool is a great way to help my students with various skills. It allows students to work in groups to accomplish certain tasks online.The websites that were helpful in providing the definition of a webquest and process of a webquest were internet4classrooms.com/usingquest.htm and Quest Garden. I also found many webquests. I understand that webquests are useful tools that allow students to search the web and gather information to perform a task.An advantage of using webquest is that gives me a way to monitor my students' work. During the school year, I have several projects for my first graders to complete. However, most of the work on these projects was done by the parents. Also, I think that webquests will be more exciting than completing the projects at home.A disadvantage is that setting up the webquest can be time consuming for teachers and students. Another disadvantage is access to computers at the times needed to work on the webquest. There are several units that I am thinking of for my webquest. They are Life Cycle of an Insect. After being assigned to groups, the students will choose the insect for their webquest. The choices will be ant, butterfly, or ladybug. I am also thinking about a webquest for Parts of a Plant. Thirdly, I am considering a webquest in social studies where my students study different countries. • There are several units that I am thinking of for my webquest. They are Life Cycle of an Insect. After being assigned to groups, the students will choose the insect for their webquest. The choices will be ant, butterfly, or ladybug. I am also thinking about a webquest for Parts of a Plant. Thirdly, I am considering a webquest in social studies where my students study different countries.Brenda
Reflections Wordle Storybird • Wordle June 21 • Wordle could be used as a history review after the unit in history on Maryland. On e of the places mentioned in my history curriculum is Fort McHenry. I created this Wordle to reflect information taught on Fort McHenry. The students would be told to create their own Wordle on Fort McHenry. I could use their Wordle to access their knowledge of Fort McHenry. • I could also have the students create a Wordle at the beginning of the school year to introduce themselves to the class. Students would type words to describe themselves. This would be an “All About Me” Wordle. • Creating a Wordle could be used as an assessment after reading a particular story in class. Students can type key words and characters in the story. • Lastly, I could have students create a Wordle using vocabulary words and their definitions. • Storybird 6/21/11 • Storybird is a great online tool that I would use to encourage my students to write their own stories. • Storybird helps the students to improve their reading skills. It allows them to read their stories as well as other stories. • Story bird could also be used to encourage creativity because it allows students to create their own stories using the pictures. • Storybird could also be used as journal writing. Students could use the pictures to write about an event or experience.
Reflections and Online Tool • Reflections June 21, 2011 Class 7 • Bitstrips • I created a comic strip using Bitstrips. This online tool could be used for journal writing. I attempted to create my own comic strip. I could use this to encourage the students to write about their own feelings in each comic strip. • I could also use this tool to have students create a comic strip on character traits that we discuss in class. They could choose honesty, respectful, caring, or helpful. • My students could also create a carton that tells what they enjoy most about a holiday, like Christmas. • “Learn to use Bitstrips expressions to assign the appropriate emotions to the characters in this comic. Add text to explain the reasons behind these emotions.”
Online Project • Acrostic Poem • Introducing Myself • Brenda Stevenson • Bachelor’s Degree, Baltimore native • Resourceful • Enjoys friends and family • Need a vacation • Day dreamer • Also Masters Degree • Shy • Teacher for 31 years in Christian schools • Enjoys going to church • Visits museums • Enjoys good movies • Not to good with computers, yet • Student • Only a first grade teacher, oldest person in this class • Niece -1
Online Projects Wordle • My Storybird • Hi, • I wrote this on Storybird and thought you might enjoy it. • :) • -B.Stevenson • Take a look:http://storybird.com/books/my-best-friend-i/?token=tk9mc5 • The Storybird team...StorybirdCollaborative storytelling for families & friends
Sight Words Slide Show Presented by Brenda Stevenson Click Button or just wait to begin
Online Project- Google Docs https://spreadsheets0.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?hl=en_US&key=tuLabOkxg5UNhaTXAOI2_Iw&hl=en_US#gid=0
Student Reading Reflection • The clip of the child reading for one minute helped me to access this child’s reading skills. The child decoded the words well. He read the passage with fluency and accuracy. This student is a first grader who read from a second grade basal reader. He read from second grade books the entire school year. I would share with his parents, school administrators, and the second grade teacher that he is capable of reading third grade books.
Reflections on Movie Maker • Reflection on Movie Maker June 23, 2011 • During this class I was taught how to make a movie using Windows Movie Maker. I had to use the video clip that I recorded of one of my students reading for one minute. I learned how to import this clip and pictures into my movie. On Friday, I made my own movie using Windows Movie Maker. • I plan to use Windows Movie Maker this coming school year. I would like to use it allow my students to see themselves as they interact with one another. • The clip of the child reading for one minute helped me to access this child’s reading skills. The child decoded the words well. He read the passage with fluency and accuracy. This student is a first grader who read from a second grade basal reader. He read from second grade books the entire school year. I would share with his parents, school administrators, and the second grade teacher that he is capable of reading third grade books. • Brenda