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ATC. What is ATC? . The ATC Transponder system is sometimes called Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR). It is a secondary radar system designed to automatically give Air Traffic Control (ATC) information. ATC Information . The information obtainable from the system is: - Range & Bearing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ATC

  2. What is ATC? The ATC Transponder system is sometimes called Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR). It is a secondary radar system designed to automatically give Air Traffic Control (ATC) information.

  3. ATC Information • The information obtainable from the system is: - • Range & Bearing • Identity • Altitude SSR Aerial PSR Aerial

  4. ATC System • Mode A – Identity • Mode C – Altitude reporting

  5. ATC Block Diagram


  7. ATC Aerials ATC utilises an L-band aerial mounted on the bottom of the aircraft. Received centre frequency is 1030 MHz. Transmitted centre frequency is 1090 MHz. Transmits an omni-directional vertically polarised signal.

  8. ATC Testing • Check the manual • Remove the Arial • Co-Axial TDR Test • Test the system (ATC-600A)

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