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Learn about manufacturing systems ensuring compliance to environmental regulations in Pakistan through technological solutions and management systems. Discover how the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 and ISO 14001:2004 standards are helping industries reduce their environmental impacts.
Environment Friendly Manufacturing Systems “Manufacturing systems that ensure compliance to the environmental regulations” Pakistan Foundation for the Advancement of Engineering & Technology Tel: +92-42-583-8142 Fax: +92-42-583-89-01Fax: +92-300-8446138 Cell: +92-300-8447138 Cell: +92-345-8447138 Cell: +92-321-8447138Mailto:Managing.Director@pfaet.comhttp://www.pfaet.com , http://www.pfaet.com.pk , http://www.pfaet.org www.pfaet.com
Many of our manufacturing units are • emitting flues (aspects) that are polluting air (impacts) • creating effluents (aspects) that are polluting ground (impacts) • c) throwing solid wastes (aspects) that are polluting localities (impacts) • d) producing hazards (aspects) that are affecting workers (impacts) www.pfaet.com
Answers are to be found at two levels: Introducing Technological Solutions Building Management Systems www.pfaet.com
Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 (PEPA) • Empowers • The Pakistan Environmental Protection Council • The Federal Environmental Protection Agency • and the Provincial Environmental Protection Agencies www.pfaet.com
to enforce • a . Prohibition of certain Discharges or Emissions • b . Initiate Examination and Environmental Impact Assessment • c . Prohibition of Import of Hazardous waste • d . Handling of Hazardous substances • e . Regulation of Motor Vehicles www.pfaet.com
Some1999 National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) • EffluentsEmissions • BOD 5 80 mg/l Smoke 2 mg/nm3 • TD S 150 Particulate 300 • Grease and Oil 10 Chlorine 150 • Phenol compounds 0.1 H2S 10 • Sulphides 1.0 CO 800 • Pesticides 0.15 Mercury 10 • Chromium 1.0 Cu 50 • Lead 0.5 NOX 400 www.pfaet.com
ISO 14001 2004 • Identify the organization’s environmental aspects • Know the legal and other requirements • Examine current environmental management practices • Define the scope of your EMS and boundaries • Perform a ‘gap analysis’ for identifying shortfalls • Establish ‘Responsibilities & Resources • Establish ‘Training line’ www.pfaet.com
ISO 14001 2004 17 Requirements 4.1 Systemic requirements • Document, implement and maintain EMS • Introduce continuous improvement 4.2 Planning requirements • Document, implement and maintain Environmental Policy 4.3 Planning requirements • 4.3.1Document, implement and maintain environmental ‘aspects’ & ‘procedures’ www.pfaet.com
ISO 14001 2004 17 Requirements 4.3.2 Clarify legal and other requirements 4.3.3 Establish environmental ‘objectives’ and ‘targets’ 4.4 Operational requirements 4.4.1 Provide resources for EMS • Establish roles, responsibilities and authorities • Appoint ‘ Management Representative’ www.pfaet.com
ISO 14001 2004 17 Requirements 4.4.2 Deliver training programs and awareness 4.4.3 Establish communication procedures 4.4.4 Document your EMS 4.4.5 Control EMS documents 4.4.6 Control environmentally significant operations 4.4.7 Establish emergency management process www.pfaet.com
ISO 14001 2004 17 Requirements 4.5 Checking requirements 4.5.1 Establish monitoring and measuring 4.5.2Evaluate legal and other compliance 4.5.3 Deal with non conformities 4.5.4 Control environmental records www.pfaet.com
ISO 14001 2004 17 Requirements 4.6 Review requirements 4.6.1 Perform reviews 4.6.2 Assess opportunities for improvement www.pfaet.com
Environmental Policy Top management and all the employees of this Company are committed to fully comply to the legal and other requirements regarding its internal and external environment, through a continuous improvement program, making it transparent to public, customers and authorities. www.pfaet.com
Overall Layout www.pfaet.com
Environmental Hierarchy • Top Management • Management Representative • Environmental Manager • Inspectors • Environmental Auditor www.pfaet.com
Environmental Aspects and Impacts Operations • Power generation Galvanizing • Washings Cleaning • Machining Fitting, welding Painting www.pfaet.com
Environmental Aspects and Impacts Aspects • Emissions Acidic fumes • Detergents, thinner oil and grease mixed in waste water • Metallic cuttings, chippings Paint, oil and grease bearing rags in junk yard www.pfaet.com
Environmental Aspects and Impacts Impacts • Smoke, CO Acidic fumes • Phenols Oil and grease • Hazardous metals picked by rainwater into water streams www.pfaet.com
WRITTEN DOWN RESPONSIBILITIES • Responsibility: FI/EMD/EM • Revision No.1: Page:1 of 1 Issue Date: May 09, 2005 Revision Date • Title : Responsibilities of the Environment Manager (EM) • Department : Environment Management Department • Accountability: The EM is accountable to Management Representative www.pfaet.com
Sample Responsibilities • Executing decisions of the top management. • Devising further action plans for approvals. • Conducting problems recording and analysis • Ensuring compliance to environmental legal and other requirements • Conducting tests and maintaining records • Maintaining documentation and control • Carrying out remedial and corrective measures www.pfaet.com
Allocation of Resources • Office facilities, equipment, staff instruments, and budget allocations Allocation of Authority • Administrative powers, access, measuring, issuing notices, advising and suggesting www.pfaet.com
Maintain Communication • Management Representative • Departments within the Company • Environmental officials Person appointed: Approving authority : www.pfaet.com
WRITTEN PROCEDURES • OFFICE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER No: SOP/CEW/009Rev # 00Issue # 01Date: Page -of- • STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE • Area/Section • Work Station/ Environmental Section www.pfaet.com
Written Procedures • TITLE: Handing of Notices from Environmental Officials • PURPOSE: Disposal of notices arrived from Environmental Officials. • HIERARCHY: (i) Management Representative (ii) Environmental Manager www.pfaet.com
PROCEDURES • Receiving either through post or delivered personally. Registering it with a number and date. Attaching a Routing Slip for its movement, keeping an office copy. www.pfaet.com
PROCEDURES • Informing the immediate senior about it with its implications & deadlines. Seeking decisions regarding defending it, lodging appeal against it, or taking measures for its compliance giving background, facts, financial implications, and related persons. www.pfaet.com
PROCEDURE • Taking actions corresponding to the decisions, issuing instructions to related persons and monitoring progress. • Including its brief in Management Review. • Obtaining relevant official’s Satisfactions Report. www.pfaet.com
RELATED DOCUMENTS • EPA legal and other regulations • Precedents • Notice in question and all followed correspondence Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by www.pfaet.com
Environmental Aspects ImpactsOperation AspectsImpacts Power generation Emissions Smoke Galvanizing Acidic fumes CO Acidic fumes www.pfaet.com
Environmental Aspects ImpactsOperation Aspects Impacts Washings Detergents Phenols Cleaning Thinner Oil Oil and grease and Grease mixed in waste water www.pfaet.com
Environmental Aspects ImpactsOperationAspectsImpacts Machining Metallic cuttings Hazardous Fitting Chippings materials Welding Paint picked by Painting Oil and grease rainwater bearing rags into in junk yard water streams www.pfaet.com
WORK INSTRUCTIONSHow to Recondition Used Paint • Materials Needed • protective gloves • chemical-resistant gloves • chemical splash goggles • glass jar with tight-fitting lid www.pfaet.com
WORK INSTRUCTIONS *Do not recondition used paint thinner in a beverage or other container that may be mistaken for food or drink. *Recondition paint thinner in a well-ventilated area inaccessible to workers. *Keep lids tightly sealed. *Do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages while working with paint thinner. *Recondition paint thinner in an area away from sources of heat, spark, flame or ignition. www.pfaet.com
WORK INSTRUCTIONS *Avoid inhalation of vapors. *If you can smell it, you are breathing in paint thinner vapors, so increase the amount of ventilation in the work area. *If possible, work outdoors. *If working outdoors is not possible, wearing an appropriate respirator is recommended. *Always handle the glass jar containing paint thinner with caution to avoid breakage. www.pfaet.com
Procedures to Recondition Used Paint Thinner • Store the glass container away from sources of heat, spark, flame or ignition for several weeks to months until the paint sludge settles to the bottom. • Carefully pour the clean solvent off the top. This solvent can be reused. www.pfaet.com
Procedures to Recondition Used Paint Thinner • Small amounts of used paint thinner can be poured into oil-based paint or stain of the same tint. Mix the thinned paint or stain for a second coat or another project. • For larger quantities, pour the used paint thinner into a glass container. Fasten the lid tightly. Label the container with the type of paint thinner and the date. Write a clearly visible warning, such as the words "DANGER," and "DO NOT OPEN." www.pfaet.com
Procedures to Handle Paint Thinner Sludge • If possible, save the sludge in the tightly-sealed glass container for a household hazardous waste collection. • If a household hazardous waste collection is not available, remove the lid and allow the remaining paint sludge to dry completely. This option should only be recommended if local air pollution officials approve. www.pfaet.com
Procedures to Handle Paint Thinner Sludge • Do not solidify paint thinner sludge in the house, garage or where there is source of heat, spark, flame or ignition. These sources include water heaters, light switches, pilot lights and motors. Volatile and flammable chemicals can concentrate in an inadequately ventilated room and explode or cause a fire. www.pfaet.com
Procedures to Handle Paint Thinner Sludge • When all of the liquid has evaporated, the hardened sludge may be discarded in the trash destined for the landfill. This option should only be recommended if local solid waste officials approve of this type of waste going to the sanitary landfill. www.pfaet.com
Procedure for storing and handling oil and grease products • Always follow the manufacturers’ instructions for use and disposal. • Ensure that spills from broken containers are cleaned up using absorbent materials. • Which are disposed of correctly. Do not hose them down drains. www.pfaet.com
Procedure for storing and handling oil and grease products • Ensure that spills and drips from handling and transfer activities are cleaned up using. • Absorbent materials which are disposed of correctly. Do not hose them down drains. www.pfaet.com
Empty packages should be disposed of to an appropriate waste-disposal facility. On sites which have reticulated trade waste sewers, ensure that the utility network. www.pfaet.com
Operator will accept any material planned to be disposed of to the sewers. On sites which do not have reticulated trade waste sewers, collect and retain the waste for off-site disposal to an appropriate waste-disposal facility. www.pfaet.com
Site operators should provide training for all site staff in the handling and disposal of these products. www.pfaet.com