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ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A. Cure for the Common Core?. Today’s Agenda Get acquainted (Find Someone Who) Establish Shoulder Partners/Groups Norms for the day Introduction to the Cure Accountable Talk Four Teacher Moves Making Thinking Visible Three Thinking Routines Lots of Practice
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A Cure for the Common Core?
Today’s Agenda • Get acquainted (Find Someone Who) • Establish Shoulder Partners/Groups • Norms for the day • Introduction to the Cure • Accountable Talk • Four Teacher Moves • Making Thinking Visible • Three Thinking Routines • Lots of Practice • Tons of Thinking • Leave with much to think about and perhaps a new perspective in which to approach our transition to common core
First Things First Find Someone Who . . . Shoulder Partners/Groups Norms for the day
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A Cure for the Common Core?
Are you now, or have you recently, experienced any of these symptoms?
Are you tired of simply . . . Would you rather simply unwrap . . .
TRY THIS! Inhale Deeply Hold It Exhale Fully Inhale Deeply Hold It Exhale Fully Inhale Deeply Hold It Exhale Fully TURN TO THE PERSON SITTING NEXT TO YOU AND SAY, “We can do this!” “This is simply the next thing we must learn.” “We have learned many things before.” “We can learn this next.”
AND THAT IS THE secret Cure for the Common Core
Surface of the Common Core Unwrapping Standards Curriculum Mapping Using New Strategies and Best Practices Lesson Development
Working with your shoulder partner Headlines Pretend you are a newspaper editor writing what you know right now about the common core. What would your headline be?
Remember our analogy of the Common Core? What if we were to tell you that the cure for the common core, really lies beneath the surface?
Hidden Curriculum of the Common Core This is what we will be looking at today: the Hidden Curriculum, those pieces that are below the surface. Talk with your partner about what you believe the hidden curriculum is in the Common Core?
OUR GUIDING QUESTION FOR THE DAY How do we teach students to think for the Common Core and FOR life?
TWO THINGS Just 2 things Strategies for talking And Routines for thinking
Break Time!
Talking = Accountable Talk Institute for Learning Thinking = Making Thinking Visible Ritchhart, Church and Morrison
Accountable Talk • 4 Teacher Moves • Things to Say • Moves in Group Discussion • Moves that Support Accountability to the Learning Community • Moves that Support Accountability to Accurate Knowledge • Moves that Support Accountability to Rigorous Thinking • Visible Thinking • 3 Thinking Routines • with 21 Strategies • Things to Do • Routines for Introducing and Exploring • Routines for Synthesizing and Organizing Ideas • Routines for Digging Deeper into Ideas
For a Quick Introduction to Accountable Talk Accountable Talk Sourcebook Read silently: Page 1 and 2 (to the gray box on page 2) Highlight, underline, or annotate as you feel necessary.
ACCOUNTABLE TALK • THINKING ROUTINE • THINK-PUZZLE-EXPLORE • You will need a pen and sticky notes. • What do you think you know about Accountable Talk? • What questions do you have or what puzzles you about the concept of Accountable Talk? • What are some other considerations to explore before putting Accountable Talk into practice? • Page 71
Accountable Talk • 4 Teacher Moves • Things to Say • 1. Moves in Group Discussion • Marking: “That’s an important point.” • Challenge: “What do YOU think?” (turn it back) • Modeling: “Here’s what good readers do.” • Recapping: “What have we discovered?” • 2. Moves that Support Accountability to the Learning Community • Keep channels open: “Did everyone hear that?” • Keep everyone together: “Who can repeat . . . ?” • Linking contribution: “Who wants to add on . . . ?” • Verifying and clarifying: “So, are you saying . . . ?’
3. Moves that Support Accountability to Accurate Knowledge • Pressing for accuracy: “Where can we find that?” • Building on Prior Knowledge: “How does this connect?” • 4. Moves that Support Accountability to Rigorous Thinking • Pressing for reasoning: “Why do you think that?” • Expanding reasoning: “Take your time; say more.”
When do you use accountable talk? ALL THE TIME! Socratic Discussion Groups Class Discussions Science Labs Reviewing Word Walls Graphic Organizers Chalk Talks Teaching Academic Vocabulary Checking Accuracy of Problems Solved Read Alouds Attempting to Solve Problems Discussion of Current Events Gallery Walks Debates of Controversial Issues Exploring Literary Elements Investigating New Ideas
Teaching the Routines for • Talking and Thinking • Management routines prepare students for learning. • Discourse routines orchestrate conversations between teachers and students. • Learning routines focus on topic or content.
Teaching the Routines for Accountable Talk DVD Connect – Extend – Challenge Page 132 Can you connect this to anything you already know from your teaching experience? In work-alike teams, talk among yourselves to extend your thinking about how to use accountable talk in your classroom. Now, discuss the challenges you see may arise in using accountable talk.
Zoom Inpage 71 • Zoom In is one way of introducing a topic using portions of a photograph or picture to draw student thinking out. It uses description, inference and interpretation as an APK at the start of a lesson or to further explore ideas.
Example Zoom In • What do you see? • What does it remind you of?
What new things do you see? • What word or phrase would you use to describe the image?
How does this image change your hypothesis about what is going on? • When, where or what is this piece of art about? Does it remind you of anything?
The Twittering Machine by Paul Klee, 1922 Art does not reproduce the visible, rather it makes visible. Paul Klee
Now that the students can see the whole image, further connections to the material can be made. For example, what did Klee mean by The Twittering Machine? Is it about industrialization? Music? The caged bird? What does “twitter” mean to us today?
Applicable to Math • How is this image applicable to math? • What shape do you see? • Can you equate the shape to any shape or form in the real world?
What other information does this view give you? How do the surfaces give off a mathematical Quality?
Can you tell now what the artist is trying to convey? Does this new information change your perception?
Picasso’s Cubist painting Still Life With Bread Cubism: 20th c. art form in which objects are rendered in geometric shapes. What shapes can you see? What equations can we use to analyze the shapes?
BREAK TIME! Meet in the computer lab after break.
How to Create a Zoom In • Choose your painting or photo • In Microsoft Paint or other editing program crop each piece of the painting, one at a time, and save under a different name (1, 2, 3, etc.) • Create your power point, adding various pieces to the screen where they would naturally fall in the painting to build interest and cognition • Show the final work and discuss further
Cultures of Thinking • http://americanart.si.edu/calendar/lectures/archive/2011/ritchhart/ Ritchhart talk at the Smithsonian Museum – discusses Zoom In and other techniques for engaging and assessing student thinking.
C.S.I. for the CCSS Color, Symbol, Image Page 119 We’ll be using The Gettysburg Address Please read the copy provided. For C.S.I. You will need: The text Blank paper Colored Pencils
C = Color Pick a color you feel represents the core ideas embodied in the Gettysburg Address. Using that color record the color on the left hand side of your paper.
Now, let’s watch it . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvA0J_2ZpIQ S = Symbol Now draw a symbol that you feel represents the core idea of Lincoln’s address.
I = Image Select an image that represents the core idea and sketch it on your paper. • Explain your CSI activity to your shoulder partner. • Listen to your shoulder partner’s explanation of his/her CSI. • Turn and share your CSI activities with your table group.
STEP INSIDE • Page 178 • Set Up: • Think about the text you just read, the video we watched, the words you heard, and the images. Pick a person or thing that was present at Lincoln’s delivery of The Gettysburg Address. You are going to “Step Inside” that perspective. • Ask: • What can this person or thing see, observe, or notice? • What might the person or thing know about, understand, or believe? • What might the person or thing care about? • What might the person or thing wonder about or question? • Share: • In “like” groups. • Then to whole group.
DISCUSSION OF COMMON CORE THE KINDS OF THINKING THE TESTING WILL DEMAND Common Core Standard Reading Informational Texts #9 Exemplars Political Cartoon Chicago Tribune Editorial
Sorting and Connections VIDEO Kindergarten Thinking Keys https://learnweb.harvard.edu/wide/courses/resources/?course_id=822 12th Grade Generate-Sort-Connect On DVD with Making Visible Learning
EXPERT GROUPS with REMAINING ROUTINES You and your partner will read through one of the remaining Routines for Thinking and become the “experts” for that routine. You will then give a quick, quick overview of that Thinking Routine to the whole group.
Headlinespage 111 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMginVgsYPs On the back of your original “Headline”, you and your partner need to rewrite your headline based on what you now know about Common Core – and its Cure.