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opening sequences

opening sequences

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opening sequences

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Opening Sequences Tilly Robertson

  2. What did the opening scenes all have in common? • They all introduce their characters and give a brief introduction as to the key themes of there storyline

  3. Were there any scenes that were particularly different from the others and if so, why do you think this was? • A simple favor was different as it was opening credits and not an opening scene which I think might have worked better for this type of movie.

  4. In your opinion which is the most successful and why? • I think that interstellar was the most successful because it makes you very intrigued as it gives you a brief explanation of what could happen but it doesn’t reveal what will happen.

  5. In your opinion which is the least successful and why? • I think that a simple favor was the least successful as it didn’t give a clear explanation as to what the film is about.

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