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Tuesday, September 2, 2014. If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. Milton Berle. Good Morning!! Follow all morning procedures Complete Morning Work. http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/editing/printables/editing-basketball_WBNRN.pdf. Writing 8:45-9:25.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014 If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. Milton Berle Good Morning!! • Follow all morning procedures • Complete Morning Work http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/editing/printables/editing-basketball_WBNRN.pdf
Writing 8:45-9:25 • Read aloud “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” by Judith Viorsthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnYW6YH_8w4 • Make a T-Chart of our first time/last time memories • Select one memory and write for 10 minutes
Reader’s Workshop 9:25-10:25 Guided Reading 10:25-11:00 POTD • I can be dangerous • I might blow my top • I am part of the Earth • Mount Fuji is one of me • I can be hot • I can be Explosive • I can be found in Hawaii • I can erupt suddenly • I create lava Answer on the next slide
Inferencing: Visual Thinking Strategies Questions: • What's going on in this picture? • What do you see that makes you say that? • What more can we find? Expectations: • Look carefully at works of art • Talk about what you observe • Back up your ideas with evidence • Listen to and consider the views of others • Discuss multiple possible interpretations • http://lamonomagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Girl-with-a-Black-Eye-Norman-Rockwell-1953-947x1024.jpg
Guided/Independent Reading • Play “Incredible Inferences A” with your partner. Match the clues to the inference. http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/c_028c.pdf • Complete the chart in your notebook. (Clues from the text/Prior Knowledge/Inference) • What is the main idea of your book? Give 3 supporting details. Group 1: Javion, Mayah, Xavier, Mustafe
Math 11:00-11:45 Workshop 1:55-2:50 POTD 24 What are all the factors? (make a factor rainbow if you need to…) What are the first 5 Multiples? What are all the possible dimensions?
Multiplication Comparisons • Any two factors and their product can be read as a comparison. • The relationship between quantities is described in terms of how many times larger one is than the other
Multiplier Unknown: • You are given the number in one set and the product. The “multiplier” amount is the part that is unknown. • The multiplier amount tells you how many times bigger (or more) the second set is than the first. "Bigger" can also mean "longer," or "wider," or "taller" in problems involving measurement, or "faster" in problems involving a rate of speed. • In order to answer the question you are being asked, you need to use the inverse operation of multiplication: division. Example: The giraffe is 18 feet tall. The kangaroo is 6 feet tall. The giraffe is how many times taller than the kangaroo? 6 x ? = 18 18 ÷ 6= ?
Multiplier Unknown Example The gorilla in the Los Angeles Zoo is seven feet tall. The giraffe is 21 feet tall. How many times taller than the gorilla is the giraffe? • Taller than tells you that you have a comparison. • Seven feet is the amount in the first set. • 21 feet is the amount in the second set. (Product) • How many times taller than the gorilla is the giraffe? is the question you are being asked. ? X 7 = 21 To solve, divide21by 7. 21 ÷ 7 = ? To solve, divide 21 feet by seven feet.
Product Unknown: • These problems in which you know both the number in one set, and the multiplier are called “Product Unknown” comparisons, because the total is the part that is unknown. • In order to answer the question you are being asked, you need to multiply the number in the set by the multiplier to find the product Example: The giraffe in the zoo is 3 times as tall as the kangaroo. The kangaroo is 6 feet tall. How tall is the giraffe? 6 x 3= ?___
Product Unknown Example Mary is saving up money to go on a trip. This month, she saved three times as much money as she saved last month. Last month, she saved $24.00. How much money did Mary save this month? • As much as tells you that you have a comparison. • Three times is the multiplier. • $24.00 is the amount in the first set. • How much money did Mary save this month? is the question you are being asked. • To solve, multiply $24.00 x 3.
Set Size Unknown: • You are given the multiplier and the product. The set size is unknown • You can solve by using the inverse operation of multiplication: Division Example: The giraffe is 18 feet tall. She is 3 times as tall as the kangaroo. How tall is the kangaroo? ? x 3= 18 18 ÷ 3= ?
Set Size Unknown Example Jeff read 12 books during the month of August. He read four times as many books as Paul. How many books did Paul read? • As many as tells you that you have a comparison. • Four times is the multiplier. • 12 books is the amount in the second set. (Product) • How many books did Paul read? is the question you are being asked. ? X 4 = 12 To solve, divide 12 by 4. 12 ÷ 4 = 3
Math Workshop(to be completed all week) • You are going to create an advertisement for gourmet chocolate. • One box has 18 pieces of chocolate and the other has 36 pieces of chocolate. What are all the different ways to arrange 18 pieces? 36 pieces? Illustrate (arrays) and explain which arrange works best. • On a blank piece of paper create a flyer advertising your gourmet boxes of chocolates. Include the price on your advertisement.
Inquiry 2:50-3:45 Engage: Lesson review pg. 176 Questions 1-4 • How is state government organized in North Carolina? • Three branches: executive, legislative and judicial • How are the words bills and veto related? • The governor can veto a bill passed by the General Assembly • Who leads the executive branch? • The governor • What are two services that county governments provide? • Road care, public schools, elections
Explore: Take notes on a Prezi presentation on rights and responsibilities of NC citizens. http://prezi.com/vii6rknz5k0g/rights-and-responsibilities-of-nc-citizens/ • Explain: (turn and talk) • Discuss the differences between rights and responsibilities of NC citizens. • Discuss why it is important to have rights and responsibilities stated in the Constitution. • Complete a Venn Diagram on rights and responsibilities. Expand: Brain Pop Jr. video on rights and responsibilities. http://www.brainpopjr.com/socialstudies/citizenship/rightsandresponsibilities/
The Preamble How does the preamble of the NC constitution address our rights and responsibilities as citizens?http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/legislation/constitution/ncconstitution.html PREAMBLE We, the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity, do, for the more certain security thereof and for the better government of this State, ordain and establish this Constitution Writtenresponse: rewrite the preamble in your own words.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014 With confidence, you have won before you have started. Marcus Garvey Good Morning!! • Follow all morning procedures • Complete Morning Work http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/editing/printables/editing-beach_WBNRR.pdf
Writing 8:45-9:25 • Read aloud “Those ShoesMaribethBoelts” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4Bwre2HELA • List 5 pieces of clothing that have special memories and write a short sentence memory about the clothing. • Select one memory and write for 10 minutes.
Reader’s Workshop 9:25-10:25 Guided Reading 10:25-11:00 POTD • Humans and animals have me • I’m your body’s hardest part • You see me when you smile • You get 2 sets of me • Sometimes I wear braces • You use me to chew food • Kids have 20, adults have 32 • I am in your mouth • I’m a molar, canine or incisor Answer on the next slide
Inferencing: Visual Thinking Strategies Questions: • What's going on in this picture? • What do you see that makes you say that? • What more can we find? Expectations: • Look carefully at works of art • Talk about what you observe • Back up your ideas with evidence • Listen to and consider the views of others • Discuss multiple possible interpretations • http://www.wggb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/norman-rockwell-the-runaway.jpg
Guided/Independent Reading • Play “Incredible Inferences B” with your partner. Complete the chart in your notebook. http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/c_028c.pdf • (Clues from the text/Prior Knowledge/Inference) • Rate your book and give a book recommendation. Group 2 :Maurio, Aaron, Angel Group 3: Rogelio, Mekhi, Francisco, Erika, Travis
Math 11:00-11:45 Workshop 1:55-2:50 POTD 48 students will join the field trip to Avilon Zoo. Several tour guides are assigned to a group of equal number of students. The Head Tour Guide thought of grouping the students in groups of 3’s, 4’s, 6’s, 7’s and 9’s. • Are all the groupings possible? • Explain your answer. • Are there other ways to group the students? Show complete solution.
Identify the Unknown Stacy and Vicky both collect stickers. Vicky has seven times as many stickers as Stacy. If Vicky has 63 stickers, how many stickers does Stacy have? • What two parts are known? • What is unknown? • Explain. • Solve.
Identify the Unknown Scott is 10 years old. His little sister, Kate, is only two years old. How many times older than Kate is Scott? • What two parts are known? • What is unknown? • Explain. • Solve.
Identify the Unknown Jennifer can solve three multiplication problems in one minute. Peter can solve multiplication problems four times as fast as Jennifer. How many multiplication problems can Peter solve in one minute? • What two parts are known? • What is unknown? • Explain. • Solve.
Independent Practice Sylvia lives 48 miles away from Washington Elementary School. Jessica lives six miles away from the same school. How many times as far from the school does Sylvia live compared to Jessica? Joe drew 32 pictures in his sketch book. He drew four times as many pictures as Kevin. How many pictures did Kevin draw? Corina drank five sodas at the party on Saturday. Her brother, Oscar, drank two times as many. How many sodas did Oscar drink?
Math Workshop(to be completed all week) • You are going to create an advertisement for gourmet chocolate. • One box has 18 pieces of chocolate and the other has 36 pieces of chocolate. What are all the different ways to arrange 18 pieces? 36 pieces? Illustrate (arrays) and explain which arrange works best. • On a blank piece of paper create a flyer advertising your gourmet boxes of chocolates. Include the price on your advertisement. Small groups to review quiz mistakes.
Inquiry 2:50-3:45This will be completed over the next two days • Engage: Watch Brain Pop video on “Bill of Rights” http://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/usgovernmentandlaw/billofrights/preview.weml • SW complete quiz and game
ELABORATION: Some of our rights 1. Life, Liberty, Happiness 2. Freedom of speech 3. Freedom of religion 4. Right to own property 5. Other basic rights 6. Voting 7. Holding public office 8. Right to an education Some of our responsibilities 1.Support and defend the constitution 2.Teach it and talk about it to others 3.Elect people that will withhold their oath to defend it 4.Stay informed of the issues affecting your community by: watching the news or reading the newspaper, etc. How do you think that people stay informed about what’s going on? 5.Participate in the democratic process – Vote Does anyone know at what age they can vote? 6.Weigh your options, make an informed decision, vote based on this decision 7.Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws 8.Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others What does this mean? 9.Respect all people, their way of life, and their opinions, even if you do not agree with it. Respect others and their differences. People might be different from you but that does not mean that they are wrong or not as important. 10.Participate in your local community 11.Community service What are some examples of community service? 12.Pay income and other taxes honestly and on time, to federal, state, and local authorities 13.Serve on a jury when called for duty 14.Defend the country if needed - join the military Write about a responsibility for each right or vice versa. Which is most important and Why? Which 3 responsibilities are you doing?
Assignments: • Create a vocab flip chart for the following words: • public office • jury • political party • candidate • volunteer • amendment • bill of rights • constitution • Suffrage • Early Finishers: Imagine that you are running for public office for Charlotte. List the duties of the office that you are running for, and write a speech to persuade voters to elect you.
Thursday, September 4, 2014 Good Morning!! • Follow all morning procedures • Complete Morning Work My life is my message.Mahatma Gandhi http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/editing/printables/editing-camping_WBNRT.pdf
Writing 8:45-9:25 • Read aloud “Have you Filled a Bucket Today? “ by Carol McCloud http://youtu.be/CIftjwDkztw) • Work in groups and brainstorm ways to be a bucket filler and dipper at school. Write ideas on post-it notes and place on our class bucket. • Write additional positive notes for classmates to read when we’re feeling down. Place them in the class bucket.
Reader’s Workshop 9:25-10:25 Guided Reading 10:25-11:00 POTD I hear screaming. My stomach feels funny. Can you see my hair blowing? I’m feeling excited! Can you infer where I am and what I am doing? Answer on the next slide
Inferencing: Visual Thinking Strategies Questions: • What's going on in this picture? • What do you see that makes you say that? • What more can we find? Expectations: • Look carefully at works of art • Talk about what you observe • Back up your ideas with evidence • Listen to and consider the views of others • Discuss multiple possible interpretations • http://doubletakeart.com/images/00474-11048_large.gif
Guided/Independent Reading Group 5: Kary, Eric, Yona, Montaisha • Complete Inferencing Mini #1 • Use the cover of your book and make an inference. • Give 3 clues to support inference
Math 11:00-11:45 Workshop 1:55-2:50 POTD Nathan listed down the first 5 common multiples of 8 and 4. (common multiples are the multiples that they both have.) First 5 COMMON multiples of 8 and 4 are: 8, 16, 20, 24, 32 Did he list down the correct multiples? Justify your answer.
Homework Review 1. Ben is three years old. His brother is four times older. How old is his brother? Equation _________________ Answer _____________ 2. Anna’s dad is 40. He is eight times her age. How old is Anna? Equation _________________ Answer _____________ 3. Jose’s puppy joined the family 3 months ago. His older dog has been with the family five times that long. How long has the older dog been with the family? Equation _________________ Answer _____________ 4. Our class has recess for 15 minutes each day. The first graders have recess four times longer. How long do they have recess? Equation _________________ Answer _____________ 5. Sally washes her hands for 10 seconds before lunchtime. I wash my hands 5 times longer. How long do I wash my hands? Equation _________________ Answer _____________ 6. Rene has six times more baseball cards than Joey. If Joey has 4 cards, how many does Rene have? Equation _________________ Answer _____________ 7. I collected 5 times as many pieces of candy from the piñata as Jolie. If she collected 7, how many did I get? Equation _________________ Answer _____________ 8. Caleb takes six times longer to clean his room than it takes his friend, John. If it takes John ten minutes, how long does it take Caleb? Equation _________________ Answer _____________
Guided/Independent Multiplicative Comparison 1. A red umbrella costs $8.00. A green umbrella costs 3 times as much as the red umbrella. How much does the green umbrella cost? 2. A rubber band is 6 cm long. How long will the rubber band be if it is stretched to be 3 times as long? 3. The giraffe in the zoo is 4 times as tall as the gorilla. The gorilla is 4 feet tall. How tall is the giraffe? 4. Tom has 8 baseball cards. Jorge has 6 times as many cards. How many baseball cards does Jorge have? 5. Lisa has four CDs, Cynthia has three times as many as Lisa, and Megan has half as many as Lisa. How many CDs do Cynthia and Megan have? 6. A factory has 4 times as many workers as a grocery store. The grocery store has 8 workers. How many workers does the factory have? 7. Sam picked 7 apples. Lucy picked 6 times as many apples as Sam. How many apples did Lucy pick? 8. Paula has 20 coins in her coin collection. Tony has 5 times as many coins as Paula. How many coins does Tony have? 9. This month Peter saved 4 times as much money as last month. Last month he saved $8. How much money did Peter save this month?
Math Workshop • Complete Gourmet Candy Project • Review Factors/Multiples Prime/Composite
Inquiry 2:50-3:45Day 2 • Engage: Watch Brain Pop video on “Bill of Rights” http://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/usgovernmentandlaw/billofrights/preview.weml • SW complete quiz and game
ELABORATION: Some of our rights 1. Life, Liberty, Happiness 2. Freedom of speech 3. Freedom of religion 4. Right to own property 5. Other basic rights 6. Voting 7. Holding public office 8. Right to an education Some of our responsibilities 1.Support and defend the constitution 2.Teach it and talk about it to others 3.Elect people that will withhold their oath to defend it 4.Stay informed of the issues affecting your community by: watching the news or reading the newspaper, etc. How do you think that people stay informed about what’s going on? 5.Participate in the democratic process – Vote Does anyone know at what age they can vote? 6.Weigh your options, make an informed decision, vote based on this decision 7.Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws 8.Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others What does this mean? 9.Respect all people, their way of life, and their opinions, even if you do not agree with it. Respect others and their differences. People might be different from you but that does not mean that they are wrong or not as important. 10.Participate in your local community 11.Community service What are some examples of community service? 12.Pay income and other taxes honestly and on time, to federal, state, and local authorities 13.Serve on a jury when called for duty 14.Defend the country if needed - join the military Write about a responsibility for each right or vice versa. Which is most important and Why? Which 3 responsibilities are you doing?
Assignments: • Create a vocab flip chart for the following words: • public office • jury • political party • candidate • volunteer • amendment • bill of rights • constitution • Suffrage • Early Finishers: Imagine that you are running for public office for Charlotte. List the duties of the office that you are running for, and write a speech to persuade voters to elect you.
Friday, September 5, 2014 You have to dream before your dreams can come true. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Good Morning!! • Follow all morning procedures • Complete Morning Work http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/editing/printables/editing-candy-shop_WBNRW.pdf