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This good practice showcases a model of multi-actor collaboration for an effective and efficient social protection system. It involves a re-engineering process, electronic data exchange, and the use of modern technologies to reduce administrative burden and improve services for citizens and companies.
A model for multi-actor collaboration foran effective and efficient social protection systemFrank Robben & Jean-Marc VandenberghCrossroads Bank for Social Security (CBSS) Belgium ISSA Regional Social Security Forum for Europe 14–16 May 2019 | Baku, Azerbaijan
Summary of the good practice (1/2) • thanks to a huge business process re-engineering between 3.000 actors in the Belgian social sector • a maximum number of social benefits and subsidiary rights are automatically granted without citizens or their employers having to make declarations anymore • the administrative burden for citizens and companies has been drastically reduced • based on a common and concerted vision, the actors in the Belgian social sector benefit from the new technologies to improve and re-organize radically their mutual relationships and processes
Summary of the good practice (2/2) • the electronic data exchange amongst the actors in the social sector and between those actors and the companies and citizens • takes place by way of an integrated functional and technical interoperability platform • which complies with strict security standards • and is based on modern technologies such as • service and object orientation • component-based development • multi-channel service provision • open standards • reutilization • cloud computing • ICT synergies within social security institutions
Challenges addressed and main objectives (1/2) • effective social protection • promoting social inclusion, a.o. by automatically granting benefits • integrated services across government levels, public services and private bodies • delivered at key life events (birth, going to school, starting to work, moving, illness, retirement, starting up a company…) • addressing citizens’ individual situation, personalized and user oriented
Challenges addressed and main objectives (2/2) • self-service, multichannel, user friendly (online, mobile…) • minimal costs and minimal administrative burden for all parties involved • reliable, secure and permanently available services • protectingusers’ privacy • appropriate policy support • avoidingand fighting against fraud
Innovative approaches and measures taken (1/2) • secure network for electronic information exchange between all 3,000 social sector actors, employers and citizens • process optimization resulting in electronic services form application to application, for all 3.000 social sector actors, employers and citizens • unique identification key for every citizen and company • clear assignments in and outside the social security sector on data collection, validation, information management and electronic storage in authentic data sources • data warehouse with statistical information on social security and labourmarket
Innovative approaches and measures taken (2/2) • integrated portal website (www.socialsecurity.be) containing • electronic transactions for citizens, employers and professionals • simulation environments • information about the social security system • a harmonized information model and instructions • a personalized view for each citizen, company and professional • use of online as a preferred channel for communicating with citizens, including personalized electronic transactions (www.socialsecurity.be/citizen) such as student@work, interim@work, horeca@work. • multimodal contact centreand CRM tool for end user support
Impact and evaluation of results • saving > 1 billion EUR annually for employers • turning 800 paper forms into 220 electronic processes • > 1,1 billion electronic messages are exchanged annually between social security actors => all direct or indirect paper-based information exchanges between social security actors have (nearly) been abolished • 50 social security declaration forms for employers have been abolished; 30 remaining declaration forms went fully electronic while reducing the number of fields to one third • 220,000 employers make >25,000,000 electronic declarations annually, 98 % of which fully automated, directly from their internal HR applications
Impact and evaluation of results: efficiency gains • servicesare delivered at a lower total cost, due to • single information collection, common information model & administrative instructions • electronic information exchange instead of re-encoding • functional task sharing on information management, data validation and application development • less administrative burden • more services are delivered: available anytime, anywhere on several devices, with integrated delivery following the users’ logic • servicesare delivered faster: benefits are allocated sooner as information is available faster, with less waiting and travel time, and direct interaction with real-time feedback between users and social security institutions
Impact and evaluation of results: effectiveness gains • higher service qualitystandard at equal cost, in equal time • new types of services • automation of benefit grants • active take-up monitoring using data warehousing • personalized information management • better policy support • increased capability for fighting social fraud • better inclusion through automatic grants of conditional benefits
Conclusion and lessons learnt (1/5) • common vision, trust and co-operation • common vision on electronic service delivery, information management and information security between all stakeholders • long term vision combined with continuous delivery of new services • trust of all stakeholders based on mutual respect, mutual agreement, transparency • support of and access to policymakers at the highest level • focus on more efficient and effective service delivery and on cost control • reasoningin terms of added value for citizens and companies rather than in terms of legal competences • respectfor legal segregation of competences between actors • co-operationbased on task sharing, rather than centralization • continuous detection of synergy opportunities
Conclusion and lessons learnt (2/5) • appropriate corporate culture • from hierarchy to participation, communitiesand team work • meeting the needs of the customer, not the government or the social security institutions • empowering rather than serving • rewarding entrepreneurship • ex post evaluation on output, not ex ante control of every input • appropriate balance between efficiency on the one hand and information security and privacy protection on the other • adaptabilityto an ever changing societal and legal environment • sufficientfinancial means for permanent change and innovation: agreed possibility to re-invest efficiency gains in innovation
Conclusion and lessons learnt (3/5) • solid ICT architecture and permanent innovation • service oriented architecture • common hybrid cloud services for all actors, combining • public cloud, for non sensitive information and applications • with a community cloud designed and managed by the public sector • initiative of all actors to share ICT infrastructure, platforms, applications and expertise in order to reduce costs, increase reliability and speed up time to market • technology watch • latest subjects of investigation are blockchain , chatboxes, artificial intelligence in the social sector • CBSS follows the evolution of laws and the politics in the fields of social security, new technologies, and cyber security, and is recognized as pioneer in law making on new technologies and in implementing new projects based on these technologies
Conclusion and lessons learnt (4/5) • avoiding loss of confidence due to information security incidents • security, availability, integrity and confidentiality of information is ensured by integrated structural, institutional, organizational, legal (GDPR), HR, technical and other security measures according to agreed policies • access authorization to personal information is granted by an independent Information Security Comittee, designated by Parliament, after having checked whether the access conditions are met • the access authorizations are public • every actual electronic exchange of personal information has to pass an independent trusted third party (TTP) and is preventively checked on compliance with the existing access authorizations by that TTP • every actual electronic exchange of personal information is logged, to be able to trace possible abuse afterwards
Conclusion and lessons learnt (5/5) • designating an institution that acts as a driving force is useful • multidisciplinary approach • businessprocess re-engineering within and across actors • enablingall social security actors to use and offer effective and efficient electronic services in the best conditions • beinga mediator and enabler setting out a long term roadmap for e-services • proactivelylooking for opportunities in technology and innovation to benefit citizens and enterprises • ensuringcontinuous delivery of shared ICT services and the retention of crucial skills • programand project management • co-operative governance