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The William Allen White Children’s Book Awards

The William Allen White Children’s Book Awards. “ bringing authors, books and children together ” Celebrating 60 years . 2013-2014 Master lists. Grades 3 to 5.

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The William Allen White Children’s Book Awards

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The William Allen White Children’s Book Awards “bringing authors, books and children together” Celebrating 60 years 2013-2014 Master lists

  2. Grades 3 to 5

  3. America is Under Attack:September 11, 2011: The Day the Towers Fell by Don BrownPublished by Flash Point, an imprint of Roaring Brook Press and MacMillan Children’s Publishing Group

  4. Balloons over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy’s Paradeby Melissa SweetArt by Melissa SweetReproduced by permission of Houghton Mifflin

  5. Breaking Stalin’s Noseby Eugene YelchinPublished by Henry Holt Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group

  6. Close to FamousbyJoan BauerReprinted by permission of Viking

  7. The Summer of Hammers and Angelsby Shannon WiersbitzkyReprinted by permission of namelos llc.

  8. Tuesdays at the Castleby JessicaGeorgeReprinted by permission of Bloomsbury Books

  9. True…Sort ofbyKatherine HanniganGreenwillow Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers

  10. Wonderstruck:A Novel in Words and PicturesbyBrian SelznickScholastic Press

  11. Grades 6 to 8

  12. BluefishbyPat SchmatzReproduced by permission of the publisher, Candlewick Press, Somerville, MA

  13. Dead End in Norveltby Jack GantosPublished by Farrar Straus Giroux Books for Young Readers, in imprint of Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group

  14. Dragon CastlebyJoseph BruchacReprinted by permission of Dial Books

  15. Drawing from MemorybyAlan SayScholastic Press

  16. HiddenbyHelen FrostPublished by Farrar Straus Giroux Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group

  17. Okay for NowbyGary SchmidtReprinted by permission of Clarion Books

  18. The Running DreambyWendelin Van DraanenPublished by Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books

  19. The Silver BowlbyDiane StanleyHarperCollins Children’s Books, a division of HarperCollins Publishers

  20. Small as an ElephantbyJennifer Richard JacobsonReproduced by permission of the publisher, Candlewick Press,Somerville, MA

  21. Take Me to the RiverbyWill HobbsHarperCollins Children’s Books, a division of HarperCollins Publishers

  22. Input from the field…

  23. How could the celebration be enhanced if more funding were available?

  24. How important is it to students that the authors be present at the celebration?

  25. Other questions and/or comments…

  26. Thank you!Your input is invaluable to this program’s viability.jsherida@emporia.eduwawselect@sbcglobal.net

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