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Donna Macopson. Alysa Jones. 4Dames 2009. Paula Davis. Kathy Tuttle. 28018. Wordle Link. 28018. Types of Intelligence Used. Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Spatial Bodily Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist. Social Studies and Language Arts. Social Studies - SCOS.
Donna Macopson Alysa Jones 4Dames 2009 Paula Davis Kathy Tuttle
Types of Intelligence Used Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Spatial Bodily Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist
Social Studies - SCOS Kindergarten Goal 3: The learner will recognize and understand the concept of change in various settings. 3rd Grade Goal 3 The learner will examine how individuals can initiate change in families, neighborhoods, and communities. Goal 7 -Objective 7.01 Identify the deeds of local and global leaders. 4th Grade Goal 3 Objective 3.02 Identify people, symbols, events, and documents associated with North Carolina's history. Goal 4 Objective 4.05 Identify and assess the role of prominent persons in North Carolina, past and present. 5th Grade Goal 4 The learner will trace key developments in United States history and describe their impact on the land and people of the nation and its neighboring countries.
Language Arts- SCOS Kindergarten Goal 1 The learner will develop and apply enabling strategies to read and write. Goal 3 The learner will make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology. Goal 4 The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts. 3rd Grade Goal 1 The learner will apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write. Goal 3 The learner will make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology. Goal 4 The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts. 4th Grade Goal 1 The learner will apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write. Goal 3 The learner will make connections with text through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology. Goal 4 The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts. 5th Grade Goal 1 The learner will apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write. Goal 3 The learner will make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology. Goal 5 The learner will apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively.
Social Studies and Language Arts Projects Oral History Project Students will be required to interview and record the stories of three different individuals from the community. Students will be asked to record the three stories that they feel are the most significant to the culture of the Bostic community. The method of recording will be determined by student preference. Advertisement/Commercial Project Students will create a commercial to advertise a special place, idea or person from the Bostic community.
Social Studies and Language Arts Projects Students will create a historical fact book Students will be free to design historical fact books in the way in which they feel most appropriate. All fact books should include, a minimum of ten facts. Kindergarten students will be asked to draw pictures of their facts. Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 will be required to include paragraph descriptions with each fact. Students will create a timeline Timeline may include, but is not limited to Bostic’s history, President Lincoln’s life, Washburn Store, or the Bostic Train Yard. Depending on the grade of students, the timeline’s length and detail may be adapted.
North Carolina Standard Course of Study MATHEMATICS :: Grade K 3.01 Identify, build, draw, and name triangles, rectangles, and circles; identify, build, and name spheres and cubes. GRADE 3 3.01 Use appropriate vocabulary to compare, describe, and classify two- and three-dimensional figures. GRADE 4 2.01 Develop strategies to determine the area of rectangles and the perimeter of plane figures.
Mathematics Activities For Kindergarten • Identify and name triangles, rectangles, and circles at field study location. • Build shapes using any material available at the field study location. • Create a booklet that you will present to the class. Use as many different types of shapes as possible.
Mathematics Activities For Grade 3 • Make a list of all three dimensional figures at field study location . • Make a graphic organizer comparing and contrastingthree-dimensional figures using their properties . Use you imagination when completing the graphic organizer.
Mathematics Activities For Grade 4 • Locate rectangles and plane figures at the study location. • Use what you know to determine the area of rectangles and the perimeter of plane figures. • Complete a project of your choice.
Art Activity Objectives Kindergarten 1.10 Illustrate poems, stories and rhymes 2.09 Render own thoughts and feelings visually. 5.05 Recognize that human beings create art to tell a story about their ideas and lives without words Third Grade 4.02 Use knowledge and imagination to interpret environments. 5.02 Differentiate between decorative and functional purpose in one's own artwork. Fourth Grade 7.01 Recognize that in a particular place or time, shared beliefs or knowledge will affect the ideas, issues or themes in all disciplines. Fifth Grade 1.01 Use the imagination as a source for symbolic expression. 3.01 Recognize and apply the elements of art in an aesthetic composition.
Activity 1: Bio-Quilt of Abraham Lincoln Students will select an interesting fact, famous person, or special event in the life of Abraham Lincoln and illustrate it on an 10” x 10” piece of paper. With a fine point permanent fabric marker, they will draw the illustration on a quilt square. They will use medium-point colored markers to fill in. The quilt squares will be sewn together and displayed in the school library. Activity 2: Illustrating Descriptive Writing Students will select a passage in a biography of Abraham Lincoln that describes Lincoln’s childhood home. The students will use each detail to illustrate where Lincoln and his family lived.
Science Science Science Science
NCSCOS Kindergarten – Objectives 3.01 Observe and describe the properties of different kinds of objects (clay, wood, cloth, paper, other) and how they are used. 3rd Grade – Objectives1.02 Observe and describe how environmental conditions determine how well plants survive and grow in a particular environment. 4th Grade – Objectives 2.05 Discuss and communicate the uses of rocks and minerals. 5th Grade – Objectives 1.04 Discuss and determine the role of light, temperature, and soil composition in an ecosystem's capacity to support life. Identify and analyze the functions of organisms within the population of the ecosystem. Objective s 4.07 Determine how people use simple machines to solve problems Students will investigate the progression of tool use and development of tools and machines over time. .
Kindergarten Students will • Sort objects found at the site by: • Size • Color • Texture • Graph object • Leaf rubbings • Compare/Contrast • Write/draw about findings
Third Grade Students will • Observe plant life and write about surroundings • Explore how the plants are growing (leaning in a specific • direction) • Compare/contrast plants if they were grown in another region. (dessert/North Pole…..)
Fourth Grade students will • Explore the rocks at the site and record findings • Investigate rocks in other parts of the state/country • Use eNature.com • Build structures using rocks and journal process • Use a flow map to plot results
Fifth Grade students will • Activity 1 • Research and build a ecosystem that will maintain all life forms in the local setting • See ecosystem
Activity 2. Students will make a record (written or photographed) of the biotic and abiotic factors in the ecosystem. They will explain the function of each and its contribution to the ecosystem. The students will predict what the effects would be if the factors were diminished or eliminated.
Activity 3: Students will research the progression of tools used in one of the following areas: transportation, communication, or industry, and prepare a presentation for the class. Resources: Personal interview, Internet, textbook, magazines Forms of Presentation: PowerPoint, poster, illustrated timeline, display, mural
Students will be encouraged to use technology in the presentation of all projects. Potential resources include: Promethium Board, SMARTBoard, PowerPoint, digital camera, ReadWriteThink.org, mywebspiration.com and bubbl.us, eNature.com, soundzabound.com, etc.
Works Cited • Photos collected by 4dames • ReadWriteThink.org • mywebspiration.com • bubbl.us • eNature.com • soundzabound.com • wordle.net