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Written by Anna Cornelia Fahey CMC 200 26 March 2013 George M. Bush aka Courtney Banker

French and Feminine: Hegemonic Masculinity and the Emasculation of John Kerry in the 2004 Presidential Race . Written by Anna Cornelia Fahey CMC 200 26 March 2013 George M. Bush aka Courtney Banker. Huntin ’ Shite. Anna Cornelia Fahey. That dog don’t hunt neither

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Written by Anna Cornelia Fahey CMC 200 26 March 2013 George M. Bush aka Courtney Banker

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  1. French and Feminine: Hegemonic Masculinity and the Emasculation of John Kerry in the 2004 Presidential Race Written by Anna Cornelia Fahey CMC 200 26 March 2013 George M. Bush aka Courtney Banker

  2. Huntin’ Shite

  3. Anna Cornelia Fahey • That dog don’t hunt neither • Crunchy north-westerner (Seattle) • MA in political communication from University of Washington, Seattle • Works for a company whose motto is ‘News & Views for a Sustainable Northwest’ http://daily.sightline.org/author/anna-fahey/

  4. John Kerry • Democrat • Senator from Massachusetts • Yale University ‘66 • Boston College Law School • Learned French • Vietnam War Vet • Vietnam Veterans Against the War http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kerry#Personal_life_and_background

  5. George W. Bush • Republican • Yale University ‘68 • Harvard School of Business • Governor of Texas • Led the War on Terror • Great American Man http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush

  6. The Big Five • Topic: hegemonic masculinity • Focus: political campaigns • Method(s): textual analysis and discourse analysis • Target of Analysis: “a short video produced by the Republican National Committee for the national convention and an advertising campaign issued by the National Rifle Association in support of conservative candidates, including George W. Bush” (Fahey 2007, 133) • Goals: Uncover the “coded discourse that permeates political communications in the United States and…indicate the ways in which strategic political messages are often echoed to a significant degree in media commentary” (Fahey 2007, 133)

  7. What is manly in America? • “Specifically, while gender and power relationships are constantly in flux and vary across time and space, Trujillo (1991) suggests that scholars of gender ideology have identified five key features or characteristics of hegemonic masculinity observed in American culture: physical force and control, occupational achievement, familial patriarchy, frontiersmanship, andheterosexuality” (Fahey 2007, 134).

  8. What is French? • Robin Williams http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tc78yPv_ztM

  9. Frenchified Johnny Boy • “Put simply, this Frenchification of Kerry helped both to preserve established hierarchies of power based on gender and to maintain politics in this country and in the world as a patriarchal system. It also feminized and thereby devalued dissent in times of war” (Fahey 2007, 133). • “Ultimately, Kerry was characterized as France’s lapdog; indeed, he was presented as a French poodle” (Fahey 2007, 133). • “Kerry became a bitch that does not hunt” (Fahey 2007, 144).

  10. Thank You Fox News • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U86WBGc5VHU • How did we screw Kerry over?

  11. Thank You NRA

  12. We made Kerry un-American! • Why French? • Why is this type of campaigning dangerous? • Politics are political, but not because of the policies • What does this mean for females in America? • Hilary Clinton vs. Sarah Palin • Has masculinity changed since 2004? • Obama vs. Romney

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