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Portfolio Project Proposals Template & Guidelines. Communications Experiment | 2019. A theory of change. Read about our theory of change and our strategy for 2019 - 2022 here: Transformation, in Time. A portfolio approach to systems change.
Portfolio Project Proposals Template & Guidelines Communications Experiment | 2019
A theory of change Read about our theory of change and our strategy for 2019 - 2022 here: Transformation, in Time
A portfolio approach to systems change EIT Climate-KIC has adopted a portfolio approach to systems innovation and systemic change. We are putting together a portfolio. . . . . . of deliberately diverse and strategic innovation experiments . . . designed to accelerate transition to a zero emissions society in time to limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees (‘Transformation, in Time’) . . . by testing for the most effective pathways to the decarbonisation and resilience outcomes we want to see in the world…and generating learning to feed back into our portfolio selection process.
What outcomes? Guided by our theory of change for achieving ‘transformation, in time’ (and a prosperous, inclusive, climate-resilient society founded on a circular zero-carbon economy). . . . . . we are working for radical changes in four interrelated systems:cities, land-use, industry, finance . . . . . . byfocusingthe resources of our community on twelve interconnected innovation impact goals (‘systems within systems’) . . . . . . using broad-based systems innovation as a key tool. . . . . . within the (aforementioned) portfolio approach.
12 Impact Goals covering 4 Areas of Impact FINANCE CITIES MATERIALS LAND-USE
How do systems change? Systems are made up of many interacting forces, or 'drivers of change’. They tend to shift when there are simultaneous changes across many of these factors – as we have seen in the energy system, where there have been reinforcing changes in technology, policy, regulation, perceptions, business models and other factors.
Our projects work together to achieve change We design our portfolio to put simultaneous pressure on many different drivers of change across all impact goal areas. Drivers of systems change include: finance, skills, technology, business models, behaviour, perception, knowledge, policy, regulation & production systems. Different impact goals will be unlocked by different combinations of pressure. In many cases, the technological solutions already exist (e.g. to increase retrofit rates), but progress is blocked by regulation or financial models.
Inputs Helping the people in our community influence drivers of change in areas they care about, through the many types of inputs we have developed over the last eight years, is how we help them deliver systems impacts relevant to our impact goals. GOALS Changes we want to see in the world COMMUNITY Students Start-ups SMEs Multinationals Researchers Universities City& Region Stakeholders National Governments NGOs OUR INPUTS / INTERVENTIONS Entrepreneurship, Education & Skills Programmes R & Innovation Grants Experiments Open Innovation Challenges Thought Leadership Knowledge Exchange Communications Events Systems Innovation Services (incl sensemaking, ecosystem innovation, network buildings, ToC, etc) Other DRIVERS / LEVERS Financing models Policy & regulatory frameworks Perception and social norms Skills and capabilities Technologies Citizen participation & behaviour Business models Production systems Creating leverage points= shaping an input capable of acting on drivers of change within target systems, guided by a theory of change
We intervene in many ways Our experiments can be targeted or broad-based and multi-dimensional; oriented around our impact goals; at the level of cities, land-use, materials and finance; in specific places or around overarching drivers. Not all changes needed are clearly defined, so we need an innovation model that allows us to learn by doing, and to test different pathways towards the same outcomes. Each experiment is chosen because it offers an opportunity to test a solution for achieving a particular element of decarbonisation and/or resilience relevant to our impact goals, or because it represents an opportunity to learn about how complex human systems change.
How does comms fit into the portfolio approach Communications projects exist on a continuum . . . from below-the-line projects that ‘service’ our one portfolio approach and business goals . . . to more visible and above-the-line projects that drive progress towards our impact goals in a more direct way – as some of our innovation and education projects and programmes do.
A comms experiment: 2019 If we (1) structure our communications activities as projects (using the Project Proposal Summary Template), (2) use a fishbowl approach for collective decision-making on project selection to generate a set of priorities and deliverables; (3) co-create a ‘communications framework’ that articulates our purpose within EIT Climate-KIC’s wider strategic framework to guide this process, and (4) experiment with distributed leadership and accountability… Could this approach help us to shape fewer, bigger, more impactful outputs and outcomes? Could it help us to surface the ‘hidden’ and unstructured aspects of our work, and structure them in a more visible and coherent way which enables us to resource them more effectively, in advance wherever possible? Could it help us cluster tasks in more efficient ways, across current departments and countries, while still servicing and representing these needs? Could it help us to work more effectively with other teams across Climate-KIC to co-create and co-fund multi-dimensional projects? Could it help us work in a more agile, self-managing and less hierarchical way while also reducing workload and optimising the amazing 20-person team that we are?
Portfolio Week Meetings 2019 CORE BUSINESS PROCESS 12 -16 March 2019 Current portfolio of projects and programmes including Comms ‘projects’ 4 decisions: Yes good portfolio fit Good fit recommendation to scale up Not good fit, redesign Not good fit, abandon in time and generate learning June 2019 Selection from Call 2, 2019 + Call 1, 2020 September 2019 Portfolio Week – Sensemaking –> insights November 2019 Portfolio Week – Sensemaking –> insights
THEORY OF CHANGE LEVERS OF CHANGE FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY DESCRIPTION & OUTPUTS How will it deliver on its objectives and achieve impact? Think about scale and reach and impact pathway. Which drivers of systems change does the initiative engage with? See comment for guidelines on types of drivers. Summary description of the initiative, its objectives and outputs. How will the project sustain itself financially after EIT funding ends? What financial sustainability opportunities does this initiative offer to Climate-KIC Holding? TIME, PEOPLE, MONEY RISK INITIATIVE/PROJECT NAMEHome impact goal/s:Other impact goals addressed: Other goal/s: Team & Time: e.g. Internal Lead, Principal 1, Principal, 2 d p.m. Contracts/Partnerships: EIT Climate-KIC spend: total, spent, remaining, summary of costs covered Source of funds internal: Co-funding external: What are the key risks to Climate-KIC associated with this initiative? SYNERGIES RECOMMENDATION SPEED TO IMPACT PARTNERS & SUPPLIERS Lead partner: Climate-KIC / other Other partners: Internal partners:Suppliers:Other stakeholders: Most comms projects are led and delivered internally, with the support of suppliers. This may change as we explore ‘above-the-line’ projects with external partners and stakeholders. See notes for more info. Are there synergies with other current Climate-KIC activity or with key non Climate-KIC activities, programmes and trends in relevant markets and systems? What are the timescales for this initiative to achieve impact? What are the timescales for this initiative to begin to provide Climate-KIC with learning? LEAVE BLANK
AUDIENCE HOOKS & DATES ALIGNMENT CALL TO ACTION What documents or resources does this project need to reflect or align with? What hooks and dates exist in internal and external calendars to support impact and relevance? Specific audience/s this project targets and why. If applicable, what is/are the call/s to action? MESSAGES CHANNELS & OUTREACH PAGE 2Additional Comms Fields Summarise the outreach plan / channels for this project – if applicable. If applicable, what are key messages? Leave as ‘TBC’ if it is too early to tell. MEL RECOMMENDATION What is this project testing? What is the experiment / potential learning? What are the metrics and plans for monitoring, evaluation and learning? LEAVE BLANK