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Discover the demographics, lifestyle, and traditions of New Zealanders, including Maori, Europeans, and more. Explore their customs, popular sports like rugby, and rich cultural heritage in this informative guide.
New Zealanders Teacher H. Savitskaya, student L. Smolina Krasnodar, Gymnasium N23
CONTENTS: • Factfile • Europeans • Lifestyle of New Zealanders • Maori • Review
FACTFILE Over 80% of the 4,038,900million population of New Zealand are of European (mainly British) origin. Around 14,5% of the population are Maoris - who came to New Zealand from Polynesia.
F A C T F I L E • The country’s population totals about 4,038,900. • The population is very unevenly distributed: three fourths of New Zealanders live on the warmer North Island. • About 84% of the people live in urban areas. • Women account for 44.4% of the workforce. 386.300 168.100
MATCH Match the figures with the correct information and make comments 4.038.000 mln 80 Total population of New Zealand 80% Population of Wellington 168.100 Europeans 84% 3/4 Maoris Urban population 14,5% Newzealanders live on the North Island
Europeans • - - - - - - - - - began to settle in New Zealand in the 1820s (by the late 1850s settlers outnumbered • - - - - - ). • Most immigrants were from the - - - - - - - - - - - -,but other Europeans came as well. • Groups of central Europeans came in 1930-s – 1940-s, just before and after - - - - - - - - II.
LIFESTYLE A New Zealander spends most of his - - - - time at home, has his friends round at the weekends, and is mostly content with his newspaper, TV and his hobbies. He likes the - - - - - sort of life.
- - - - - - are the main leisure-time occupation of the population. LIFESTYLE - - - - - is the most popular sport in New Zealand. AllBlacksis national team has more wins than loses with all the world`s teams. There are 26 sailing clubs in the country. The naitives own more that 1 000 000 - - - - - (!)
Maori • Maori, Polinesian people, are the aborigines of New Zealand. But they have not always lived there. They settled in Aotearoa- the Land of the Long White Cloud-the name they gave to New Zealand in the 14th century.
M A O R I The most important unit of pre-European Māori society was the group of families. Within the group there were several families, and tribes consisted of groups of families. Related families would often trade goods and co-operate on major projects, but conflict between them was also relatively common. Maori women in traditional costume
Maori Pre-European Māori had no written language but were capable of amazing feats of memory; most could recite their geneologies back hundreds of years. Arts included tattooing, weaving, wood carving and various performing arts. TATTOOING WOOD CARVING
Maori Maori songs and dances have become increasingly popular especially among the young. Maori meetings - assemblies or funerals are conducted in traditional fashion, with ancient greeting ceremonies strictly observed.
IT`S INTERESTING: • The Maori may greet each other with a hug or the traditional hongi–pressing noses together with eyes closed and making low “mm-mm” sound. • The Maori greeting Kia Ora, which is a wish for good health, is now becoming far more widely used among the population in general (and in the tourism industry in particular). “Kia Ora” may be answered with the same.
FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE CORRECT WORDS: • The country’s population totals about … people . • The population is very … : three fourths of New Zealanders live on the warmer North Island. • About 84% of the people live in … . • Over … of the 4, 1 million people are of European (mainly British) origin. • Europeans began to settle in New Zealand in the … . Most immigrants were from… . • Around 14% of the population are … -who came to New Zealand from Polynesia in the 13-14th centuries. • They name this land … . • Pre-EuropeanMāorihadno… butwerecapableto… theirgeneologiesbackhundredsofyears. Artsincluded…, …, …, … and … . • The Maori may greet each other with a hug or the traditional … .