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Mesut Ozil gui loi chuc dac biet den Arsenal

Mesut Ozil gui loi chuc dac biet den Arsenal: u2018Chuc toan doi vo dich Ngoai hang Anhu2019<br>Voi Mesut Ozil, thoi gian choi bong tai Arsenal la vo cung dang nho. Trong ngay quyet dinh dung su nghiep thi dau chuyen nghiep, tien ve nay da gui loi chuc den doi chu san Emirates.<br>Hastag: #Kingfun #kingvip1 #Gamebai #Gamebaidoithuong #Slotviet #Banca<br>See more: https://kingfuntv.tv/tin-tuc-bong-da/mesut-ozil-gui-loi-chuc-dac-biet-den-arsenal-chuc-toan-doi-vo-dich-ngoai-hang-anh/

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Mesut Ozil gui loi chuc dac biet den Arsenal

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