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GSI Darmstadt

Site report FAIR project Overview IT at GSI Helmut Kreiser. GSI Darmstadt. Das FAIR Projekt F acility for A ntiproton and I on R esearch Jürgen Eschke. Vortrag Wissenschaft für Alle, GSI, 12.5.2004. FAIR. V erbesserung gegenüber heute: Primärstrahlintensität 100 – 1000 x

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GSI Darmstadt

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Site report FAIR project Overview IT at GSI Helmut Kreiser GSI Darmstadt

  2. Das FAIR Projekt Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Jürgen Eschke Vortrag Wissenschaft für Alle, GSI, 12.5.2004

  3. FAIR Verbesserung gegenüber heute: • Primärstrahlintensität 100 – 1000 x • Sekundärstrahlintensitäten für radioaktive Kerne: bis 10 000x • Ionenenergie: 20 x • Neu: • schnellgepulste supraleitende Magnete • „gekühlte“ Antiprotonenstrahlen bis 15 GeV • Speziell: intensive „gekühlte“ Strahlen radioaktiver ‚exotischer‘ Kerne • effizienter Parallelbetrieb für mehrerer Experimente SIS100/SIS300 GSI Accelerator Facilities HESR ESR CBM UNILAC Super- FRS Plasma Physics PANDA Atomic Physics FLAIR CR NESR

  4. Structure of the FAIR project FAIR Council (Representatives of Countries and/or Institutions) Finance Committee, Project Oversight Committee Scientific Advisory Com. Safety Project Management Project Director, Deputy Research Coordinator, Accelerator Coordinator, Civil Construction Coordinator, Integration Coordinator, Administrative Coordinator Quality Controlling Advisory Committees PACs, TAC, EMAC,.. Project Office Accelerator Coordinator(Technical Boards) Research Coordinator (Technical Boards ) Civil Construction Coordinator (TB) Integration Coordinator(TB) SIS18 Upgrade 1. P-Linac 2. Acc. System Physics 5. SIS100 3. PANDA 9. CR System 6. Super-FRS 11. SIS200 6T 4. HESR 7. NESR 8. CBM 10. Plasma Phys. Exp. 12. Buildings + Infrastructure 14. Atomic Phys. Exp. 13. Integration 15. 1.1. 2.1. 3.1. 4.1. 6.1. 7.1. 8.1. 9.1. 10.1. 11.1. 12.1. 13.1. 14.1. Simulat. 5.1. Installations 2-4,6-13, 15.1. Beam lines 5..2. 1.2. 14.2. cryogenics 15.2. 1.3. 14.3. alignement/ surveillance 15.3. 1.4. 14.4. IT media con. 15.4. 1.5. controls 15.5. Working packages

  5. Linux (Debian) ~ 350 (SUSE) ~ few Windows ~ 800 AIX (reducing) ~ 10 plus bio physics ~ 20 VMS ~ 15 plus Accelerator controls (~30) Notebooks Windows (XP) Linux (SUSE) Mass storage (3 libraries, TSM, TSM-API access) 2 SAN based (Storage Tek with LTO-2 tapes drives) IT

  6. Firewall (Cisco PIXS) Linux MTA (2-3) (migrate from AIX) Spam filtering (tagging) (Spamassassin) Virus checking (Sophos, ClamAV) Problems: Siesta (~20 min) enforce GSI e-mail naming convention (H.Kreiser@gsi.de) DNS Service migration to Linux (from AIX) connection timeouts on AIX What is new

  7. new Fileservers with Serial ATA disc raids 3 U boxes with up to 15 discs Data Scratch Problems with old IDE disc raids new batchsystems (1 U boxes, Dual Xeon, 3.2 GHz) Windows migrate to XP, Server 2000/2003 phase out WinNT (this year) What is new

  8. Systems

  9. Debian 3.0 r2 non interactive daily security updates with „out of the box“ debian tools monitoring system (mon) processes disc status log host (syslog-ng) perhaps box status GRID, LCG -> need systems and support What is new

  10. Migration of services from AIX to Linux radius listserv NIS (sign on, LDAP based) ….. Groupware (mailserver) discussion Microsoft Exchange 2003 OCS (Oracle collaboration suite) separate discussion forum (FUD forum, open source) Discussion: new Batch queueing system LSF production (money) SGE OpenPBS if money is available replace old batchfarm boxes new and much more storage systems (user, data, scratch) SAN/FC ? ~ 10 TByte is too small good Linux desktop support -> manpower ?? What is to be done

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