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Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. State Regents Update. Academic Scholars Program. Proposed Rule Change Approved by Regents in December and expected approval of Legislature and Governor in May 2014.

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Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

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  1. Oklahoma State Regentsfor Higher Education State Regents Update

  2. Academic Scholars Program • Proposed Rule Change • Approved by Regents in December and expected approval of Legislature and Governor in May 2014. • Full-time awards for enrollment in at least 12 hours allowed in summer for both Academic Scholars and Regional Baccalaureate Scholars. • If used at full-time, counts as one semester of the eight available semesters of the program. • If used at full-time, must successfully complete 36 credit hours in the full academic year for continued eligibility.

  3. Scholarships & Grants Workshop • Save the Date: July 22, 2014 • Morning Session will be “Nuts and Bolts-OTAG, Oklahoma’s Promise, and the Scholarship Programs” • Afternoon Session will be “Tuition Waivers and a General Update”

  4. Oklahoma’s Promise • Kelley Norris joined our staff last fall and will be transitioning to Claims Processing this summer and into next fall. • All OKPromise students are subject to meeting SAP regardless of whether they completed a FAFSA • DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients are not currently considered eligible per OSRHE General Counsel’s office.

  5. Oklahoma’s Promise • College GPA • Applies to students graduating HS in 2012 and after • 2.0 cumulative GPA – check at the end of the semester in which the student earns his 60th credit hour • If the student is below a 2.0, he will permanently lose the scholarship. • Remember to notify us. Electronic spreadsheet available on the financial aid resources page. (http://www.okhighered.org/admin-fac/FinAidResources/okpromise.shtml)

  6. Oklahoma’s Promise

  7. Oklahoma’s Promise • College GPA • Example (2.0): • 1. Mary graduated from high school in 2012 and attended college beginning in fall 2012. After her first year of college, Mary has 46 hours earned, including some concurrent enrollment hours taken during her senior year in high school. She enrolls in 15 hours in the fall 2013 semester. At the end of the fall semester Mary now has 61 hours earned (completed). When all postsecondary grades are included in a cumulative grade point average, Mary has a 1.89 GPA. Because her GPA is below 2.0, Mary permanently loses eligibility for the Oklahoma’s Promise award.

  8. Oklahoma’s Promise • College GPA (Example 2.5 GPA) • 2. George also graduated from high school in 2012. George’s cumulative grade point average at the end of the fall 2013 semester, in which he earns his 60th credit hour, is 2.3. George is eligible to continue receiving the Oklahoma’s Promise award, assuming he is in compliance with the institution’s satisfactory academic progress (SAP) policy. During spring 2014, George enrolls in 18 hours and then takes another 15 hours in fall 2014. George now has at least 90 hours earned and is subject to the cumulative GPA requirement of 2.5 for courses taken after the completion of 60 hours. George has a 2.4 GPA calculated on all the hours taken during the spring 2014 and fall 2014 semesters. George loses the award until his GPA on hours taken after the completion of 60 hours reaches or exceeds 2.5. 

  9. Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant • FAFSA receipt cutoff date March 1, 2014. • (subject to change) • 2013-2014 initial cutoff was March 20, 2013 and it was extended to April 7, 2013 for “spring only” awards. • Please let us know when you have personnel changes. Use the Authorized Institutional Representative form.

  10. Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant • Students that are not eligible for Pell because they have received 6 years of full-time Pell assistance will not be eligible to receive OTAG. • Appearance on a pre-populated claim form is not confirmation that a student is an Oklahoma resident. • Highlighted students have an out-of-state address or parents are not be residents. • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) does not affect OTAG eligibility.

  11. Financial Aid Report • Well Done! • We have the capability to generate useful reports and do important research for 2012-2013. • We are seeking your feedback before the 2013-2014 collection.

  12. Bills Related toOklahoma’s Promise • 10 bills initially introduced related to Oklahoma’s Promise. • Only 1 bill remains alive – HB 3211 requiring OKPromise college students to enroll in at least 30 credit hours per year (more recent version allows exceptions).

  13. Adults with Bachelor’s Degree or Higher (2012) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2012 American Community Survey. 82% of national average.

  14. Bachelor Degree Attainment by Age 24, by Family Income, 2012 >$109k $64-109k $34-64k <$34k Source: Postsecondary Education OPPORTUNITY, Number 256, October 2013, www.postsecondary.org.

  15. OKPromise High School Enrollment(By High School Graduation Year) $50,000 $32,000 $24,000 As of 12-18-13

  16. Estimated Percent of Oklahoma Families with Total Income Under $50,000 Source: US Census Bureau, 2000 Census, American Community Survey-2001-2012

  17. Inflation Impact on $50,000 Income Limit • $50,000 in year 2000 dollars equivalent to about $67,650 in year 2013 dollars* • $50,000 in 2013 equivalent to about $37,000 in year 2000 dollars* *based on national consumer price index; 35.3% rate of inflation from 2000 to 2013

  18. High School Requirement Completion Rates $50,000 $32,000 As of 12-18-13

  19. High School Students Completing OKPromise Requirements(by Grad Year) $50,000 $32,000 $24,000 As of 1-2-14

  20. College-Going Rates Compared to All Oklahoma HS Graduates

  21. Income Levels of Freshmen Scholarship Recipients *Source: FAFSA data on 100% of freshmen recipients

  22. Scholarship Recipients As of 9-24-13

  23. Scholarship Expenditures(In $ millions, by fiscal year) Projected Actual As of 10-16-13

  24. Average Annual Award

  25. Average Annual Scholarship by Type of Institution

  26. Full-Time College Enrollment First-time entering students enrolled in 12 hours or more per fall or spring semester

  27. Degree Completion Rates(Degrees earned through 2012-13)

  28. Employment of College Graduates in Oklahoma(after 1 year, April 2010 – June 2011)

  29. HB 3211 • House Speaker Jeff Hickman (R – Fairview & Sen. Jim Halligan (R – Stillwater) • Enroll in 30 hours (not complete 30 hours; ? – HB 2778) • Emphasizes time-to-degree (context of flat-rate tuition initiatives) • Impact on degree completion rates? • Fiscal impact? • How and when would it be implemented?

  30. Projections of Oklahoma High School Graduates Sources: Ok. State Regents; OK SDE; USDE National Center for Education Statistics; Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE).

  31. Ethnicity of Oklahoma StudentsBy Years Until College Age Source: Chronicle for Higher Education, January 19, 2014; US Census data.

  32. Oklahoma City Public Schools Hispanic Student Population Source: Office of Accountability, Profiles District Reports, 2000-2011, OKCPS Profile

  33. Santa Fe South H.S. - OKC

  34. Union H.S. - Tulsa Updated 9-10-12

  35. Union Public Schools Students Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch All Oklahoma Public Schools Union School District Source: Office of Accountability, Profiles District Reports, 2000-2012; OKSDE report

  36. U.S. Grant High School - OKC

  37. Tony Lugo Photo By Steve Gooch, The Oklahoman

  38. State Regents’ Scholarships & Grants www.OKCollegeStart.org (800) 858-1840

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