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President’s Imagination Mini Grant Program. 2014/2015. Key Dates. Applications Due: March 19, 2014 4:30 PM EST Awards Announced: by April 25, 2014 Spending Timeframe: July 1, 2014 – May 31, 2015 Final Budget Reports Due: July 15, 2015 Final Project Reports Due: TBD.
Key Dates Applications Due: March 19, 2014 4:30 PM EST Awards Announced: by April 25, 2014 Spending Timeframe: July 1, 2014 – May 31, 2015 Final Budget Reports Due: July 15, 2015 Final Project Reports Due: TBD
Total Funding Level $20,000 tentative Faculty Grants • 2 Grants up to $2000 each • 4 Grants up to $1000 each • 4 Grants up to $500 each Administrative and Staff Project Led Grants • 2 Grants up to $2000 each • 4 Grants up to $1000 each • 4 Grants up to $500 each Anticipated award numbers and levels are subject to change based on a review of the applications and quantity submitted in each category.
General Information Eligible Applicants All Roane State part-time and full-time employees If you received a President’s Imagination Mini-Grant in the previous fiscal year (awarded in Spring 2013 for spending July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014), you are NOT eligible to apply this year. You can apply again next year. Award recommendations will be made by the Paul Goldberg Leadership Class Alumni. Final awards will be determined by the RSCC President.
Grant Cover Page Project Title: Project Lead Name: Project Lead Title: Project Lead Contact Information: Email, Phone Number, and Campus/Office Location Other Team Members: Total Funding Requested: Organization Account Number: Name of person who will enter requisition:
Grant Cover Page continued Project Abstract (225 words or less): Clearly and concisely state the need the project will address and the general goals of the project. Signature of Project Lead: Dean, Supervisor, or Vice President Signature:
Grant Application Requirements All grant applicants are highly encouraged to participate in a President’s Imagination Mini Grant Program Workshop. Grants must include the completed President’s Imagination Mini Grant Cover Page. The grant application cannot exceed 8 pages (not including the cover page). The application should be double-spaced with a font size of 12 or greater. Charts and tables can be single-spaced with a font size of 10 or greater. Grants should be submitted via email to Anne Holder (O’Brien 105, Harriman) as PDF or WORD files or hard copy by the due date.
Need (10 pts of 100) Describe the need that is being addressed by this project. Include documentation, data, research and/or other information to support the need.
Proposal(30 pts of 100) Describe the plan/project for meeting the need/the primary purpose of the project. Describe the anticipated impact of the project. Impact might include the number of students impacted, time saved, efficiency gained, student success or learning increases, etc. If the results of this project will be used to demonstrate the need for future funding, please indicate the vision for this. Include in the description the work plan for implementing key components of the project and names/titles of key individuals responsible for implementation of the components.
Timeline (10 pts of 100) Provide a timeline showing key elements for project implementation, assessment and final reporting. Remember, funding is to be spent from July 1, 2014 up to May 31, 2015. A final budget report will be due July 15, 2015. Final grant reports will be due for each awarded grant. The deadline for the grant reports will be set based on the assessment plan and timing of each grant. Grants WILL NOT be extended beyond this year.
Strategic Plan (10 pts of 100) Describe how the project addresses one or more of the goal areas in the new TBR and RSCC Strategic Plans: Access Student Success Quality Resourcefulness and Efficiency
Access Goal RSCC will remove barriers and provide flexible, technologically current options to improve access and meet the needs of the citizens of its service area to enhance their lives through the benefits of postsecondary education. Objectives: RSCC will utilize advanced instructional, information, and communication technologies in order to increase students’ access to high-quality educational programs, courses, and services. RSCC will increase participation of under-represented populations through the implementation of comprehensive 2010-2015 access and diversity plan. RSCC will improve students’ access to educational opportunities through the development of market-driven, flexibly-delivered courses and programs. RSCC will optimize the utilization of its satellite centers in a manner that is educationally beneficial, fiscally responsible, and accountable to the overall mission of the institution.
Student Success Goal RSCC will build pathways, design learning opportunities, and provide supportive services to guide students toward the accomplishment of their educational goals. Objectives: RSCC will increase student retention and persistence through targeted initiatives. RSCC will improve the success of students with academic deficiencies and other factors that put them at risk for accomplishing their academic goals. RSCC will enhance student learning support services and curricular and co-curricular learning opportunities to increase student engagement and success. RSCC will expand educational pathways into Roane State programs and into articulated programs at other higher education institutions.
Quality Goal RSCC will demonstrate its commitment to institutional effectiveness and continuous improvement of its programs, services, personnel, and of student learning outcomes through the identification and maintenance of high standards and the implementation of ongoing assessment and advancement. Objectives: RSCC will provide evidence of effectiveness and ongoing improvement of all academic and workforce programs, administrative services, and academic/institutional support services. RSCC will meet or exceed established benchmarks for student learning outcomes. RSCC will maintain compliance with regional and professional accreditation standards. RSCC will provide evidence of institutional commitment to recruitment, retention, and development of highly qualified faculty and staff.
Resourcefulness and Efficiency Goal RSCC will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the academy through competent management of resources, vigorous pursuit of alternative sources of support, and active outreach for the establishment of collaborative and entrepreneurial partnerships and initiatives. Objectives: RSCC will increase alternative sources of financial support for institutional initiatives and economically disadvantaged students. RSCC will promote more efficient and effective use of resources through institutional planning and implementation of accountability and improvement strategies. RSCC will enhance institutional capabilities through collaborative and/or entrepreneurial initiatives.
Assessment(15 pts of 100) Describe the assessment measures that will be used to evaluate this project. List 1 to 3 clearly defined, measurable, and comprehensive goals you plan to achieve. Describe how you plan to assess achievement of the goals.
Budget (25 pts of 100) Provide a line item budget for this project. A suggested format is in the Grant Application Guidelines. For each expenditure, provide detail that describes what the funds will be spent on, how it will support the project and how the funding level was determined. Projects in this program will not fund stipends or salaries to RSCC employees.
Budget Form Example Office and Operational Supplies: 500 goody bags to incent students to participate $.60 each = $300 500 Pens and Pencils (each) for goody bags $.30 each = $300 500 Highlighters for goody bags $.75 each = $375 Paper for mailing to parents $50 (2 reams) at RSCC prices Food: $3 each for estimated 500 attendees = $1500
Budget In-Kind/Match List other in-kind contributions or resources to be used for this project below the table. In-Kind/Match for a grant is anything, to which a monetary value can be assigned, that helps support the grant or adds to the grant without being reimbursed by the grant funds.
Budget Form Examplecontinued In-Kind and other contributions: Project Lead will donate their own time at approximately $25/hour plus $13 for benefits for 20 hours = $760 (This could be time during or outside of regular work hours.) School system has agreed to donate postage to mail flyers to 500 parents at an estimated cost of $.42 = $210
In Closing... Questions…. Contact Info: Deb Miller Director of Grants Development Roane County Campus – O’Brien 102 865.882.4503 MillerDU@RoaneState.edu Applications due to Anne Holder, D-200, before March 19, 4:30 PM EST