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Sign Language Phonology II

A controversy about 'location'?. Locations are a sequential segment type. Locations are a cagtegory on a par with HC in a feature hierarchy. Two classes of location features 1. there is only one major location in each sign 2. The hand moves from one location to the other (beginning and end of sign

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Sign Language Phonology II

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Sign Language Phonology II COGS 524 Sandler & Lillo-Martin 2006, chapter 11: Location

    2. A controversy about 'location'? Locations are a sequential segment type Locations are a cagtegory on a par with HC in a feature hierarchy

    3. Two classes of location features 1. there is only one major location in each sign 2. The hand moves from one location to the other (beginning and end of sign) Place =major body area includes the unary features of [head], [trunk], [nondominant hand], and [arm] The 1 major place feature is multiply associated with LM tier Setting = characterize the relation of the hands to the place specification and to the movement

    4. Place and setting in the model Orientation Position o Selected fingers o HC L M L Place Setting [head] [trunk] [hand 2] [arm] [hi] [lo] [ipsilat][contralat] [proximal] [distal] [contact]

    5. Hand-tier representation of IDEA HC L M L o Place [head] o Setting [+ipsi] [contact [+ hi] [proximal]

    6. Signs with two locations In compounds, each input sign contributes its location features BELIEVE HC L M L Place o o [head] [h2]

    7. Predictions of the model 1. Finer setting distinctions will not be contrastive (e.g. between the ipsilateral temple and the forehead) --> needs to be tested empirically 2. Features such as [hi] and [ipsilateral] figure in phonological processes --> metathesis for setting features of DEAF in MOTHER DEAF, since the location of MOTHER and DEAF are the same

    8. Movement metathesis (Valli/Ceil 2001: 45)

    9. Hierarchy of signing spaces (Uyechi 1994/1996)

    10. Hierarchy of signing spaces Despite the 4 signing spaces, we need only specify the Local Signing Space in the lexical entry of a sign. GSS and DSS are only relevant for syntax and discourse The use of space (location) is modality-specific and universal for Sign Language

    11. 3 variants of DEAF

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