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Fun Water Sports Lesson - Learn, Enjoy, Stay Safe!

Discover the world of water sports through engaging lessons covering water skiing, scuba diving, snorkeling, and much more. Learn about safety, parts of speech, adjectives, and visit internet sources. Dive into the exciting world of windsurfing - a sport for all ages with essential rules to remember. Test your knowledge on skin safety and match sentences with pictures for sun care tips.

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Fun Water Sports Lesson - Learn, Enjoy, Stay Safe!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Water sports lesson

  2. water skiing scuba diving snorkeling surfboarding windsurfing boating swimming jet skiing rafting water sliding

  3. Objectives: learn about water sports find out about safety discuss parts of speech – nouns+verbs use adjectives

  4. and: visit sites on the internet follow instructions write an ad use ‘must’ and ‘should’, ‘can’ and ‘will’

  5. Water sports

  6. Adjectives There are adjectives that describe how you feel. There are adjectives that describe sports. You feel satisfied happy free alive healthy Sport fun exciting difficult relaxing cool مسرور صحيّ راض على قيد الحياة حر مريح ممتع مثير بارد صعب

  7. Windsurfing is NOT a new sport. It was developed at the end of the 1960’s and has been an Olympic sport since 1984.

  8. Experts say that anyone can learn how to windsurf. It doesn’t matter how old you are. But you shouldtake lessons before you start out on your own. You should ask an expertaboutthe equipment you need.You should also know how to swim.

  9. What will you learn in your lessons? You will learn: * how to stay on the board * how to surf in the direction you want * how to surf safely with other people * and how to have a good time doing it But there are rules to remember!

  10. Rules for windsurfing: *You must know how to swim. * You must NEVER surfalone. * You must wear a wetsuit in cold water. * You must stay with your board. *You must know the weather conditions. * You must learn the international distress signal.

  11. You must know which way the wind is blowing . When you face it, that is 12 o’clock. north

  12. To go into the wind, you need to zigzag first towards 10 o’clock and then towards 2 o’clock. But the best windsurfing will be between the areas of 9–3 o’clock with the wind behind you.

  13. Did you know that the skin is the largest organ of the body?

  14. So far, in this lesson you have….. learned the names of water sports and what you do (the verb) reviewed adjectives visited sites on the internet found information about windsurfing

  15. And... used ‘should’ and ‘must’ learned about lifeguards answered a quiz learned about skin safety

  16. Match sentence with picture - skin care in the sun. If your shadow is shorter than you – look for shade. Pucker up! Protect your lips. Cover up, the sun is hot.

  17. Stay out of the sun till after 3. Slip on those shades – protect your eyes! Drink water. Apply sunscreen often.

  18. Eilat

  19. Eilat Which water-sports did you find? Which activity did you choose? Why?

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