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Inner Net of the Heart. The Fractal Nature of Consciousness By Will Keepin Satyana Institute. New theme emerging in many disciplines of science: “Something transpires behind that which appears.”. Holomovement.
Inner Net of the Heart The Fractal Nature of Consciousness By Will Keepin Satyana Institute
New theme emerging in many disciplines of science: “Something transpires behind that which appears.” Inner Net of the Heart
Holomovement “The cosmos is a single, unbroken wholeness in flowing movement,” in which each part of the flow contains the entire flow. (physicist David Bohm) Inner Net of the Heart
Explicate and Implicate Orders • Explicate order is directly perceptible to the mind and senses • Implicate order is all the rest of reality Inner Net of the Heart
Key lesson for science: “A hidden order may be present in what appears to be random.” Inner Net of the Heart
Hidden Order The implicate order: • present everywhere, but visible nowhere. • extends throughout space and time, but also well beyond space and time. • represents the Unseen, that which is neither manifest nor accessible to our mind and five senses. • Is as real as matter, energy, time Inner Net of the Heart
Three foundations of reality • Beyond e=mc2 • Reality consists of matter, energy, and consciousness • Each of these three components enfolds the other two energy matter consciousness Inner Net of the Heart
Consciousness is fundamental • Consciousness or meaning is an inherent part of reality-and not just an abstract or ethereal quality in the mind energy matter consciousness Inner Net of the Heart
Holographic Structure • Reality has a holographic structure • Elegant example is the following Mandelbrot set Inner Net of the Heart
Fractal Nature of Consciousness • “As above, so below.” • "As within, so without.” • Ancient alchemical principle: the microcosm replicates the macrocosm Inner Net of the Heart
Fractal Nature of Consciousness • Mandelbrot set is the explicate order • Zn+1 = Zn2 + Zo is the implicate order Inner Net of the Heart
Who Am I? • Your interior essence—the source and truth of who you are—is this mysterious process in the implicate order. • Your essence is identical to the essence of the entire cosmos. Inner Net of the Heart
You & the Cosmos Are One ”The secret turning in your heart is the entire Universe turning!” (Rumi) Inner Net of the Heart
All the Worlds Religions • “You are made in the image of God.”(Judaism) • “See the Self in every creature, and all of creation in the Self.”(Bhagavad Gita - Hinduism) • “Heaven and earth are too small to contain Me, but I fit easily inside the heart of my beloved devotee.”(Allah - Islam) Inner Net of the Heart
All the Worlds Religions • “We are all in Him enclosed, and He is enclosed in us.” (Julian of Norwich - Christianity) • ”We study the self to forget the self, and when we forget the self, we become one with the ten thousand things.” (Dogen - Zen) • “When you come to know the truth of the body, you come to know the truth of the entire cosmos.” (Ajit Mukerjee - Buddhism) Inner Net of the Heart
Inner Net of the Heart The inner doorway to universal consciousness is through our hearts. The implicate order that links us all together can be called the “inner net of the heart.” Inner Net of the Heart
What If?? • What if consciousness were viewed as fundamental? • Developing, purifying, and deepening our consciousness would become a key focus and priority energy matter consciousness Inner Net of the Heart
“Plunge into the vast ocean of Consciousness. Let the drop of water that is you become a hundred mighty seas. But do not think that the drop alone becomes the Ocean. The Ocean, too, becomes the drop! (Rumi) Inner Net of the Heart