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The Day of Pentecost: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Start of the Church

Learn about the significance of Pentecost as the day when the Holy Spirit empowered the disciples and the birth of the Christian church. Watch videos of the disciples speaking in different languages and Peter's sermon that led to 3,000 people believing in Jesus.

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The Day of Pentecost: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Start of the Church

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cards 44-47 RECEIVED THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 12 APOSTLES What is Pentecost? Pentecost is the day when the Holy Spirit came to give the disciples power after Jesus’ resurrection. The disciples were together in Jerusalem when they heard a noise like a strong wind. Over their heads flames of fire appeared, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Suddenly each man began to speak in a different language, telling of the great things God had done. A large crowd gathered to listen. “How can this be?” people asked. “These men are from Galilee, yet they speak the language of every foreigner here today!” Video Link Click Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEV5FVYzlIw

  2. RECEIVED THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT A. Moses B. The 12 Apostles C. Paul Pentecost is the day when the Holy Spirit came to give the disciples power after Jesus’ resurrection? True or False The disciples were together in J_______________. They heard a noise like a strong w_________. Over their heads flames of f______ appeared The apostles could speak in different languages? True or False

  3. CHURCH BEGAN AND PETER PREACHED FIRST SERMON IN THE CHURCH ON DAY OF PENTECOST---AT JERUSALEM At Pentecost, many people thought the disciples were drunk. “ Those men have just had too much wine!” they laughed. But Peter stood up. “People of Jerusalem, listen! We are not drunk; we are full of God’s spirit! God did miracles, signs, and wonders through Jesus, but you killed Him. God knew this would happen. He raised Jesus from death and made Him Lord and Christ. King David, our ancestor, knew about this plan. So change your hearts and lives! Repent of your sins and be baptized in Jesus’ name. Then you will receive the same Holy Spirit that is in us.” Three thousand people believed in Jesus because of Peter’s sermon that day and were baptized. Video Link Click Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKa9jqvJ378

  4. MEN FROM ALL NATIONS WERE PRESENT AT PENTECOST The power of the Holy Spirit at once made the disciples strong and brave. And now they were able to speak in languages they had not known before. They were also eager to talk, eager to tell about Jesus. And they began to talk in many different languages, telling the works of God. The crowd listened in astonishment. They said, “Are these men not Galileans? How is it then that we hear them speak in our different languages?” It was not strange that the men marveled. In the crowd there were people from more than a dozen different lands. There were men from the east, from the countries near Persia. There were others from Egypt and the desert. There were men from the north, and some from far-away Rome. Each of them heard the apostles talking in his own language.

  5. JEWS (MANY NATIONS) HEARD THE APOSTLES SPEAK IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE A large number of Jews from other lands had come to Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost. These Jews from other lands were stunned to hear the disciples of Jesus talking to them in their own languages. The disciples were telling them that God loved them, that Jesus had died for them on Calvary’s cross, and that three days later He arose from the dead, and that He was the true Messiah. Peter told them how to become members of God’s family and how to receive forgiveness: he told them: - Repent - Be baptized every one of you - In the name of Jesus Christ - Unto the remission of your sins There was baptized that day about 3,000

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