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ACCESS Apply for Benefits and CWW Changes June 2007. Introduction. This presentation highlights changes made to ACCESS Apply for Benefits and the corresponding changes to CARES Worker Web (CWW). . ACCESS AFB Changes.
ACCESS Apply for Benefits and CWW ChangesJune 2007
Introduction This presentation highlights changes made to ACCESS Apply for Benefits and the corresponding changes to CARES Worker Web (CWW). DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
ACCESS AFB Changes ACCESS Apply for Benefits (AFB) is being expanded to gather additional information and better assess a potential applicant’s eligibility. The following changes are being made to ACCESS: DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
ACCESS AFB Changes • Non-Financial Medicaid eligibility statement has been added. • Legal Guardian (LG), Power of Attorney (POA), Authorized Representative (AR) designation will be gathered. • Signature matching will occur. • Information about other health insurance will be gathered. • Questions about Emergency Medicaid and Tuberculosis have been added. • Disability information will be collected. • Institution information will be collected. • Community spouse information will be collected. • Information about assets will be collected. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
CWW Changes The following changes will be made to CWW to accommodate the new information gathered through ACCESS: • Inbox search changes • Special attention flags • Data population of ACCESS information onto appropriate CWW pages • Some data population will occur as answers to gatepost questions. • When you select to “Add information,” the data will populate to appropriate detail pages. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
ACCESS will now let the applicant know when no one in the household meets the basic non-financial criteria for MA. This should help reduce the number of applications from individuals who are non-financially ineligible. Eligibility Statement (ACCESS) DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Legal Guardian, Power of Attorney, Authorized Representative (ACCESS) ACCESS will ask if the applicant has a: • Legal Guardian (LG), • Power of Attorney (POA), or • Authorized Representative (AR) DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Authorized Representative (ACCESS) During the application process, an applicant who designates an Authorized Representative, can complete an online version of the Authorization of Representative form (HCF 10126). DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
ACCESS Designating anAuthorizedRepresentative The remainder of the AR Form is continued on the next slide. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
ACCESS Designating anAuthorizedRepresentative DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE 12
Special Attention Flags (CWW) CWW Special attention flags are a new way to let workers know more about the application he or she is viewing. A special attention flag will display on the CWW ACCESS Application Summary page when the application contains certain information. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
LG, POA, AR (CWW) A flag will display on the ACCESS Application Summary page when there is a Legal Guardian, Power of Attorney, or Authorized Representative designation on the application. Example: DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Authorized Representative (CWW) If the applicant completed an online version of the Authorization of Representative form, an image of the completed form will be available within the AFB PDF as well as in the Electronic Case File. Follow up with the applicant will be necessary to obtain an authorized representative form if no on-line form is submitted with the application. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
CARES Mainframe ACDP Because information is not auto-populated to ACDP, workers will need to go to the PDF to get the information needed to complete screen ACDP. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Signature Matching (ACCESS) Before the application is submitted, ACCESS will check to see if the electronic signature entered on the application matches the name entered by the applicant and/or LG, POA or AR if one is indicated. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Signature Matching (CWW) A Special Attention Flag will display on the CWW ACCESS Application Summary page telling you whether or not a signature matches. If the signature does not match, view the PDF to determine how the application was signed. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Signature Does Not Match (CWW) Viewing the PDF will allow you to determine if additional follow up is necessary. For example if the applicant name is “Bob” and the signature is “Robert”, no follow up with the applicant is needed. If the applicant indicated that s/he has an authorized representative, and then signed the application him/herself, the flag will appear and follow-up is needed so that the signature of the Authorized Representative (and the Authorized Representative form) can be obtained. Also note that if you receive the special attention flag that indicates the Authorized Representative did not sign the form, you should print a copy of the AR form and mail it to the AR for his/her signature. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Other Health Insurance (ACCESS) Detailed information will be collected about any health insurance policies covering anyone in the home, including: • Insurance company name, • Address, • Policy number, • Policy holder, and • Coverage dates. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Other Health Insurance (CWW) When you select to “Add this information” to the case, the gatepost question regarding Other health insurance is switched to yes and …. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Other Health Insurance (CWW) …all the information entered by the applicant will populate the necessary Medical Coverage page fields and worker action may be necessary. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
EMA and TBMA (ACCESS) ACCESS will ask if: • Any one has been diagnosed with tuberculosis,and • Any members of a household with non-citizens have had a medical emergency. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
EMA and TBMA (CWW) A special attention flag will appear on the CWW ACCESS Application Summary page if an applicant answers yes to either of these questions. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
EMA and TBMA (CWW) Remember, because eligibility for TBMA and EMA are manual processes, the agency will need to follow up with the applicant in order to complete applications for either of these programs. Refer to Process Help Chapter 10 TBMA and Chapter 11 EMA for more information on how to process a TBMA or EMA application. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Disability Information (ACCESS) ACCESS will ask if anyone in the household is disabled or blind. There is also a link to the paper Medicaid Disability Assessment (MADA) form for the applicants use. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Disability Information (ACCESS) The DDB disability type will be gathered for applicants who indicate that they are disabled or blind. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Disability Information (CWW) When disability is indicated by the applicant, CWW will flip the Individual Non Financial gatepost page question to Yes and…. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
…the Disability page will show the information entered by the applicant. Follow existing verification policy and procedures. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Educational Aid (ACCESS) ACCESS will ask an individual who indicates he or she is elderly or blind or disabled if he or she receives grants, loans or scholarships for education or training. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Educational Aid (CWW) When the answer to the question regarding grants, loans or scholarship money received is yes, the CWW Unearned Income gatepost question regarding the receipt of grants, loans or scholarship money will be switched to yes, and worker follow-up will be necessary. Follow existing verification policy and procedures. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
IRWE (ACCESS) ACCESS will also ask the applicant if he or she has impairment-related work expenses (IRWE). DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
IRWE (CWW) When the answer to the Impairment Related Work Expenses question is Yes, the CWW Employment page gatepost question regarding IRWE’s will be switched to Yes, and worker follow-up will be necessary. Follow the existing verification procedure as outlined in policy. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Institutional Care (ACCESS) The name of the nursing home or care facility will be asked for if the applicant indicates he or she resides in a nursing home or other care facility. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Institutional Care (CWW) The care facility information will display on the Institutions page. Follow existing verification procedure as outlined in policy. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Community Spouse Info (ACCESS) If the person who resides in the institution has a community spouse, the spouse’s address, signature and asset information will be collected. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Community Spouse Info. (CWW) The information for the spouse is displayed on the CWW Community Spouse page. Follow existing verification policy and procedures. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Asset Information (ACCESS) If an applicant indicates that s/he is elderly or blind or disabled, detailed information will be gathered about the following assets owned by the applicant and/or his/her spouse: • Liquid assets, • Vehicles, • Life insurance, • Personal property, • Burial assets, and • Real estate. Joint ownership information will also be gathered when applicable. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Asset Information (ACCESS) Applicants indicate the type of assets they own…. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Asset Information (ACCESS) … and will have an opportunity to review the information they entered before it is submitted. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Asset Information (CWW) A CWW sequence will be created for each asset type added to the case. Follow existing verification policy and procedures. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Processing ACCESS Applications in CWW In order to more effectively manage EBD applications, changes have been made to the CWW inbox. Following is an explanation of these specific changes. If you have never used the CWW Inbox or processed an ACCESS Application, refer to the following Process Help chapters for more general information: • Selecting an Application from the Inbox (Ch 66) • Process an ACCESS application (Ch 2.3) • Resolve conflicts between AFB information and what’s already in CWW (CH 3.12) DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
CWW Inbox Changes Inbox search criteria allows for searches based on these specific application types: • All EBD members • Mixed EBD and Non-EBD members • Institutions – The primary person is residing in an institution • No EBD or institutions – No one in the home is EBD Note that "EBD" is defined as age 60 or over, self-declared as blind or disabled, and the primary person is not residing in an institution. This definition allows agencies to search for applicants who meet the FS criteria for EBD. It also allows them to search specifically for applications in which the primary person is residing in an institution. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
Check or uncheck the boxes based on the type of applications you wish to view. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE 46
When necessary, save your specified search criteria so it’s available next time you access the Inbox. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE 47
Click Go to get a list of applications you requested. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE 48
CWW Inbox Search All EBD Members: When this box is checked, the search results will include applications where all individuals listed on the application meet the EBD criteria. This will not include applications where the primary person is residing in an institution. If this box is un-checked, the search results will not include these applications. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE
CWW Inbox Search Mixed EBD and non EBD Members: When this box is checked, the search results will include applications that contain both EBD and non EBD members. This will not include applications where the primary person is residing in an institution. If this box is un-checked, the search results will not include these applications. DHFS/DHCF/BEM/TATE