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BYZANTINE EMPIRE. The Roman Empire, 14 C.E. Aspects of Constantinople – The New Rome. Center of East Roman Empire Linked Mediterranean Sea & Black Sea Excellent Harbors Control over key trade routes Elaborate court life Preserved Greek & Roman cultures

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  2. The Roman Empire, 14 C.E.

  3. Aspects of Constantinople – The New Rome • Center of East Roman Empire • Linked Mediterranean Sea & Black Sea • Excellent Harbors • Control over key trade routes • Elaborate court life • Preserved Greek & Roman cultures • Lasted 1000 years after the fall of Western empire

  4. Byzantine EmpireAge of Justinian (527-565) • Byzantine empire reached greatest heights • Autocratic ruler • Goal to recover western Roman provinces lost to invaders • Reconquered parts of North Africa, Italy, & So. Spain

  5. West Roman Empire Justinian’s Empire

  6. Justinian’s Rule • Autocrat- sole ruler with complete authority • Wife Theodora co-ruler & advisor • Large bureaucracy • Power over church • Combined political/spiritual authority • Used his law code to unite empire

  7. Code of Law: Corpus Juris Civilis • Justinian’s Code of Law: • Gathered & organized ancient laws of Rome • Collection became the “body of civil law” • Included: Roman laws, legal writings, and student handbooks on law • By 1100’s code of law reached Western Europe becoming basis for the law of the Roman Catholic Church and the medieval rulers • International law today influenced by this code of laws

  8. Characteristics of Byzantine Empire • Byzantine empire a buffer between the East and West • Turned back armies of the Islamic Arabs • Created a strong centralized government • Trade & industry flourished • Developed a money-based economy • Bezant (Byzant) curreny • Preserved heritage of Roman law/engineering • Created branch of Orthodox Christianity that spread throughout Eastern Europe, Africa, & Greece 690 AD: A "Bezant", minted in the East Roman (or Byzantine) Empire. The Bezant remained pure and unadulterated for almost 800 years, making it the longest lasting example of sound money in history. This particular coin is reputed to be the first to portray Christ.

  9. Western Church (Rome) Roman Catholic Priests cannot marry Latin language Main holiday- Christmas Pope head of church Pope selected by cardinals Church inherited government functions when West Roman empire collapsed Eastern Church (Constantinople) Orthodox Christianity Priests can marry Greek language Main holiday- Easter Patriarch highest church official Patriarch appointed by Emperor Emperor controlled church Rejected Pope’s authority Christianity

  10. Arts Preserved Roman architecture Architecture blended Greek, Roman, Persian, & Middle Eastern styles (Hellenistic culture) Mosaic icons brought Biblical scenes to life Learning Preserved Hellenistic (Greek) science, philosophy, and literature Historians such as Procopius, preserved time period in historical writings 1st important female historian, Anna Comnena, wrote about Crusades Byzantine scholars transport knowledge to West Lasting Impacts of the Byzantine Empire

  11. The Empire’s Neighbors

  12. 1056-1453: Decline of the Byzantine Empire • 1071: Seljuk Turks defeat Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert • 1204: Constantinople falls to Crusaders during the Fourth Crusade. • 1261: Constantinople is liberated from the Crusaders. • 1453: Fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks 

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