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Social Software in Project Collaboration. Jacob Davidsen og Brian Møller Svendsen. Program. Key web 2.0 features. Users centrally located in the services Profile pages: age, gender, location Testimonials or comments about the user from other users
Social Software inProject Collaboration Jacob Davidsen og Brian Møller Svendsen
Key web 2.0 features Users centrally located in the services Profile pages: age, gender, location Testimonials or comments about the user from other users Ability to form connections/relations between users Links to other users, who are ‘friends’ - membership in groups/communities Subscribe to RSS feeds and “updates” from other users Ability to post content in many shapes: photos, video, blogs Comment and rate your own and other peoples content Tagging of own and other peoples content Control privacy settings and sharing possibilities More technical stuff (public API to allow third–party enhancements and “mash–ups,”) ‘Embed’ different kind of content/media (for example Flash videos), and communication with other people through IM eller PM systems Based on: Key differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0by Graham Cormode and Balachander KrishnamurthyFirst Monday, Volume 13 Number 6 - 2 June 2008http://www.uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/viewArticle/2125/1972
Personalized resource centre Web-desktop/portal Individualized, privatized Individual setup of currents/streams and applications
User generated content and sharing YouTube most popular example of user generated content Create and share Object-centred, but also profile / community based Embed videos on other sites, easy sharing Personal profile, favourites, playlists and friend lists Other examples: Sharing/creating: Blogs, podcasts, wikis, Flickr, Revver Social bookmarking (delicious) Profile text, questionnaires (quizzes on Facebook)
User generated relevance – user ratings and reviews On many sites the front page content is decided by a collective of users Youtube, Digg, delicious, Flickr Invisible collective –> aggregation of individual non-coordinated actions create page content: Tag-clouds Popular videos Creates order in chaos (clusters) Creates new relations and connections (or recreates existing ones) Related keywords, videos, persons (FB), purchases (Amazon)
Location, time and activity Data and information is linked to specific places by using geo data (longitude/latitude) – gps in mobile devices/smart phones Pictures, video, tweets etc. are linked automatically with time and place – represented on for example Google maps Linked to your own present location: SMS at bus stops SNS – which friends do you have nearby Information in relation to location Museums Geo-caching Information screens with bluetooth etc.
Lifestreaming, Microblogging Microblogging, livestreaming News-feeds, twitter, aggregation/converging of several channels/feeds (Flickr, Tweets, blog posts) Focus on gathering streams/feeds (new FB strategy) – friendfeed, sweetcron etc. Both your own and other peoples feeds A social phenomenon: network, comments, awareness Linking of productivity and social actions Often linked to location Lifestream, lifepath?, Lifemapping? Business – FB walled garden, that converges all feeds FB lite – rival to Twitter
Easier sharing of content – RSS, mashups, widgets By using different standards and technologies it has become easier to send content in and out of different systems/sites RSS-feeds (subscribe to other peoples bookmarks, videos, news etc.) Youtube videos can be embedded on other websites, blogs, etc. Facebook can retrieve informations from Friendfeed, Delicious etc. It’s easier to add/incorporate small applications (widgets on your own page, mashups)
Paper on evaluating technologies supporting virtual project based learning • ”A Survey of Technologies Supporting Virtual Project Based Learning” • Paper by Håkon Tolsby, Tom Nyvang and Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld (presented at the Networked Learning Conference 2002) • Discusses differenct approaches to evaluating virtual learning environments (technical, pedagogical or learning theoretical mapping and the learning strategy used in practice) • From a conceptual framework based on ’negotiation of meaning’, ’coordination’ and ’ressource management’ they look upon a number of different types of e-learning systems (both ’content delivery systems’, ’conference systems’ and ’groupware systems’) http://www.networkedlearningconference.org.uk/past/nlc2002/proceedings/papers/40.htm (Danish version in ”Udspil om læring i arbejdslivet” (Illeris, K. 2002): ”E-læring systemer i arbejdspladsrelateret projektpædagogik)
”Classification” • Collaboration and communcation • Tools that enable you to collaborate on the production on content • Sharing of ressources • Tools that enable you to share content • Found content, produced content, sources and references etc. • Producing • Tools that enable you to produce content • Individual development of content • Coordination and planning • Timeplanning, polls, events etc.
Showcase of tools/system for project collaboration • Website http://tinyurl.com/pbl-aau • Collaboration and communcation • Instant messaging (MSN, Skype, ICQ, Google Chat, Facebook etc.) • Voice calls (Skype, MSN etc.) • Wiggio • Google Groups • Google Sites • Zotero • Google Docs • Etherpad (realtime) • Mindmeister (mindmaps)
Showcase of tools/system for project collaboration • Sharing of ressources • Social bookmarking (Delicious, Digg) • Photos: Flickr etc. • Zotero (references) • Documents (Google Docs) • Google Sites • Filesharing and sync’ing (Dropbox)
Showcase of tools/system for project collaboration • Producing • Transcribing (Sound Scribe) • Mindmaps (Mindmeister) • Screendumps (Faststone Capture) • Images (Flickr, Istockphoto.com, sxc.hu) • 12 best places to get free images for your sitehttp://www.techradar.com/news/internet/web/12-essential-sites-for-great-free-photos-624818 • Notes, references (Evernote)
Showcase of tools/system for project collaboration • Coordination and planning • Time planning (Doodle) • Polls (Doodle) • Signup’s (Signappnow) • Google Calendar • Google Sites • Facebook (attend, yes/no/maybe)
Showcase of tools/system for project collaboration • Future • Online office applications • Cloud based operating systems • Google Wave (video) – I guess not!