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NCECA Cups of Merit: Celebrating Artistry and Generosity

Celebrate the annual NCECA Cup Sale where Cups of Merit are awarded to talented artists. Support NCECA scholarships with unique creations from talented recipients. Acknowledge remarkable contributions to the ceramic arts community. Every purchase makes a difference!

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NCECA Cups of Merit: Celebrating Artistry and Generosity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2011 CUPS of MERIT!

  2. At each year’s NCECA Cup Sale, three cups are granted the “Cups of Merit” Award. Recipients are commissioned to create 4 pieces, for up to $500.These works are used as official gifts from NCECA for special presentations, and one piece by each awardee is included in the NCECA permanent collection.

  3. AlysseBowd Red Deer, AB

  4. Scott BennettBirmingham, AL

  5. Martina LantinBrattleboro, VT

  6. 2011 Cup Sale Results:Thanks to you… 687 Cups Were donated from virtually every state in the US, and many countries

  7. 2011 Cup Sale Results: Together, we raised $15,188 All for NCECA Scholarships, including the Regina Brown Undergraduate Fellowship! Congratulations – and THANK YOU!

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