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Promoting Business with video

Promoting Business with video. Steve Feeney. Why Video?. The eye and brain designed to react to movement before detail. Engaging – Holds audiences attention. Consistent delivery of your message Video can bring ideas alive. Video can bring your product to the customer

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Promoting Business with video

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Promoting Business with video Steve Feeney

  2. Why Video? The eye and brain designed to react to movement before detail. Engaging – Holds audiences attention. Consistent delivery of your message Video can bring ideas alive. Video can bring your product to the customer Video can help you compete with competitors

  3. Why Video? 10% of the population are dyslexic!

  4. Video is a marketing tool Like any tool, it only works if you use it!

  5. Google & Youtube Google is the world’s biggest search engine YouTube is the world’s second biggest search engine YouTube is owned by Google

  6. How to Use your VideoAs a marketing tool Web site for impact and maximum views In store promotion Upload your video to Yell.com etc. Spread the word through Social Networking Exhibition stands Playing in reception On your smart phone to show any time, any where

  7. How to Use your VideoAs a marketing tool Link to your video from emails: By text – always! Graphically for marketing emails & newsletters

  8. The Quality Of Your Business will be judged by the quality of your web site & Video

  9. The Creative Process What is your message? Who is your audience? Write your script Produce a story board Produce a shoot list Co-ordinate location, props and people Film and edit

  10. The Creative Process

  11. Time for Audience Participation

  12. Points to Consider Keep It Short Decide your message Who is your audience (market)? What style How will your audience see your Video

  13. Delivery methods DVD Interactive CD’s The Internet Memory Stick Mobile Phone Live Web Streaming QR Codes

  14. What You’ll Need Camera Possibly Lights – Add vibrancy Decent Microphone - maybe Some form of editing software Know How

  15. A Word about Viral Videos

  16. Other Uses Of Video

  17. Video News Releases

  18. Video News Releases “We should be reluctant to use video and audio news releases ..... supplied by an outside organisation.” BBC Editorial Guidelines

  19. Video News Releases

  20. Training Videos Training for both staff AND customers. Consistent standards of training delivery Some subjects don’t lend themselves to the classroom. Show how the job should be done correctly Sometimes you can make the point by showing how not to do it. Induction training. Interactive validation of training

  21. Conferences, Seminars & award ceremonies Video of the conference for those who can’t be there Video to reinforce the message – i.e. Feel Good Videos For large events, provide video of the speaker on screens Product launch videos

  22. Webinars & Webcasts Video Blogs Instructional videos – do it live for interaction with the audience Broadcast the CEO’s message across the internet to other locations Multiple languages etc.

  23. Online Tutorials Lots of software developers do this YouTube is full of tutorials

  24. Any Questions

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