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Outline. Introduction Holographic QCD basic setup masses and coupling constants v ector m eson d ominance/ KSRF tensor mesons The U(1) problem The problem AdS/QCD construction Predictions: masses , decay constants , mixing angles Connection to instantons Conclusions.
Outline • Introduction • Holographic QCD • basic setup • masses and coupling constants • vector meson dominance/KSRF • tensor mesons • The U(1) problem • The problem • AdS/QCD construction • Predictions: masses, decay constants, mixing angles • Connection to instantons • Conclusions
AdS/CFT more D-branes, fluxes ( for flavor, confinement, deviations from conformality, finite N, etc.) • some qualitative similarities to QCD • to get QCD, do we need the full string construction? N D-branes ) SU(N) yang-mills symmetry AdS5 warp factor X S5
AdS/QCD • Bottom up approach • Fit to QCD, expanding around the conformallimit • Check internal consistency as effective field theory IR brane f2 a1 mass h’ r other insights into QCD predicts spectrum p
Why bottom up? • Topdown string-model building approach may be too indirect • Difficult to find correct supergravity background, brane configurations, fluxes, etc… • The dual description of QCD may not be simple to descrbe • Bottom up appoach is directly related to QCD data from the start • Fit some parameters, predict others • Has hope of computing useful non-perturbative quantites • light front wafefunctions, form factors, hadronic matrix elements • Insights into QCD sum rules, vector meson dominance, quark models, instantons, glueball spectra, etc • Easier to work with than the lattice • Understanding dual to QCD may be relevant for LHC • Randall-Sundrummodels are built the same way • May provide insight into more general strong dynamics
Basic Idea external currents probe system IR brane (boudary conditions) models confinement Jm bulk fields QCD AdS operators $ bulk fields global symmetries $ local symmetries correlation functions $ correlation functions • effective low-energy descriptions are the same • quantitativelypredicts features of dual (confined) theory hadrons $ KK modes coupling constants $ overlap integrals
Set-up QCD Lagrangian has global SU(3)L x SU(3)R symmetry. 5D Gauge fields AL and AR Operators AL, AR bulk fields Xij Xij AdS Lagrangian mass term determined by scaling dimension ~ Xis dimension 3 i.e. X= s z3 solves equations of motion
Gauge coupling from OPE In QCD, correlation function of vector current is + power corrections In AdS, source fields on UV brane bulk to boundary propogator (solution to eom with V(0)=1)
Chiral symmetry breaking General solution to bulk equation of motion for X ~ h Xij i = v(z) = mqz+ sz3 s ~ quark masses quark condensate explicit breaking relevant in the UV spontaneous breaking relevant in the IR X = v(z) exp( i p ) |DMX|2 ! v(z)2( AM+dmp + . . .)2 mass term for axial gauge fields AM=(AL– AR)M • splits axial from vector • gives pion a mass Now just solve equations of motion!
Connect to data AdS Object QCD Object Predictions Data ma1 = 1363 MeV (1230 MeV) IR cutoff zm $ LQCD mK*= 897 MeV (892 MeV) first vector KK mass $ mr mf= 994 MeV (1020 MeV) first axial KK mass $ ma1 mK1= 1290 MeV (1270 MeV) first A5 mass $ mp A5 coupling $ fp fr½ = 329 MeV (345 MeV) fa1½ = 486 MeV (433 MeV) fK= 117 MeV (113 MeV) Observable AdS Parameter RMS error ~9% mr= 770 MeV $ zm-1=323 MeV ~ LQCD fp= 93 MeV $ s = (333 MeV)3 ~ mp= 140 MeV $ mq= 2.22 MeV > ½ (mu+md) mK= 494 MeV $ ms = 40.0 MeV
Vector Meson Dominance p p p KSRF II p r = VMD + assumptions p p p p ) AdS p r • VMD understood • KSRF II not reproduced r' • grpp is UV sensitive (e.g. F3 contributes) r‘ In AdS gr’pp~ -0.044 gr”pp~ -0.039 grpp~ 0.48 p p = + + . . . + r r' r‘ p p ~ 1 ~ 0 ~ 0
Spin 2 mesons What does chiral perturbation theory say about higher spin mesons, such as the f2? Start with free Fierz-Pauli Lagrangian for spin 2 Suppose minimal coupling to energy momentum tensor (like graviton) universal coupling to pions and photons Experimental values are = 1 Naïve dimensional analysis does better: 2 free parameters (mf and Gf) and still not predictive
Spin 2 -- AdS • Graviton excitation $ spin 2 meson (f2) • Equation of motion is • Boundary conditions satisfies (EXP: 1275 MeV) ) mf2= 1236 MeV (3% off) • 5D coupling constant fit from OPE AdS: ) solve QCD: quark contribution gluon contribution • predict G(f2 T gg) = 2.70 keV G(f2 T pp) = 37.4 MeV (EXP: 2.60± 0.24 MeV) (EXP: 156.9 ± 4 MeV) (within error!) completely UV safe (off by a lot) UV sensitive
Higher Spin Fields • Higher spinmesons dual to highr spin fields in AdS w3 $ massless spin 3 field fabc in AdS f4 $ massless spin 4 field fabcd in AdS … • Linearized higher spin gauge invariance leads to ) ms satisfies Js-1(mszm) =0 quadaratic KK trajectory AdS prediction linear (regge) trajectory f6 f4 w3 r5 only one input! data f2 r predicts slope and intercept
The U(1) problem The QCD Lagrangian has a global (classical) U(3) x U(3) symmetry ) expect 3 neutral pseudogoldstone bosons: p (139), h(547), and h’(957) Chiral Lagrangian • Chiral anomaly breaks U(1) new term now allowed withfp=fh= fh’, we can almost fit withk can fit exactly by tuning mh’=957 chiral lagrangian can accommodateh’ 686 566 mh=547 493 but does not predict anything about it mp=139 k= 0 k= 850 MeV andk k= 1
How can the Anomaly lift the h’ mass? ~ F F The U(1) current is anomalous h’ = + . . . = + . . . extract mass from p T 0 But in perturbative QCD, anomaly vanishes as p T 0 » and vanishes as p T 0 anomaly cannot contribute in perturbation theory factor of overall momentum ) The solution … instantons! evaluated on a one instanton solution However, integral is divergent, so it cannot be used quantitatively
Lattice Calculations ( ( ) ) 0 8 8 J J ¹ ¹ q q ° ° ° ° ¿ q q = = i i 5 5 ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ Lattice results For currents with flavor, like J8, masses extracted from mh’ = 871 MeV mh= 545 MeV For U(1) currents, other diagrams are relevent OZI-rule violating disconnecteddiagrams • Lattice calculations are difficult • quenched approximation fails Suppressed for large NC (like the anomaly, and the h’-p mass splitting) • need strange/up/down quark masses • In what sense is the h’ mass due to instantons? • is the p T 0 limit smooth? • what do OZI suppressed diagrams do? • do we need to calculate in Euclidean space?
The h’ from AdS dual to pions, pi Recall we had a field X ~ dual to “axion”, a Now introduce new field Y~ • anomalous global U(1) is now gauged local U(1) in AdS • both a and p0 are charged Recall h Xij i = Now, h Y i = power correction (neglect) (keep) scales like z9 (strongly localized in IR)
Match to QCD In perturbative QCD (for large Euclidean momentum) In AdS bulk to boundary solution We take LQCD = zm-1 That’s it – no new free parameters (except fork)
Solve differential equations 5 coupled differential equations a eom: hq eom: hs eom: A5(q) eom: A5(s) eom: • choose boundary conditions f is stuckleberg field (longitudinal mode of Am) p(0) = f(0) =0 p’(zm) = f’(zm) =0 correction to warp factor due to strange quark mass • we will scan over k. But note • forces p0(zm) = a(zm) • as kT1 forcesp0(z) = a(z)
Solution AdS EXP error lattice 867 MeV 957 9% 871 520 MeV 549 5% 545 Also calculate decay constants
Turn off anomaly Turn off LQCD h’ h Turn off k
Decay to photons gm h’ Effective interaction described by Wess-Zumino-Witten term gm (in units of TeV-1) This is a total derivative, so AdS EXP Ahgg= 24.3 24.9 Ah’gg= 48.1 31.3 Mixing anglevaries withz h h’ p8 a p0 p0 a p8
k dependence decay amplitudes AdS EXP h’ 48.1 h 31.3 24.9 24.3 k AdS EXP masses 957 867 549 520
Topological Susceptibility In AdS bulk to boundary propogator for a With no quarks quarkless AdS (109 Mev)4 Lattice (191 Mev)4 large N (171 MeV)4 with quarks Witten-Veneziano relation • numerical value strongly depends on C~as • For C=0 (no kterm) and mq ≠ 0ct(0) ≠ 0 arguments about whether q and ct are physical produce the same qualtitative results • For C=0 (no kterm) and mq = 0ct(0) = 0 mh’2~ 1/Nc for large Nc
Instantons In the conformal limit (no IR brane, C~as const) With IR brane and z-dependent k = k(z) Expanding around the conformal solution, andintegrating the action by parts on the bulk-to-boundary equation of motion gives This is the same as the instanton contribution with D(r) ~ k(z) and z~r
Conclusions • The holographic version of QCD works really really well • meson spectrum, coupling constants predicted • insights into vector meson dominance, KRSF • higher spin fields can be understood • insights into regge physics • The U(1) problem is solved quantitatively and analytically (i.e. not with a lattice) • h and h’ masses predicted to 5% and 9% respectively • decay rate G(hT gg)predicted well G(h’T gg) is IR-model-dependent • simple mixing angle interpretation for h h’ decays fails • new handles to turn off the anomaly • Witten-Veneziano relation reproduced • Direct connection with instantons, with z ~ r and an interpretation of the instanton density • Many open questions • Why does AdS/QCD work so well? • Can the expansion be made systematic to all orders? • Can we calculate useful non-perturbative observables: form factors, hadronic matrix elements, etc • Can lessons from AdS/QCD be applied to other strongly coupled gauge theories • (e.g. RS/technicolor)