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Hannah Wagner how did humans directly impact their environment.

Hannah Wagner how did humans directly impact their environment. Mrs. Volker and Mrs. Magee Talent 21 project.

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Hannah Wagner how did humans directly impact their environment.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hannah Wagnerhow did humans directly impact their environment. Mrs. Volker and Mrs. Magee Talent 21 project

  2. Today I will be showing you a power point on how humans directly impact their environment. For example, some of the people are early farmers. Rome, Greece, Early man. You will learn how all those places impacted their environment. Intro

  3. Land was changed as the Glaciers melted • More lakes were made as they melted • Some Animals died out After Glacier Age

  4. They used stone tools to make weponds and house needs • They also used weapons to kill their pray. • They would kill their pray and eat it for food • They would also kill the animals for close and also the animals for their houses. Early Man

  5. They use plows • Clearing trees away by fire to make flat land • Irrigation • Sticks • Strong water • Slash and burn fire Early farmers

  6. They melted copper and tint to make bronze for the plow. • They used irrigation systems • They also used a hoe to farm Mesopotamia

  7. they controlled the Nile river • They build pyramids with mud • cut down trees to make fire • They traded from cutlers Egypt

  8. they had lots of mountains • They had great deals • They harvest • They traded a lot • They started the Olympic games Greece

  9. They made stone buildings • They threw their garbage out the window into the streets • They sacrificed animals to their Gods Rome

  10. In this project I tried to show you how other places impacted the earth. I learned that ancient cultures did different things than other people. I learned that someone people did different things back then, than us. Conclusion

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