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‘The Death of Turnus ’ Annotation and Translation. Annotate and translate the passage in groups 1 person will lead in annotation 1 person will lead in grammar and vocabulary reference 1-2 people will lead in translation Indicate your group role with an A, G, or T at the top of your page
‘The Death of Turnus’ Annotation and Translation • Annotate and translate the passage in groups • 1 person will lead in annotation • 1 person will lead in grammar and vocabulary reference • 1-2 people will lead in translation • Indicate your group role with an A, G, or T at the top of your page • Change absūmitur to absūmeris (line 3) • Translate lines 1-15
Propositum: DWBAT identify and translate 1st and 2nd person pronouns 4/7/14 FaciteNunc: • Take a ‘1st and 2nd Person Pronouns-Singular’ handout from the front of the room and snap it into the Class Notes section of your binder • Complete the STATIM at the top of pg. 1 of your handout by filling in the missing Latin forms and English translations of the 3rd person pronoun is, ea, id PENSUM #103: Finish translating ‘A DISPUTE AMONG BROTHERS’ and complete your 1st and 2nd person pronouns chart in full Quiz on Friday on 1st and 2nd person pronouns
STATIM: Complete the chart below for the 3rd person pronoun is, ea, id: he ea it his/of him eius hers/of her eius to her eī eī to him her id eum it eō eā by/with her by/with it ea eae they them eōrum eōrum of them of them to them to them eīs eīs them eās them eīs by/with them by/with them by/with them eīs
We have seen how 3rd person pronouns talk about individuals or groups in the 3rd person: ________________________________________________________________________________ • Latin 1stand 2nd person pronouns talk about individuals or groups in the 1st and 2nd person: ________________________________________________________________________________ he/him, she/her, it, they/them I/me, you, you all, we/us
‘A DISPUTE AMONG BROTHERS’ Annotation and Translation • Annotate and translate the passage in groups • 1 person will lead in annotation • 1 person will lead in grammar and vocabulary reference • 1-2 people will lead in translation • Indicate your group role with an A, G, or T at the top of your page • Translate lines 1-10 and place each form of the 1st and 2nd person pronouns into the chart on pg. 1
‘A DISPUTE AMONG BROTHERS’lines 1-5 • Romulus fratrīdīxit: ‘ego urbemconderehīc, in collePalatīnō, cupiō.’ • Remus: ‘tūlocum optimum urbīnōncognoscis. in colleAventīnō forum erit.’ • ‘et,’ Remusdīxit, ‘urbis nōmen ‘Rema’ erit. cīvēsRemaemēlaudābunt.’ • ‘numquamfīduserōtibinecurbīRemae,’ īrātus Romulus clamāvit. Romulus: • ‘vidēbimusdeōrumsigna. deīcontrātēdēcernent.’consiliōconsensitRemus. Romulus said to his brother: ‘I want to build a city here, on the Palatine hill.’ Remus: ‘You don’t recognize the best place for the city. The forum will be on the Aventine hill.’ ‘And,’ Remus said, ‘the name of the city will be ‘Reme’. The citizens of Reme will praise me.’ ‘I will never be loyal to you nor to the city Reme,’ the angry Romulus shouted. ‘We will see signs of the gods. The gods will decide against you.’ Remus agreed to (his) plan (idea).
Propositum: DWBAT identify and translate 1st and 2nd person pronouns in the singular and plural 4/8/14 FaciteNunc: • Take a ‘1st and 2nd Person Pronouns-Plural’ handout from the front of the room and snap it into the Class Notes section of your binder • Complete the STATIM at the top of pg. 1 of your handout by filling in the 1st and 2nd person pronoun forms you learned yesterday PENSUM #104: Finish translating ‘Gathering the Riffraff’ and complete your 1st and 2nd person plural pronouns chart in full Quiz on Friday on 1st and 2nd person pronouns
SINGULAR 1st and 2nd Person Pronouns ego tū “you” “of me/mine” tuī meī “to you” tibi mē “me” tē
‘A DISPUTE AMONG BROTHERS’lines 6-10 • ‘hīc in collemeī, Aventinō, VI avēsvīdī.’ ‘quamquamerant in colletuī VI avēs, • erant XII in collePalatīnō,’ Romulus recrepuit. • pugnantavidīregulī; RemusāfratreRomulōcaesus est. • per eamcausam, urbs nomine ‘Rōma’ condita est in collePalatīnō, et • dēurbe ‘Remā’ nōndiscimus. ‘I see 6 birds here on my hill, the Aventine.’ ‘Although there were 6 birds on your hill, there were 12 on the Palatine hill’, Romulus replied. The greedy princes fight; Remus was killed by his brother Romulus. Through (for) this reason, the city was founded with the name ‘Rome’ on the Palatine hill, and we do not learn about the city ‘Reme’.
CONTEXT CHECK /1/ What did Romulus and Remus disagree about? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /2/ On what basis did each brother claim the right to found the new city? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /3/ How did the city of Rome get its name? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
‘GATHERING THE RIFFRAFF’ Annotation and Translation • Annotate and translate the passage in groups • 1 person will lead in annotation • 1 person will lead in grammar and vocabulary reference • 1-2 people will lead in translation • Indicate your group role with an A, G, or T at the top of your page • Translate lines 1-6 and place each form of the 1st and 2nd person pronouns into the chart on pg. 1
‘GATHERING THE RIFFRAFF’lines 1-6 Romulus was wanting (wanted) to be king of the great city, and so people were being sought (out) by him. • Romulus rexesse urbis magnaecupiēbat, itaquehominēsabeō • petēbantur. litterae ad urbēsItaliaemissaesunt: • ‘Salvēte! Romulus, Rōmaerex, vōssalutat. sīnōnlaetīestis in agrīs, • montibus, et urbibusubihabitātis, veniētis ad mē. sīpecunianōnāvōbīs • tenētur , sīvōsdomōsnōnhabētis, sīscelerātīestis, ego etiammeam • urbemdōvōbīs.’ Letters were sent to the cities of Italy: ‘Greetings! Romulus, king of Rome, greets you. If you are not happy in the fields, mountains, and cities where you live, you will come to me. If money is not held by you, if you do not have homes, if you are a criminal, I still give my city to you.’
Propositum: DWBAT identify, translate, and compose 1st and 2nd person pronouns in the singular and plural 4/9/14 FaciteNunc: • Take a ‘1st and 2nd Person Pronouns- Composition’ handout from the front of the room and snap it into the Class Notes section of your binder • Complete the STATIM at the top of pg. 1 of your handout by filling in the 1st and 2nd person pronoun forms you learned yesterday and Monday PENSUM #105: Study for your notes from this week for a Quiz on Friday on 1st and 2nd person pronouns
PLURAL 1st and 2nd Person Pronouns nōs you of us/ours nostrī vōbis to you nōs us vōs by/with us nōbīs vōbis
‘GATHERING THE RIFFRAFF’lines 7-10 • abtotāItaliāvēnēruntexulēs, pauperēs, latrōnēs. ‘Rōmaeregem, • Romulum, nōssalutāmus!’ dīxērunt. ‘possessiōnēsparvāsnostrī • adducimus. tū, rexmagnus, ānōbīsamāris. hīcnōsiubēbis, et hīcurbem • statuēmus. clarīcīvēsRōmaesumus, nunc et aeternaliter!’ Exiles, poor men, thieves came from all (over) Italy. We greet you, Romulus, king of Rome!’ they said. ‘We are bringing our small possessions. You, great king, are loved by us. You will command (rule) us here and we will build a city here. We are the famous citizens of Rome, now and forever!’
Exerceāmus! CompositionFill in the correct NOMINATIVE pronouns to complete the Latin sentences. Then translate. 1. Romulus suīsnovīscīvibus dixit: “_________ urbemmeammanēreaeternalitercupiō. sī______ quoque id fātumcupītis,________ fīliōspeteredebēmus.” Translation: ego vos nōs Romulus said to his new citizens: I want my city to remain forever. If you all also want this fate, we ought to find children.”
Exerceāmus! CompositionGroup Work • For sentences 2-4, translate and fill in the correct pronouns to complete the Latin sentences. Use GRAMMAR and CONTEXT to determine the correct case and number for each pronoun. • When you are done, raise your hand for a group work CHECK. You must receive a check in order to receive Classwork credit • Volunteers will put answers for each pronoun blank on the whiteboard
Propositum: DWBAT identify, translate, and compose 1st and 2nd person pronouns in the singular and plural 4/11/14 FaciteNunc: • Take a out your ‘1st and 2nd Person Pronoun Review’ from yesterday for correction • Take out a red pen to correct your work during HW inspection • Once you have corrected your work, take out a black/blue pen for your quiz PENSUM #106: otiōvestrōperfruāminī!
Exerceāmus! I. Complete the following sentences by supplying the missing 1st or 2nd personal pronoun in ENGLISH and then determine what case that pronoun would take in LATIN a. Romulus said to his brother: “____________ think the city’s forum should be located on the Palatine hill.” • The person and number of this pronoun would be ___________ and ____________ • The Latin case of this pronoun would be _________________ • Therefore the Latin form of this pronoun would be ________________ b. Remusreplied: “____________ location isn’t as good as mine - the Aventine hill.” • The person and number of this pronoun would be ___________ and ____________ • The Latin case of this pronoun would be _________________ • Therefore the Latin form of this pronoun would be ________________ I 1st singular nominative ego your 2nd singular genitive tuī
Exerceāmus! I. Complete the following sentences by supplying the missing 1st or 2nd personal pronoun in ENGLISH and then determine what case that pronoun would take in LATIN • Romulus retorted: “No one will ever be loyal to ________A_______ as a king, ruling a city with a name like ‘Reme’! But if you don’t believe _______B______, let’s let the gods decide.” • The person and number of pronoun A would be ___________ and ____________ • The Latin case of pronoun A would be _________________ • Therefore the Latin form of pronoun A would be ________________ • The person and number of pronoun B be ___________ and ____________ • The Latin case of pronoun B would be _________________ • Therefore the Latin form of pronoun B would be ________________ 2nd singular dative tibi 1st singular accusative mē
II. Complete the following sentence by CIRCLING the correct 1st or 2nd personal pronoun in Latin. • “ego, Romulus, rexRōmae, ( vōs / vestrī ) salutō!” • “( nōs / vōs ) habēbimusoptimamurbem in totāĪtaliā!” Romulus novīscivibusdīxit. • “primīRōmānī, nōsā ( tū / tē ), Romulō, aeternaliterregēmus! • “nuncpetereuxōrēs ( vōbīs / vōs ) debeō. cum patribusoppidīSabinīdīcam...”
III. Complete the following sentences by supplying the missing 1st or 2nd personal pronoun in LATIN. Remember to translate the sentence first and then decide what case and number would work best for the blank BEFORE you write down your answer. • “_____________(2nd person) ānōbīsaeternaliteramāberis!” cīvēsRomulōdīxērunt. • Translation: tū You will be loved by us forever!” the citizens said to Romulus.
III. Complete the following sentences by supplying the missing 1st or 2nd personal pronoun in LATIN. Remember to translate the sentence first and then decide what case and number would work best for the blank BEFORE you write down your answer. b. Romulus patribusoppidīSabinīdīxit : “sīvestrīfīliās____________(1st person) dabitis, eae in matrēsbeatāsā _____________(1st person) cīvēsmutābuntur” • Translation: nōbīs/mihi nōbīs Romulus said to the fathers of the Sabine town: “If you will give your daughters to me, they will be changed into blessed mothers by us.”
III. Complete the following sentences by supplying the missing 1st or 2nd personal pronoun in LATIN. Remember to translate the sentence first and then decide what case and number would work best for the blank BEFORE you write down your answer. c. “optōadvocāre _____________(2nd person) et_____________(2nd person) fīliāsad spectāculum in Rōmā. eamamābitis! vōbīspromittō.” • Translation: vōs vestrī “I want to invite you and your daughters to a show in Rome. You will love it! I promise (that) to you.”
QUIZ: 1st and 2nd Person Personal Pronouns • Take out a black/blue pen for your quiz
MULTIPLE CHOICE CHALLENGE! • Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to decipher the correct answers to the IA’s TOUGHEST multiple choice questions • In order to figure them out, you will have exactly 2 minutes with your group members to decide on the correct answer • After those 2 minutes are up, each group will hold up a square of paper with the correct letter choice for the question • I will then call on a random individual group member to explain why they chose their answer • If they can’t explain it correctly, the group forfeits their point • Each group with the correct answer receives 1 point. The group with the greatest number of points will win a prize!
Term 3 IA (60%) responded correctly Romulus Remōmagnāvōceclamāvit: ‘ēreptuses, frater, sedredimērisāmē!’ (lines 11-12) 19. The best translation of sedredimērisāmē! is a) But you are taken back by me! b) But you will be taken back by me! c) But you will be rescued by me! d) But you will have been rescued by me!
Term 3 IA (58%) responded correctly geminīālupā, velutīmatre, nūtrītīsunt et eīscibumabavibusdabātur. (lines 1-2) 4. The case and function of eīsis a) accusative, direct object b) dative, indirect object c) ablative, ablative of agent d) ablative, ablative of means
Term 3 IA 2. (56%) responded correctly geminīālupā, velutīmatre, nūtrītīsunt et eīscibumabavibusdabātur. (lines 1-2) 2. The best translation of the verb nūtritīsuntis a) they will have been nourished b) they are nourished c) they were nourished d) they had been nourished
Term 3 IA 16. (50%) responded correctly in pastōristectōpuerīcrescēbant; in agrīsmontibusqueludēbant et magnāvirtūteālatrōnibusferīsquehominēsservābant. (lines 5-7) 16. According to this passage a) The twins were scholarly boys who loved books and ancient languages. b) The twins had a rough childhood and engaged in thieving and hunting. c) The twins were adventurous and often saved other shepherds. d) The twins worked hard in the home of the shepherd raising them.
Term 3 IA Results – R1Class Average – 78% (+8% from Term 2) Magna Cum Laude (90% + ) Aroosha Daniel Paul P. Janice Loanni Reema Abi Mirielle Cum Laude (80% +) Paul A. Rahman Itunu Asha Carlene Shamiana Alexus Izabella Jeffrey Michael
Term 3 IA Results – R6Class Average – 76% (+0% from Term 2) Magna Cum Laude (90% + ) Erminson Wuraola Charlene Ralph Aminah Coco Cum Laude (80% +) Corey Nayely Rezwan Tafari Areeba Rushaid
Term 3 IA Results – R1Class Average – 77% (+7% from Term 2) Magna Cum Laude (90% + ) Anik Ar Raya Robin Sophia Keri Andy Sarah Cum Laude (80% +) Iyana Arman Richard Samuel Jhevanae Alec
Propositum: DWBAT identify, translate, and compose 1st and 2nd person pronouns in the singular and plural 4/11/14 FaciteNunc: 1. Take a handout (Alienus Abduction:The Kidnapping of the Sabine Women) from the front of the room and snap it into the Class Notes section of your binders 2. Fill in the missing blanks in the CONTEXT CHECK box on pg.1 of your handout PENSUM #107: Translate ‘Alienus Abduction’ in full
Context Check Remus • Romulus and his twin brother couldn’t wait to inherit control over the city of Alba Longa from their grandfather, , so they decided to found their own city. Romulus wanted to build the forum on the hill, while Remus wanted to establish it on the hill. The competitive brothers decided to let the decide, so they looked to the sky to observe how many flew over each hill. Romulus saw while Remus only saw , so declared himself the favored brother. • Although he now had a location for his new city, Romulus was still lacking one essential component - . In order to acquire them, he publicized his new city to the types of people he thought he might be able to attract, such as ,, and . These men came far and wide to become the first citizens of Rome. • Romulus and his new citizens next plotted to attract to their city, who might serve as suitable future wives. They approached the leaders of a nearby tribe, the , to see whether they would be willing to marry off any of their daughters… Numitor Aventine Palatine gods birds 12 Romulus 6 citizens the poor exiles thieves women Sabines
Alienus Abduction:The Kidnapping of the Sabine WomenAnnotation and Translation • Annotate and translate the passage in groups • 1 person will lead in annotation • 1 person will lead in grammar and vocabulary reference • 1-2 people will lead in translation • Indicate your group role with an A, G, or T at the top of your page • Aim to translate lines 1-10
Reading ComprehensionOn a piece of looseleaf, answer the following questions in English, using evidence from the Latin text to support your answerI will collect 1 response per group member at random • How does Romulus try to persuade the Sabines to come to Rome? • What was the consiliumthat the Sabines were unaware of? • What scene is created once the Romans start to seize the Sabine women?
Propositum: DWBAT translate a passage about and explain the context surrounding the ‘rape of the Sabines’ 4/24/14 FaciteNunc: 1. Take a handout (Rex vs. Rex) from the front of the room and snap it into the Class Notes section of your binders 2. Take out a red pen to correct your HW translation PENSUM #108: Translate ‘Rex vs. Rex’ in full EXPLICATIO QUIZ on Tuesday for ‘rex vs. rex’
Alienus Abduction:The Kidnapping of the Sabine Women King Romulus says to the Sabines, ‘To live with neighbors in peace • rex Romulus Sabīnīs “vīvere” inquit “cum vicīnīs in pāce • optima felicitās est. vōs ad feriāsapudnōsadvocāminī. deum • Neptūnumpublicīssacrīsūnācolēmus.” • cum patribus, uxōribus, filiīs, et servīsvēnēruntSabīnī ad • Rōmamaltam, sednesciīconsiliīRōmānōrumfuērunt. ubisuīs • cīvibus Romulus signumdedit, filiaeSabīnaeāRōmānīsvirīs • raptaesunt! • interim patrēsSabīnīabarmātīsRōmānīsexpellēbantur. • patrēsfīliīs, patribusfīliaeclamāvērunt: “nōsterritīsumus! • patrēs! fīliae! ubiestis?” is the greatest happiness. You all are invited to festivals with us. We will worship the god Neptune together with public sacrifices.” The Sabines arrived with (their) fathers, wives, children and slaves at tall Rome, but they were unaware of the plan of the Romans. When Romulus gave the signal to his citizens, the Sabine daughters were captured by the Roman men! Meanwhile the Sabine fathers were being driven away by armed Romans. Fathers shouted to daughters, daughters to fathers: “We are terrified! Fathers! Daughters! Where are you?”
Alienus Abduction:The Kidnapping of the Sabine Women • studiōsus Romulus cuiquefīliaedīxit: “tūtaerisnōbīscum, • sīmanērecupīs. decusclārumRōmānaefēmīnaeātētenēbitur.” • nōniamtimēbant, nōniameōscallidōsRōmānōsrelinquere • optābant; eaefactaeerantuxōrēsRōmānae. Eager Romulus said to each daughter: “You will be safe with us, if you want to stay. The bright/famous (amazing) honor of a Roman woman will be held by you.” They were no longer afraid, no longer were they wishing to leave behind these clever Romans; they had been made (into) Roman wives.
Sabīnaeraptae The Rape of the Sabine Women by Nicholas Poussin (1634)
Cogitāte… • What makes the women decide to stay with the Romans?
Rex vs. RexAnnotation and Translation • Annotate and translate the passage in groups • 1 person will lead in annotation • 1 person will lead in grammar and vocabulary reference • 1-2 people will lead in translation • Indicate your group role with an A, G, or T at the top of your page • Aim to translate lines 1-12
Propositum: DWBAT translate a passage about and explain the context surrounding the Sabine war 4/25/14 FaciteNunc: 1. Take out your Rex vs. Rex handout for correction and inspection 2. Take out a red pen to correct your HW translation 3. Have ready a sheet of looseleaf to take notes PENSUM #109: EXPLICATIO QUIZ on Tuesday for ‘rex vs. rex’ re-read and re-translate the ‘rex vs. rex’ passage to prepare
Propositum: DWBAT translate a passage about and explain the context surrounding the Sabine war 4/25/14 FaciteNunc: 1. Take out your Rex vs. Rex handout for correction and inspection 2. Take out a red pen to correct your translation 3. Have ready a sheet of looseleaf to take notes PENSUM #109: Finish ‘Rex vs. Rex’ translation in full EXPLICATIO QUIZ on Tuesday for ‘rex vs. rex’
Rex vs. Rex Nevertheless Titus Tatius, king of the Sabines, waged a war against the Romans. • tamen Titus Tatius, rexSabīnōrum, bellum contrāRōmānōsgessit. Tarpeia, • SabīnafīlianōnfīdaRōmānōducī, Sabīnōs • mīlitēsiuvāredēcrēvit. eīsdīxit: “sīmihidabitis quae in tuīs • lacertīsgeritis, portās urbis Rōmaevōbīsaperiam.” • ea armillāsaureāseōrummīlitumcupiēbat, sedscutīs • eōrumobrūta est. stultapuella! dūrīmīlitēs! Tarpeia, a Sabine daughter not loyal to the Roman leader, decided to help the Sabine soldiers. She said to them: “If you all will give to me (the things) which you are wearing/carrying on your arms, I will open the gates of the city of Rome to you.” She was wanting the golden bracelets of those soldiers, but she was buried by their shields. Stupid girl! Harsh (cruel) soldiers!
Cogitāte… • How may have Tarpeia spoken with the Sabine soldiers? • Who was Tarpeia really loyal to? • Explain what the phrase “scutīseōrumobrutaest” means in your own words. Why does this happen to Tarpeia?
Rex vs. RexAnnotation and Translation • Annotate and translate the passage in groups • 1 person will lead in annotation • 1 person will lead in grammar and vocabulary reference • 1-2 people will lead in translation • Indicate your group role with an A, G, or T at the top of your page • Begin to translate lines 6-15