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How Well Do Students Learn?

How Well Do Students Learn?. POGIL Organic at Regional Liberal Arts College. 1998-1999, n = 40. Lecture. POGIL. Randomized enrollment, different instructors, single exam given concurrently, prepared and graded by both instructors Chi-squared = 7.1 alpha < 0.01.

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How Well Do Students Learn?

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  1. How Well Do Students Learn? http://www.pogil.org

  2. POGIL Organic at Regional Liberal Arts College 1998-1999, n = 40 Lecture POGIL Randomized enrollment, different instructors, single exam given concurrently, prepared and graded by both instructors Chi-squared = 7.1 alpha < 0.01 http://www.pogil.org

  3. Organic I at Public UniversityWithdrawals and Common Final Exam Scores A 9% A 12% Withdraw 12% 1% F B 19% D 15% B 32% Withdraw 47% C 16% C 31% D 1% F 5% Top Half Average 66 pts. Top Half Average 65 pts. LECTURE n = 109 POGIL n = 75 Chi squared = 19.1 Alpha <0.005 Comparing ABC vs. DFW http://www.pogil.org http://www.pogil.org

  4. Assessment Quiz for Organic 2 Large public university Classes of about 250 Assessment quiz given on first day of Org. 2 Some students took Org I with “lecture”; two or three different instructors Some students were in a POGIL section of Org 1 http://www.pogil.org http://www.pogil.org

  5. Retention of Learning: Organic 2 pre-quiz results (Lecture vs POGIL Organic 1) http://www.pogil.org

  6. Organic at “Tier 1” Midwest Liberal Arts College Coverage Issue How well are Guided Inquiry students prepared for subsequent lecture courses? • Fall Organic I: one Guided Inquiry section and one lecture section • Spring Organic II only one section - lecture http://www.pogil.org

  7. Coverage IssueIs Guided Inquiry Organic I preparation for Organic II Lecture? http://www.pogil.org

  8. Conclusions • Students achieved greater “success” in POGIL classes • Students were prepared for subsequent course taught in traditional style http://www.pogil.org

  9. Moravian College Chemistry 211 • Since 2001: failure rate (DWF) < 3.6 % http://www.pogil.org

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