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Water Energy. SUEDA ESEN . WHAT’S WATER ENERGY???. The flowing water winds up the wheels and by this way water energy is obtained. Water energy is converted to Electric energy …. Hydroelectric plants.
WaterEnergy SUEDA ESEN
WHAT’S WATER ENERGY??? The flowing water winds up the wheels and by this way water energy is obtained.
Waterenergy is convertedtoElectricenergy…. Hydroelectricplants Forcenturies, it’sbenefitedfromflowingwatertorunmachinesandmillsandwindupwaterwheels . But nowadays, waterenergy is not useddirectly. It’sconvertedtohydroelectricenergyandthenused. Thehydroelectricplantsconvertthepower of flowingwatertoelectric. Theamount of energywhich is in flowingwater is formedbythefloworfallspeed of thewater. Theflowingwater in a bigriver has a highamount of energy.
How is it converted??? Theflowingorfallingwater is takeninto water-channelorpipesandflowstotheturbinesandprovidesthearms of theturbines. Turbinesareconnectedwiththegeneratorsandtheyconvertmechanicalenergytoelectricenergy.
Thank You Sueda Esen