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Information Necessary for Preparation and Monitoring/Assessment of the Development Process: By Mr. Sékouba Diarra, Mali Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework Techn i cal Unit Coordinator. MALI. Table of Contents. MALI. Introduction Strategic approaches Objectives by GPRSP approach
Information Necessary for Preparation and Monitoring/Assessment of the Development Process: By Mr. Sékouba Diarra, Mali Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework Technical Unit Coordinator MALI CT SFPR
Table of Contents MALI Introduction • Strategic approaches • Objectives by GPRSP approach • Statistical information needs - Needs covered - Needs insufficiently covered or not covered at all Conclusion
Introduction • The GPRSP is a matter of great importance for the country: • It draws together all development policies and strategies conducted by the State and guarantees their coherency. • It makes it possible to stimulate growth and ensures the entire population benefits from it. • It determines the priorities on which basis the State budget is prepared annually. • It comprises a priority framework for technical and financial partners’ involvement. • The first generation concerned the period 2002-2006; the second version covers the period of 2007-2011; the third generation will extend over the period of 2012-2017. MALI
Strategic Approaches • The 2012-2017 GPRSP depends on two established approaches and three major • strategic approaches tending to mutually reinforce each other: • Established approaches: • reinforcement of peace and security; • consolidation of the macroeconomic framework’s stability; • Strategic approaches: Approach 1: promotion of enduring growth, favourable to the poor, to create employment and business activities generating revenues; Approach 2: long-term reinforcement of bases for development and fair access to quality social services; Approach 3: institutional development and governance • These approaches are coherent with those of the 2007-2011 GPRSP, but they do a better job of taking the major across-the-board themes into account: demographics, gender, the environment and climate change, fighting HIV/AIDS. MALI
MALI II. Strategic Objectives by Approach Established Approach 1: reinforced peace and security; • This direction must make it possible to restore security for both persons and goods and to promote peace in society. Restoring security for both persons and goods bears on modernising the operational capacities of armed and security forces, through implementation of a five-year military programming law; this would provide what is lacking in terms of human resources, modern equipment, operational and territorial deployment, projection and anticipation, of information. • Objective 1: Reinforcing State ability to respond to the public’s expectations in terms of security • Objective 2: Involving all major players in managing security issues (shared security and peace governance). • Objective 3: Creating a state of peace and security favourable to development
MALI II. Strategic Objectives by Approach Established Approach 2: consolidation of the macroeconomic framework’s stability; • This direction must make it possible to create an overall environment favourable to development. • Objective 1: Reinforcement of macroeconomic management • Objective 2: Reinforcement of public finances management
II. Strategic Objectives by Approach Approach 1: promoting lasting sustainable growth, favorable to the poor, to create employment and business activities to generate revenues • This direction must make it possible to reach a GDP of 7% annually, to make Mali and agricultural power and to create employment and business activities to generate revenue for all Mali citizens of working age, especially women and young people. • To do this, the government intends: • to develop infrastructures (low-cost energy, transport, ICT); • to accelerate implementation of a national program promoting mechanised agriculture; • to promote employment of young people and their integration socially and professionally, including in agriculture; • to continue management of land at the Niger Office, the objective being that of doubling the surface area cultivated by 2018; • to improve the business environment; • to develop and implement the new land policy; • to accelerate creation of the Private Sector Guarantee Fund • to put the micro-finance sector on sounder footing MALI
II. Strategic Objectives by Approach Approach 1: promoting lasting sustainable growth, favorable to the poor, to create employment and business activities to generate revenues • Objective 1: Increasing agro-sylvo-pastoral production and supporting the emergence of agricultural industries • Objective 2: Promoting industry, trade and services • Objective 3: Improving access to loans and facilitating investment • Objective 4: Knitting the entire territory together into a network of modern infrastructures • Objective 5: Supporting the creation of employment and business activities generating revenues MALI
II. Strategic Objectives by Approach Approach 2: long-term reinforcement of bases for development and fair access to quality social services; MALI • This direction must make it possible to eradicate food safety risks and to eliminate all inequalities in access to social services, whether such inequalities are owing to wealth or poverty, sex, region or owing to differences between the urban and rural milieu. • Objective 6: Gaining control over demographic growth (natural and migratory) • Objective 7: Erasing disparities based on sex in all areas • Objectif 8: Reducing social inequalities, especially through implementation of the social protection policy • Objective 9: Improving the availability and quality of education, and developing access to know-how and expertise • Objective 10: Eradicating food safety risks • Objective 11: Ensuring access to quality healthcare for all • Objective 12: Sustainably maintaining quality urban, rural and natural environments
II. Strategic Objectives by Approach Approach 3: institutional development and governance MALI • This direction must make it possible for Mali to be a model of good governance. This calls for: • The set-up of strong and credible institutions based on fighting against corruption and impunity; the rebuilding of public administrations; rehabilitation of the judicial system; developing and extending decentralisation; developing instruments of participatory democracy; reform of the electoral system process and recovery of a strong position in a changing international environment. • An active policy of national re-conciliation, bearing on: (i) implementation of a Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission; (ii) implementation of the Accelerated Development Programme of the North (in French, PDA/RN) and implementation of a Cohesion and Solidarity Fund (in French, FCS), the financial instrument of said Programme (iii) implementation of transitional Justice (national and international), (iv) launch of the negotiation process with major players in the rebellion, (v) raising up northern regions in a special economic development area.
II. Strategic Objectives by Approach Approach 3: institutional development and governance MALI • Objective 13: Reinforcing decentralisation and devolution • Objective 14: Continuing modernisation of the State and guaranteeing compliance with the principles of a lawful State • Objective 15: Boosting development of regional centres and participatory local management (including land management) • Objective 16: Reinforcing cooperation within sub-regional institutions and with outside Mali citizens • Objective 17: Improving public finance management and fighting effectively against corruption and financial delinquency • Objective 18: Improving the preparation, monitoring and assessment of public policies
II. Statistical Information Needs Reinforcement of the national statistical system is among the objectives and priority areas for the 2012-2017 GPRSP. Indeed, in order to improve the preparation, monitoring and assessment of public policies, the GPRSP has especially emphasise the importance of statistics from three interdependent angles: • development of the Results-Based Management culture (RBM); • continuation of efforts to improve statistics quality and availability; • greater involvement of major players in creating, implementing and monitoring policies and strategies. As part of this vision, the main mission assigned to the National Statistic System (NSS) is to collect data and information necessary to tracking GPRSP. To do so, on the one hand emphasis is put on reinforcement of its capabilities to permit it to publish in accordance with required scheduling, with quality data making it possible to measure the effects and impact of policies, and on the other hand on coordination of structures producing public statistics (INSTAT, CPS). MALI
MALI • II. Statistical Information Needs • The GPRSP participatory and iterative process has led the Mali government, together with the TFP, to develop a Joint Evaluation Framework for Annual GPRSP Reviews. This is an assessment matrix describing the results achieved by GPRSP priority approaches for involvement with the list of indicators (type, reference values, MDG targets, objectives and their figures in the GPRSP, achievements for the year, sources for verification, collection methods, frequency, structures responsible for analysis and collection). • Faced with informational needs, the “Malikunnafoni”, the Mali socioeconomic database, was developed and set up. This relational and multi-sectorial tool makes it possible to centralise and organise statistical data. The “Malikunnafoni” database is a precious tool for all users, integral to the STS intended to improve the NSS to monitor the GPRSP and the MDG. This socioeconomic database should be updated annually, before the GPRSP review.
MALI • . Needs covered • Macroeconomic framing: economic growth, inflation, exports, public finances, etc. • infrastructures (low-cost energy, transport, ICT) and productive sectors (agriculture, mines and hydrocarbons, industry, etc.) • MDG sectors: education, health, drinking water, etc. • Demographics • Food safety • The main major operations planned for the period covered by the GPRSP includes: (i) the fifth year of the Mali Demographic and Health Survey (in French, EDSM), conducted every five years; (ii) the annual Agricultural Trends Survey (in French, EAC); (iii) the annual Modular Households Survey (in French, EMOP); (iv) the annual SMART Nutritional Survey; (v) the annual Living Standards Measurement Survey (LSMS-ISA), to measure quality of life in the rural environment; (vi) the General Agricultural Census of 2014 (every 10 years); (vii) the Industrial and Small Business Census (every three years). The national survey of the informal sector would be necessary, the last one dating from 1989. Themed surveys are also programmed to respond to specific needs.
MALI • . Needs insufficiently covered or not covered at all • The environment • Employment • Poverty • Peace and security • Justice, the fight against corruption and financial delinquency • The taking into account and disaggregation of data by gender in economic, budgetary and demographic statistics • The annual SDS and GPRSP reviews are chances to fully appreciate NSS ability to make pertinent indicators available in a timely manner.
Conclusion Despite the efforts of the NSS have made, importing challenges remain to be faced in connection with satisfying the need for quality statistics, a need ever more pressing and urgent. The problems hindering development of the NSS are well known. The main problem is that of human resources. The Mali NSS faces other problems such as insufficient financial resources, organisation which remains to be improved, insufficient statistical coordination despite progress recorded over recent years, functional relations lacking definition between structures producing public statistics and especially between the INSTAT and the CPS. The quality of the statistics and their accessibility remains to be improved. The government reaffirms its intention and commitment to accelerating growth, and fighting effectively against poverty. To do so, it remains determined to reinforce its capacities in statistical terms. It is still indispensable to aid and accompany the TFP. MALI CT SFPR