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E-IDENTITY: RESPONSIBILITY OR COMMODITY?. Dina Crnec Anita Salopek. Ph.D. Sanja Seljan, assistant professor Ph.D. Hrvoje Stan čić , assistant professor Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION E-ID: FINANCES EDUCATION FUN CONCLUSION. INTRODUCTION.
E-IDENTITY:RESPONSIBILITY OR COMMODITY? Dina Crnec Anita Salopek Ph.D. Sanja Seljan, assistant professor Ph.D. Hrvoje Stančić, assistant professor Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
INTRODUCTION • IDENTITYcreated out of attributes that differentiate each individualfrom others • a subset of characteristics that identify a person • request for e-id in every sphere of e-life (finances, education, fun etc.)
INTRODUCTION • digital identities: • encrypted (passwords) • virtual personal (forums, chats, blogs, etc.) • when will users hide / disclose themselves? • real vs. digital identity / e-id • online vs. offline existence
E-ID: E-BANKING • TOKENprotection of electronic identity • main problems on the Internet: • safety(security, privacy) • convenience
E-ID: E-BANKING • “the identity theft and fraud is the nation's fastest growing crime (…) and a big business too” thus showing the necessity for protection of e-identities Arcot (2007)
E-ID: EDUCATION • AAI@EduHr (infrastructure enablingunique authenticity and authorization) • CARNet (Croatian Academic Research Network) services • EduRoam (using the same computer during visit in European universities) • CMU(CARNet Modem Access)
E-ID: EDUCATION • cheap system • used only by students, professors and members of CARNet • CARNet's e-identityenables: • Internet access • e-mail address • CARNet online courses
E-ID: EDUCATION • account on public server (anonymous or group accounts not allowed) • extra services (ftp, web site) • personal info is public and can be changed by the user • on user's demand information can be removed (losing the possibility of using services of AAI@EduHr system)
E-ID & PSEUDONYMS • people can freely redefine themselves on the Internet as they wish • in cyberspace nobody knows you're a dog • PSEUDONYM allows hiding identities online yet lets users build a reputation with a username
E-ID & PSEUDONYMS • often case: more than one e-id per user (eBay, escaping consequences of negative reputation) • reputation online prestige? • VIRTUAL WORLDescape from problems of real life?
E-ID & PSEUDONYMS • PROBLEMS: deception misrepresentation question of trustworthinessand reliability of data fraud and stealing identities disturbance of privacy • law protection
STEALING & ABUSE • prevention: regular updating being suspicious to sending account numbers keeping passwords hidden ignoring suspicious Internet links checking credit cards’ status
STEALING & ABUSE • identity theft: financial (obtaining goods and services) criminal (e.g. terrorism and espionage) business (using someone else's business name to obtain credits) Identity cloning (using someone else'sinformation to assume his identity in real life)
E-ID: WEB SERVICES • INTERACTION (online chats, forums, multi-player online games, virtual communities, Wikis, e-mails, MUDs) • INTERMEDIATION (digital marketplaces, online social networks)
E-ID: WEB SERVICES • concept of “online masks”: • reputation online and popularity • selling e-identities who is the real owner? * www.facebook.com/ www.worldofwarcraft.com/ www.ebay.com/
E-ID: WEB SERVICES • E-ID echo of true self? • revealing personally identifiable information • change of characters’ attributes • online experiences vs. offline emotions • addiction validity of online relations?
E-ID RESEARCH • pilot study on reliability of e-identities: conducted on the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb 30 students • AIM raise awareness on: potentialproblems of e-identities more responsible management of e-identities
E-ID RESEARCH • RESULTS: 90% has a virtual identity great involvement of students with the electronic environment use on a regular basis dangers of giving or selling an id self-definition behaviour online MORE
E-ID RESEARCH Most common use of a virtualidentity?
E-ID RESEARCH Main disadvantages of virtual identities?
E-ID RESEARCH Main difference between your virtual andreal identity?
CONCLUSION • importance of e-identities and issues related to them (from pseudonimity to fraud) • role of a virtual lifein the real one should there be a difference? • why do we hide behind masks? • what’s up next after virtual lives?