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An overview of the organisational structure, functions and managerial roles. Created for the ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) Level 5 programme. University Structure.
An overview of the organisational structure, functions and managerial roles Created for the ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) Level 5 programme
University Structure • In August 2011 Loughborough University moved away from a structure of 24 academic departments and established ten academic schools. However for external marketing purposes the academic departments still appear on the web site. • These departments still exist as recognised structures within some of the Schools and still have Heads although the role of the new Heads is much less significant than the old HoDs as many responsibilities have moved to the School Deans and Associate Deans. • The overriding aim of the restructure was to ensure that the University is fit for purpose and emerges from the current climate of reduced resources stronger than ever. • It retains its six interdisciplinary research schools.
Main objectives of the restructuring • Ensure the University is fit for purpose in the face of a changing and challenging external environment. • Enhance communications, improve and standardise systems and eliminate duplication of effort. • Create robust team-based operational structures to improve efficiency and reduce the reliance on key individuals. • Facilitate the sharing of staff and physical resource. • Create an executive in which the academic body is strongly represented. • To create a Senior Management Team in each school comprising of Associate Deans for Research, Teaching and Enterprise and an Operational Manager.
The 10 Schools • School of Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering (Comprising the departments of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Materials) • School of the Arts, English and Drama (Comprising the School of the Arts and the Department of English & Drama) • School of Business and Economics • School of Science (Comprising the departments of Chemistry, Computer Science, Information Science, Physics, Mathematical Sciences and the Mathematics Education Centre) • School of Civil and Building Engineering • Loughborough Design School • School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering • School of Social, Political and Geographical Sciences (Comprising the departments of Geography, PHIR and Social Sciences) • WolfsonSchool of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering • School of Sports, Exercise and Health Sciences
The Service Departments • Academic Registry • Enterprise Office • Research Office • Teaching Centre • Arts • Facilities Management • Health, Safety and Environment (part of FM) • Human Resources • Staff Development (part of HR) • Student Services • IT Services • Sports Development Centre • Library • Marketing and Communications
The 6 Interdisciplinary Research Schools These facilitate research across traditional boundaries. They do not physically exist, but draw staff from the 10 Schools. The interdisciplinary research groupings are: • Health and Life Sciences • Informatics • Materials • Sustainability • Systems Engineering • Design
The Management Structure • The most senior staff at the University are its Officers. Loughborough's Chancellor - the University’s Senior Ambassador - is Sir Nigel Rudd, who presides over meetings of the University Court. Court is not a formal body but has a role in public relations and communications for the University. The Chancellor is also an ex-officio member of the University Council and confers degrees on its graduates. • The Senior Pro Chancellor, Sir Peter Bonfield, is chair of the University Council. University Council is the University's governing body and is formally accountable to HEFCE and other stakeholders for the good governance of the institution. • The day-to-day running of the University is the responsibility of the Vice-Chancellor who is the academic and executive head. The Vice-Chancellor works closely with executive colleagues and the Academic Leadership Team.
The Management chart • On the following page there is a copy of the management chart. It also has hyperlinks to additional information • Use these links to find out about parts of the University you are not as familiar with
Vice Chancellor & President Provost & Deputy Vice Chancellor LT ALT Chief P ro V i ce Pro Vice P ro V i ce Dir e c t R e p o r t s Dir e c t R e p o r t s Director of Operating Chancellor Chancel l or Chancellor Finance Di r e c t o r o f Pl a n n i ng D e a n s o f : O f f i cer (Resea r ch) (Teaching) ( Enterprise) S ch o o l o f t h e A r ts , E n gli s h ALT ALT ALT ALT ALT and Drama S c h ool of S o ci a l, P o l i tic a l a n d G e og r a p hi c al S c ie nc es D i re c t R e p o r ts Dir e c t R e p o r t s Dir e c t R e p o r t s Dir e c t R e p o rts Dir e c t R e p o rts D i re c t R e p o r ts Dir e c t R e p o rts S ch o o l o f S c i en c e H u m a n D i re c t o r s o f: D e p ut y Fi n a n c e D i re c t o r of Di r ec t o r of D e a n o f G r a d u a te D ir e c t o r of De p u ty P r o Vi c e S c ho o l o f A er o n a uti c al, R e so u r c e s A c a demic Ma n ag e r D ev e lo p m en t & I n te r n a tio n a l i sa t ion S c h ool T ea c h i n g C e nt r e C h a n c e ll o r ( E n te r pr i s e) A u t o m o t i ve , C he mi c a l an d Reg i st r y S t u d e n t A l u m ni S t ra t egy Dir e ct o r o f E x t e r n al Aff a irs M a t er i a ls E n g i n e e r i ng S e r v i c e s Fa c ili l ties R e lati o n s Di r e c t o r of H e a d o f C e nt r e Ma n a g e ment S po r t S ch o o l o f Bu s i n e s s a n d R e se a r c h Off i ce f o r E n g i n e eri n g & I T Se r v i c e s Mar k et i ng & E co n o mics D es i g n E d uc a t i o n C o mmu n ic a ti o n s A r ts Di r e ct o rs o f R e se a r c h S c h o o l o f C i v il a nd C h a ng e P r o j ec t s S ch o ol s : Buil d ing Eng i ne e ri n g L i br a ri a n H e alth & Li f e S c i e n c es L o u g hb o r o u g h D es i gn Materials S u st a in a bil i ty S c h o ol S y s t em s E n gi n ee r ing I n fo r m a ti c s D e si g n S c h o o l o f E l e c t ro n i c, Ele c tri c al and Sys t ems Eng i ne e ri n g Wo lf s o n S c ho o l of Mechanical and M a n u fa c t u r i n g E ng i ne e ri n g S c ho o l o f S po r t , E x e r c i se a n d H e alth S c i e nc e s ALT Dir e c t R e p o r t s H e a d s of D e pa r tmen t s A ss o c i at e D e a n s ( T e ac h in g ) A s s o c i a t e D e a n s ( R es e a r ch ) A s so c i a t e D e a n ( E n t e r pr i se) O p e r ati o n s Man a g e rs A L T = A c a d emi c Le a d e rs h ip T e am Vice Chancellor and PresidentALT Provost and Deputy Vice ChancellorALT Chief Operating OfficerALT Director of Finance ALT Pro Vice Chancellor (Research) ALT Pro Vice Chancellor(Teaching)ALT Pro Vice Chancellor(Enterprise)ALT Direct Reports Deansof : School of the Arts, English and Drama. School of Social, Political and Geographical Sciences. School of Science School of Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering School of Business and Economics School of Civil and Building Engineering Loughborough Design School School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering School of Sport, Exercise and Health SciencesALT Direct Reports Director of international-istion strategy Direct Reports Director of Development and Alumni Relations D Direct Reports Heads of Departments Associate Deans (Teaching) Associate Deans (Research) Associate Dean (Enterprise) Operations Managers
University Governance • The University Council is the University’s governing body, its responsibilities include strategic direction, legal compliance, risk management, accountability for use of public funds etc. It is the official employer of all staff and meets four times a year. Its Chair is the Senior Pro Chancellor, Sir Peter Bonfield. • The University Senate is responsible for the academic work of the University, including academic awards, academic strategy and structure and teaching and research quality. Also student discipline, prizes and all academic matters. Senate is chaired by the VC and its membership is drawn from the University’s academic staff. The only exception is that the Librarian is a formal member. It meets five or six times a year. • The University was established by Royal Charter and has the status of an exempt charity. (its charitable status is regulated by HEFEC not directly by the Charity Commission.)
University Committees • On the following page is a diagram of the University Committees and how they link into Council and Senate. • Click on the links to find out more about each committee, its purpose, terms of reference and who sits on these committees. • Both staff and students have representation on many of the committees.
Council Arts Committee Audit Committee Learning and Teaching Committee Senate Nominations Committee Prizes Committee Remuneration Committee Research Committee Student Discipline Committee Research Performance Monitoring Committee Chair PVC (R) * Student Experience Committee Chair PVC (T) Human Resources Committee Chair COO * IT Committee Chair COO Advancement Committee Chair VC Enterprise Committee Chair PVC (E) Ethics Committee Chair Lay Council * Estates Manage-ment Committee Chair COO * Finance Committee Chair VC * Operations Committee Chair Provost Health Safety & Environmental Committee Chair Provost*
Other information • If there is any other useful information you are aware of about the structure, functional areas and managerial roles within the University then please do let us know in Staff Development and we can add to this power point. • Another useful link to look at is: • How the University works