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Goals. Understand what is meant by “Church”, particularly from the Catholic perspective. To do this, we will….. Understand the etymology of the word Church in various languages Define Mission Statement Understand the mission statement of the Catholic Church

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Goals • Understand what is meant by “Church”, particularly from the Catholic perspective. To do this, we will….. • Understand the etymology of the word Church in various languages • Define Mission Statement • Understand the mission statement of the Catholic Church • Understand how a mission statement shapes and forms an organization’s actions. • Define “business model.” • List and describe Cardinal Avery Dulles’ 6 models of Church • List and describe 3 images of Church from Holy Scripture • List and describe the 4 “marks” of the Church.

  2. Your Assignment • Build Church

  3. Etymology of church • Qahal (Hebrew) • Ekklesia (Greek) • Kyriake (Greek)

  4. Qahal • Hebrew word for the gathering of the people • Calling of Abraham and electing of Israel as His people. • “I am your God and you are my people.” • Stresses the action of God in calling the Church together

  5. Ekklesia • Greek equivalent of Qahal • Ek-kalein, which means: “to call out of” • Ekklesiameans a convocation or an assembly (usually for religious purpose). • Also stresses the action of God in calling the Church together

  6. Kyriake • Literally: “what belongs to the Lord” (Kyrios) • Led to the German term “Kirche” • Which led to the English term “Church.” • it connotes the belongingness of that assembly of God. • it designates the total community of the people of God. • Stresses the Church’s belongingness to the Lord

  7. Church and Mission What is our mission?

  8. Mission Statement • A mission statement is a brief statement which defines and describes the core identity of an individual or a group. • We begin with the end in mind.

  9. Business Model • The rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value(economic, social, or other forms of value).

  10. Mission Statement • A mission statement is a brief statement which defines and describes the core identity of an individual or a group. • What does this mission statement mean? • How does the organization go about achieving their mission? (What is the company’s business model?) • What evidence do you have that this corporation is fulfilling its mission? • What could this company do to achieve its mission more completely?

  11. Facebook's mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. • Display Ads • Revenue Share from app/game makers • Search Partnerships (e.g. sharing "Like" data with Bing)

  12. Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. • Display Ads • The more time you spend online, the more you’re exposed to advertisements.

  13. The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of customer service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and company spirit • Cheapest rates • Secondary airports • Simple fare scheme

  14. Our mission: to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. • Market saturation • Low advertising-spending • No franchising

  15. Since its founding in 1923, The Walt Disney Company and its affiliated companies have remained faithful to their commitment to produce unparalleled entertainment experiences based on the rich legacy of quality creative content and exceptional storytelling. • Dreamer: Creative type • Realist: How can we monetize this and make it work for our business? • Spoiler: What is wrong with this idea?

  16. To serve high quality, delicious food quickly with an experience that not only exceeds, but redefines the fast food experience. • Higher quality food • Socially-responsible food • Expect customers to pay more

  17. Bellarmine College Preparatory is a community of men and women gathered together by God for the purpose of educating the student to seek justice and truth throughout his life. • Get students into top universities, creating demand. • Give students and alumni best experience possible, creating revenue. • Provide many opportunities for spiritual, academic, and social growth.

  18. Roman Catholic Church • Mission: to proclaim the Good News, serve the needs of the poor, and build the reign of God.

  19. Roman Catholic Church • What do you think?

  20. Avery Cardinal Dulles • Jesuit Priest and theologian • 1918-2008 • His father, John Foster Dulles, was the secretary of state under Eisenhower • Man for whom Dulles airport in DC is named • His uncle, Allen Dulles, was the director of the CIA under Eisenhower and Kennedy • Both his great-grandfather and his great uncle served as secretaries of state. • Made a Cardinal (but not a bishop) in 2001. • Most important work: Models of Church

  21. 6 Models of Church

  22. Church as Institution • Top-down, militaristic, feudalistic model • People on the top decide policy. • To be a member, the people must simply follow. • Efficient • Keeps tradition the same over long periods of time • Rigid and conformist • Example? • The Catholic hierarchy

  23. Church as Community • Focus on people and fellowship • To be a member, you need to develop relationships with members of the community • Democratic • Allows people to define what the Church will be • Makes it difficult to be a universal Church • Nothing gets done • Inefficient • Example? • Church ski trips, church pancake breakfasts

  24. Church as Sacrament • Church as a sign of God’s grace in a world in need of redemption • Church mirrors the communion of saints in heaven • Focuses on the symbolic nature of the 7 Sacraments • Beautiful symbolism • Highly intellectual • Typically, only those educated in theology can understand it. • Does not really specify what the outward mission of the Church members should be. • Example? • Ephesians 5: 21-33

  25. Church as Herald • Focus on proclaiming the good news • Focus on Scripture • Focuses outside of church • Purpose is to get more people to call themselves Christian • Ensures perpetuation of the faith • Lacks depth and substance • Example? • Jehovah’s Wittnesses

  26. Church as Servant • Focus is on serving others • Transforming world through peace and justice • Focuses outside of church • Helps the poor, regardless of belief • Often forgets the spiritual side of faith • Example? • JVC, Bellarmine service trips

  27. Church as School of Discipleship • Education and formation of disciples • Focuses on teachings/life of Jesus • Like a franchise business model • Enables individuals • De-centralizes message • Example: Bellarmine

  28. 6 Models of Church

  29. Images of Church

  30. People of God • Communal • God and us • Focus is less on individuality, more on common good • Focus is on God the Father • 1 Peter 2:9-10

  31. People of God

  32. Body of Christ • Body has structure, order, power. • There is a head, hand, body, eye. • While all parts are necessary, some are more necessary. • Focus is on God the Son • Romans 7:4

  33. Body of Christ

  34. Temple of the Holy Spirit • Temple in Old Testament • God’s dwelling place • Holy of Holies • Special Place • Temple in New Testament • 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 • Focus is on God the Holy Spirit • 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

  35. Temple of the Holy Spirit

  36. Marks of the Church

  37. Lumen Gentium • Light of the World or Light of the People • Pope Paul VI • What is the Church? • What should people in the Church do?

  38. What the Church is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic

  39. One • We are unified • We believe in One God • We are born of one baptism • We form one body • One hope in the same salvation • We are diverse • Diversity enriches the practice of the faith • Basic unity is not divided http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaBi57yQr3s

  40. Holy • Special • Set apart • United with God

  41. Catholic • Comprehensive • God is all that is truth • Christ is the full revelation of God • Catholic Church is Christ on earth • Universal • Mission to the whole human race

  42. Apostolic • Founded by the apostles • Apostolic succession • Apostles ordained people who ordained people… • Infallibility • Of the Church • Of the Pope • Vatican I declared infallibly that the Pope can declare things infallibly

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