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Stephen Lippa

Stephen Lippa. Overview. What are Gizmos? Supporting research and philosophies Getting oriented on ExploreLearning.com Using Gizmos for differentiated instruction Setting up your classes Integration, collaboration and reflection. What is a Gizmo?.

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Stephen Lippa

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stephen Lippa

  2. Overview What are Gizmos? Supporting research and philosophies Getting oriented on ExploreLearning.com Using Gizmos for differentiated instruction Setting up your classes Integration, collaboration and reflection

  3. What is a Gizmo? • An interactive online simulation for math and science • Ministry-licensed (Math 7-12, Science 9-12) • Created for students in grades 3-12 • A fun way to learn and build lasting understanding

  4. Research Validates Gizmos Instruction using computer-based simulations improves student achievement (Marzano, 1998)

  5. Your Folder Research Lesson Examples Assessment Start Guide Enrolling students

  6. Distance-Time Graphs

  7. Polygon Angle Sum

  8. Quadratics in Polynomial Form

  9. Types of Gizmos Misconceptions → Concept Development www.explorelearning.com

  10. Types of Gizmos Inquiry ← Manipulating Variables www.explorelearning.com

  11. Types of Gizmos Models www.explorelearning.com

  12. Types of Gizmos Real-World Applications www.explorelearning.com

  13. Types of Gizmos Skill Development www.explorelearning.com

  14. Lesson Materials/Exploration Guides Assessment tools Pre/Post Testing Diagnostic Evaluation Extract images, data, and text Curriculum Correlations Collaborative functionality Integrated Resources

  15. Curriculum correlations Lesson Materials Evaluation – Extracting images and text Collaborative Functionality Assessment

  16. Gizmos-Technology Integration • Whole-class Instruction:LCD or Interactive Whiteboard • Minds-On, or review activities • Modeling inquiry • Introduce or debrief a lab • Computer Stations:Individual or group work • Computer Lab:Individual or group work • Teacher Website: Hyperlinked access • Online Courses, Blended eLearning • Credit Recovery • Self-directed homework

  17. Stephen Lippa, Project Manager slippa@explorelearning.com Toll-Free: (866) 882-4141 x263 Thank you!

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