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PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD. If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonight’s Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located on the speaker’s podium in the front of the Council room.
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonight’s Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located on the speaker’s podium in the front of the Council room. Please note that public comments are limited to five (5) minutes per speaker.
Proclamations • Proclamation declaring May 14-21, 2011 as AmeriCorps Week
Director’s Reports • Police • FY 2012 Budget Presentation • H:\Police\CPD FY2012 Budget Presentation • Fire • Fire Department monthly report for March, 2011 • Administrative Services • FY 2012 Budget Presentation • H:\Council Presentation\5-10 Admin Services FY12 Budget Presentation.ppt
Public Hearings • 2011-2012 CDBG Program • H:\Community Development\2011pubhearCommunity Development Block Grant.ppt • Constant Yield Tax Rate • H:\Council Presentation
Ordinances – 1st Reading • Authorizing the refunding of a 2006 Lease Purchase Agreement with M&T Bank through the issuance of General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $4,000,000 • Amending the 1999 Bond Ordinance to allow for the refunding of the 1999 General Obligation Bond
Charter Amendment Resolution – All three readings • Adding Section 82C to the City Charter to authorize, with certain provisions, the execution of ordinances by a two-thirds vote of Council to allow the temporary use of unexpended proceeds of bonds to meet temporary cash requirements and the reimbursement of temporary borrowing
Resolutions • Resolution authorizing a Modification Agreement to the 2006 Bond • Resolution adopting an amendment to the City's Flexible Spending Plan to disallow Over-the-Counter (OTC) drugs and include children up to the age of 26 as allowed dependents
Consent Orders • Order authorizing the execution of a renewal agreement with for vision, drug, and health insurance for City employees, effective July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012. • Order accepting the proposal of Carl Belt, Inc., for the Cedar Street Improvements Project (09-08-S) in the amount of $1,591,135.00 • Order accepting the proposal of Furlow's Garage for the purchase of a surplus 1987 Sutphen Fire Truck (VIN No. 1S9A1BBDXH1003501) in the amount of $2,000 • Award Lighting Fixture Procurement Contract to the low responsive bidder Capital Tristate. • Order authorizing the execution of a Revised PILOT Agreement with Cumberland Family Homes II LP regarding the development of a rental housing facility at East Second and South Streets, correcting the commencement date of the project to July 31, 2012, to extend for a term of fifteen (15) years from there.
Letters, Petitions, etc. • Letter from Dave Romero, Chairman of the Downtown Development Commission, recommending that the taxes from the Special Taxing District (STD) be aligned with the City, County an State credits and assessment freezes on all future developments in the primary and secondary districts of the downtown.
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonight’s Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located on the speaker’s podium in the front of the Council room. Please note that public comments are limited to five (5) minutes per speaker. http://tools.arantius.com/stopwatch