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Basic Features of a Remembered Event Essay

Basic Features of a Remembered Event Essay. Basic Features: Remembering an Event. A Well-Told Story The story in the essay should arouse curiosity and suspense, structure the narrative around conflict, build to a climax, and lead to a change or discovery of some kind

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Basic Features of a Remembered Event Essay

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Basic Features of a Remembered Event Essay

  2. Basic Features: Remembering an Event A Well-Told Story • The story in the essay should arouse curiosity and suspense, structure the narrative around conflict, build to a climax, and lead to a change or discovery of some kind • It must be set in a specific time and place, and use dialogue effectively • Readers should be able to empathize or identify with the narrator and understand his or her point of view

  3. Basic Features: Remembering an Event Vivid Description of People and Places • Specific details in the essay describe what people look like, how they dress, gesture, and talk • Sensory images show what the narrator saw, heard, smelled, touched, and tasted

  4. Basic Features: Remembering an Event Autobiographical Significance To make a point, the essay should include: • Feelings and thoughts from the time the event took place • Reflections on the past from the present perspective • Details and words chosen to create a dominant impression

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