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European Metrology Research Programme. ENV57: “Metrology for radiological early w arning n etworks in Europe” Stefan Neumaier Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Braunschweig, Germany. Outline. European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP)
European Metrology Research Programme ENV57: “Metrology for radiological early warning networks in Europe” Stefan NeumaierPhysikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Braunschweig, Germany
Outline • European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) • EMRP call “Metrology for Environment” in 2013 • Joint Research Project (JRP) “Metrology for radiological early warning networks in Europe” • The JRP-consortium
EURAMET = European Association of 37 National Metrology Institutes
European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP)(www.emrponline.eu) • EMRP is jointly supported by • the European Commission (article 169 of the European treaty) and • the “EMRP participating countries” within EURAMET (presently: 19 EU member states, 2 EFTA countries, Turkey) • 6 Calls: 2007, 2009-2013 with “TP”* and “Grand challenges” Topics: Fundamentals in Metrology, Metrology for: Health, Industry, New Technologies, Energy, EnvironmentTotal value (6 calls): approximately 400 M€ • *TP = Targeted Programme
EMRP procedure • Call for Proposals for Potential Research Topics (PRT)Necessary steps: Find partners; write a “PRT-proposal” • EMRP committee selects PRTs and published SRTs • Call for proposal for a Joint research Project (JRP) based on the SRTs:Necessary steps: Found a consortium, write a JRP-proposal, calculate the JRP-budget, collect Letters of support • Evaluation of the JRP-proposals and selectionNecessary steps: Presentation of the JRP (poster + interview) at a review conference • Contract negotiationsFunding (45% of total JRP-budget); total budget (3 to 5) M€ 55% labour contribution by partner institutions
EMRP call Environment II, 2013 • Metrological research to improve the quality of measurements of: • Contamination of water, air and soil • Climate control and related parameters • Radiation measurement and protection (elctromagneticand ionising radiation and acoustic noise) • ....
Radioactive plums Radioactive plums and large scale contaminationsafter the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident 1986
…provide dose rate data to EURDEP and hence to EC on an hourly basis! Real time dose rate data are of key importance for the ECURIE-systems! EURDEP = European Radiological Data Exchange Platform ECURIE = European Commission Urgent Radiological Information Exchange Early warning dosimetry network stations in Europe About 5000 stations … S. Neumaier, PTB 6.3 8
Typical dosimetric detector systems Requirements: cheap; robust; reliable; low maintenance costs Typically: gas filled detectors High-pressure-ionisation chambers IC Proportional- counters PC Geiger-Müller- counters GM Sensitivity Energy/Nuclideinformation: None!
PRT proposal (EMRP-partnering meeting, January 22, 2013 at NPL) Climate Data Harmonisation of early warning dosimetry networks in Europe PTB JRC – IspraEURADOS WG3 ECnational operatorsmanufacturers Harmonisation of Air-born radioactivity monitoring networksin Europe PTB“Ring of Five”JRC – Ispra ECnational operators manufacturers
New generation of spectro-dosimetric detectors to be used for environmental radiation monitoring Insitu gamma-spectrometry systems Szintillation detectorsNaI(Tl), LaBr3, SrI2 Semiconductor detectorsatroomtemperature: CdZnTe
Further PRT proposals (radiation protection)related to Early warning networks • Low level radon measurements (P. De Felice) • New low dose underground calibration facility, Romania; similar to UDO II, but traceable to French primary standards (J.-M. Bordy, CEA, S. Bercea, IFIN): • Harmonisation ofaerosol-samplers (H. Phillips, NPL) • Decommissioning of radioactive waste (F.-J. Mahringer, BEV) • Radioactive waste management (P. Kovar, J. Suran, CMI)
EMRP call Environment II, 2013 • Potential Research Topic: “Metrology for radiological early waning networks in Europe” • Based on: • Evident needs for harmonisation and for new methods • Partners expertise and/or unique research facilities • Existing cooperation (e.g. with EC JRC-Ispra) • Contact to stakeholders (EURADOS-intercomparisons) • Stimulated by Fukushima-accident
Submitter andcoordinator: Stefan NEUMAIER PTB Germany PRT-Proposers:
PRT-proposal: • PRT-Template (6 pages): Conformity with TP, Scientific objectives, Need, Impact,... Submitted on March 15, 2013 to EMRP • Accepted as Selected Research Topic (SRT) in June 2013; “SRT-v15” published under the same title (SRT = 2 pages) • We immediately started to invite additional institutions in order to create a powerful consortium (3 additional partnering meetings; 2 NPL, PTB)
Submission of a JRP-proposal: October 1, 2013 • - JRP-Protocol: 86 pages, describing the project - JRP-budget data-sheet: 15 pages; all financial aspects - REG*-Documents: 2 x 10 pages - 25 Letters of support (from stakeholders) • * Two integral Researchers Excellence Grants (UPC, AUTH)Fundingof a coworkerfor 15 montheach
PTB NPL JRC-IRMM SCK-CEN IRSN LNHB CMI BfS-Freiburg IJS JRC-Ispra IFIN CIEMAT UPC ENEA AUTH TAEK “Metrology for radiological early warning networks in Europe” JRP consortium: 16 partner institutions from 11 European countries+ collaborators: 12 potential collaborators Buildup a networkwith„overcriticalmass“ CTBTO; IAEA ALUF GAEC
Default chance: 48% Review Conference, Nov. 19, 2013 Monte Carlo
ENV57: ENV57-coordinator: S.N., PTB) WP1: Dose rate monitoringWP2: Airborneradioactivitymonitoring WP3: Traceabilityandharmonisation WP4: Generating impactWP5: Management Total budget: 4.7 M€EC funding (45%): 2.1 M€ + 0.2 M€ (REGs) Duration: 3 a; Deliverables: 13016 partnerinstitutions+ upto 15 collaboratinginstitutions ENV57-coordinator: S.N., PTB
Dosimetry at low dose rates in the vicinity of natural environmental radiation fields Secondary comic radiation (, K, N -> µ, e / (),n)charged/ neutral Rn and Rn-progenies Rn ____________________________ Terrestrial radiationterr Primary cosmic radiation (p86%, α 12%, >α 1%, e 1%) Calibrations at 80 nSv/h are required ! µ soil At ground level:SCR: µ, e, n ; 40 nSv/h(Germany mean)TR: terr,Rn ;40 nSv/h
R = instrument Reading; RB = „inherent background“r = response (in terms of H*(10)) Instrument reading and calibrations in natural environmental radiation fields R = rSCRH*(10)SCR + rTRH*(10)TR + RB Secondary cosmic radiationTerrestrial radiationSCR:µ, nTR: -terr, (-Rn) + r Hart PTB reference sites to determine these 4 detector parameters:UDO(H*(10)SCR=H*(10)TR = 0):RB UDO(H*(10)SCR= 0;TR:226Ra-calibration):rTR , rCosmic radiation field (H*(10)TR= 0): rSCR
cosmic radiation -430 m: „radiation free“ environment Monitoring of cosmic- & terrestrial radiation „radioactive plume“ simulation
UDO II at the Braunschweig-Lüneburg salt mine of the European salt company (esco) in Grasleben Pure rock salt:a(40K) = 20 Bq/kga(222Rn) 10 Bq/m3 => H*(10) = (1.60.2) nSv/h 430 m level:Φμ (UDO)/Φμ(0) <10-4 .
H UDO II = 1.6 nSv/h H Ref : 5 nSv/h – 300 nSv/h First calibrations at UDO II performed at the 6. EURADOS-intercomparison of European early warning dosimetry network systems 10.-14. September 2012
Six EURADOS* intercomparisons: 1999 – 2012 … „traceability“ of dosimetry early warning systems to PTB‘s primary standards 30 institutions from 20 countries See publications in RPD 2 2 5 4 3 4 2 *European Radiation Dosimetry GroupWG3: “Environmental Radiaton Monitoring”
A nasty question: • Is there really a need for • environmental radiation monitoring in Europe?
Are nuclear accidents with transbounary implications possible in Europe? If no? Why, by the hell, Germany decided to shut down all atomic power plants?
Benefits and impact of harmonised “ERM” • Active dosimetry systems: • Determination of contamination levels • Traceable (reliable; comparable) dose rate data • Scientific benefit: determination of soil moisture • Spectrometry systems (new developments): • information about nuclide vectors • Scientific benefit: determination of soil moisture • Air samplers: • Reliable (comparable) activity concentration data • Transport models and risk estimates: • Improved data base for both
Measurement of soil moisture from area dose rate data* *PRT proposal 2010; not submitted.
Potential stakeholders • Operators of national dosimetry networks(about 30 institutions from 20 countries which participated in EURADOS intercomparison exercises) • Manufacturer of dosimetry and spectrometry systems(private companies) • JRC-Ispra (responsible for EURDEP) • 400 million citizens in Europe (health; economical and sociological damages) • Climate change community ? • ??
Traceablity of radiologically relevant data Soil moisture by “Metrological developments towards the harmonisation of environmental radiation monitoring in Europe” (proposal for a PRT) Spectrometry Thank you for your attention! New detector systems
Proposed Potential Research Topic (PRT) “Environmental radiation monitoring” • - My proposal was accepted • Myproposalandtheproposalsof Pierino, Jean-Marc and Hilary havebeenmergedto a „large scale“ PRT-proposal • Most ofthepossibleco-authorsjointthe „taskforce“ towrite a PRT • Lena Johansson suggestedSN for “PRT-coordinator”
European legislation Council Decision 87/600/EURATOM (1987) Community arrangements for the early exchange of information in the event of a radiological emergency. (Notification and provision of information!) Political and technical realisation: European Community Urgent Radiological Information Exchange System= ECURIE-system based on the dose rate data of the EUropean Radiological Data Exchange Platform (EURDEP)
Calculation of contamination levelsfrom area dose rate data 10 kBq/m2homogenious surface contamination of 137Cs+21 nSv/h 131I+ 13 nSv/hAimed accuracy of dose rate measurements: 5 nSv/h at a background of 80 nSv/h
Call 2013: TP Energyand TP Environment II • Call for Proposals for Potential Research Topics (PRT)Necessary steps: Find partners; write a “PRT-proposal” • EMRP committee selected PRTs (SRTs); published SRTs • Call for Proposal for a Joint research Project (JRP), based on the SRTs:Writing a JRP + calculating the budget; Letters of support • Evaluation of the JRP-proposals at a Review ConferencePresentation of the JRP (poster + interview) • Selection of JRPs and contract negotiations • Funding (45% of total JRP-budget); Total budget (3 to 5) M€ 55% labour contribution by partner institutions