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Curriculum Forum . February 5, 2014 . Instructional Services. Mentoring Highlights. Jayme Presley Jamyme.preseley@esc20.net 370-5429. Mentoring Highlights. Reflecting on the year House Bill 2012 – Mentoring Survey Overview of programs Scaffolded Solutions - Training & Online Support
Curriculum Forum February 5, 2014
Mentoring Highlights Jayme Presley Jamyme.preseley@esc20.net 370-5429
Mentoring Highlights Reflecting on the year House Bill 2012 – Mentoring Survey Overview of programs • Scaffolded Solutions - Training & Online Support • TxBESS- Training • PACT – Online • Success stories • Close eyes and listen to questions • Contact Jayme Presley - jayme.presley@esc20.net
Texas Administrator and Teacher Appraisal System Updates By: Shannon Allen Administrative Specialist Education Service Center – Region 20
New Teacher and Administrator Performance Standards • Available for public comment last month on TEA website under Commissioner’s Rules. • Feedback was positive. (Hard copy available for Teacher Standards) • New standards will inform educator and administrator preparation programs. • New standards will inform the development of a state mentorship program.
Domain IInstructional Planning and Delivery Teachers demonstrate their understanding of instructional planning and delivery by providing standards-based, data-driven, differentiated instruction that engages students, makes appropriate use of technology, and makes learning relevant for today’s learners.
Domain IIKnowledge of Students and Student Learning Teachers work to ensure high levels of learning, social-emotional development, and achievement outcomes for all students, taking into consideration each student’s educational and developmental backgrounds and focusing on each student’s needs.
Domain IIIContent and Knowledge Expertise Teachers exhibit a comprehensive understanding of their content, discipline, and related pedagogy as demonstrated through the quality of the design and execution of lesson plans and their ability to match objectives and activities to relevant state standards, such as Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and College and Career Readiness Standards.
Domain IVLearning Environment Teachers interact in respectful ways with students at all times, maintaining a physically and emotionally safe, supportive learning environment that is characterized by effective routines, clear expectations for student behavior, and systems of organization that maximize student learning.
Domain VData-Driven Practice Teachers use formal and informal methods to assess student growth aligned to instructional goals and course objectives and regularly review and analyze multiple sources of data to measure student progress and adjust instructional strategies and content delivery as needed.
Domain VIProfessional Practice and Responsibility Teachers consistently hold themselves to a high standard for individual development, pursue leadership opportunities, collaborate with other educational professionals, communicate regularly with stakeholders, maintain professional relationships, comply with all campus and school district policies, and conduct themselves ethically and with integrity.
The Appraisal System Recommendations • A steering committee is drafting the instrument in the next 2-3 months. • Summative Evaluation format will be aligned with the Commissioner’s vision, Student Growth Measures, and a Teacher-Self Report. • Present to USDE in May 2014 with detailed plans on implementation and deployment.
Pilot Districts • 65 Pilot districts across the state. (At least 2 per ESC) • Pilot district will be trained on New Appraisal Systems in Summer 2014 with full implementation during school year 2014-2015. • Region 20’s Pilot Districts are: • Southwest ISD • Jubilee Charter Schools
Training Information • Outside contactor will be selected to develop the training for both appraisal systems. (Administrators and Teachers) • The contractor will train ESC staff and assist with training deployment with pilot districts. • 2 day appraiser training for both systems. • Equals 4 days of training per district or charter school. • Training in print and digital format. • Teacher orientation will be available online and easily deployed for district use.
What about ILD? • A pre-requisite course will continue to be required. • ILD will be updated to a newer version beginning Summer 2015. • Contents and structure of the course have not been determined.
Timeline Early 2014 • Pilot districts identified. • Steering Committee develops evaluation instruments and scoring measures. • TEA communication regarding training schedule for Pilot districts. Late Spring 2014 • Finalize guidelines for new appraisal system to submit to USDE Summer 2014 • Train Pilot Districts • ESC Trainer Academies Fall 2014 • Roll out of new appraisal system for Pilot Districts Winter 2014-2015 • Begin Train-the-Trainer sessions for statewide rollout with ESC staff and contracted support. Spring 2015 • Update on revisions to appraisal system based on pilot district feedback Summer 2015 • Statewide training to all participating districts and charter schools
TEA Communication • Districts and Charters will begin receiving letters via email: “To the Administrator Addressed” • All updated information will be posted on the following website: http://txcc.sedl.org/our_work/tx_educator_evaluation/index.php
ESC-Region 20Shannon AllenAdministrative Specialist – School Leadership(210) 370-5675shannon.allen@esc20.net • Region 20 – Point of Contact
Did you know? • Graduation Plans • Somerset ISD • Sheila Collazo • sheila.collazo@sisdk12.net
HB 5 College Prep Course • Updates • Prep Course Development • Alamo Colleges
Alamo Colleges Contacts Ruth Ann Dalrymple Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Partnerships 210-485-0162 Office 210-485-9287 rdalrymple2@alamo.edu Lisa Alcorta, Ph.D. Director of Academic Student Success 210-485-0178 Office 210-485-0161 Fax lalcorta3@alamo.edu
Accountability Overview Cheri Hendrick Accountability and Assessment Specialist School Support Team
2014 Development Updates TEA website A-Z Index 2014 Accountability Accountability Development Materials
Student Achievement Index I Performance Index Framework Student Progress Index 2 Postsecondary Readiness Index 4 For 2014 and beyond, a framework of four Performance Indexes will include a broad set of measures that provide a comprehensive evaluation of the entire campus or district. Closing Performance Gaps Index 3 2013 was a transition year, where each index was looked at individually.
2013 Accountability ReportsRegion 20 Index 1, 3 & System Safeguards 2014 Index 4 2014 Index 3
2014 Index 1: Student Achievement Index 1 Student Achievement provides an overview of student performance based on satisfactory student achievement across all subjects for all students. Subjects: Combined over Reading, Mathematics, Writing, Science, and Social Studies. Student Groups: All Students only Performance Standards: Phase-in 1 Level II (Satisfactory)* STAAR EOC Assessments: Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, U.S. History * The commissioner has proposed to stay at Phase-in 1 Level II for 2013-14
Index 2: Student Progress focuses on actual student growth independent of overall achievement levels for each race/ethnicity student group, students with disabilities, and English language learners. 2014 Index 2: Student Progress • By Subject Area: Reading, Mathematics, and Writing for available grades • Small Numbers analysis will be used in 2014 • 10 groups: All Students, seven ethnic groups, Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners • Credit based on weighted performance: • One point credit given for each percentage of students at the Met growth expectations level. • Two point credit given for each percentage of students at the Exceeded growth expectations level. • Additional Progress Measures Included in 2014: STAAR-Modified, STAAR- Alternate, English Language Learner (ELL) Progress Measure & other enhancements to be announced
2014Index 2: Student Progress How is Growth Defined? Scale Score Expected Growth Level 2 Recommended Level 2 Recommended Previous Year Current Year
2014 Index 2: Student Progress* Let’s look at an example *We know there will be some changes with English I and II due to the new combined test
2014Index 2: Student Progress* How did the come up with 32 points? STAAR Reading English 1582 1550 1582 - 1550 = 32 Level 2 Recommended Level 2 Recommended Expected Growth: 32 Points Grade 5 Grade 4
2014Index 2: Student Progress* STAAR Reading English Example Level 3 Expected Growth: 32 Points Level 2 Phase-In 1 1324 1505 Not Met Met Growth Met Growth Met Growth 1458 1450 1686 1450 1281 1684 Grade 4 Grade 5
2013/2014 Index 2: Student Progress • STAAR Modified Progress Measure posted on TEA’s website October 1, 2013 Calculating Progress Measure page 5
2013/2014 Index 2: Student Progress • STAAR Alternate Progress Measure posted on TEA’s website • October 1, 2013 STAAR Progress Measure • Questions and Answers #13
Satisfactory ELL Progress Measure Conceptual Model
2013/2014 Index 2: Student Progress • English Language Learner (ELL) Progress Measure posted on TEA’s website October 22, 2013 STAAR Progress Measure ELL Progress Measure
Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps emphasizes advanced academic achievement of economically disadvantaged students and the two lowest performing race/ethnicity student groups. 2014 Index 3: Closing Performance Gaps • By Subject Area: Reading, Mathematics, Writing, Science, and Social Studies. • Student Groups • Socioeconomic: Economically Disadvantaged • Lowest Performing Race/Ethnicity: The two lowest performing race/ethnicity student groups on the campus or district • Based on 2013 assessment results that were reported on 2013 Index 1: Student Achievement Data Table All Subjects released on August 8, 2013 • Credit based on STAAR weighted performance: • Phase-in 1 Level II satisfactory performance One point for each percentage of students at the phase-in 1 Level II satisfactory performance standard. • Level III advanced performance Two points for each percentage of students at the Level III advanced performance standard.
2014Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness emphasizes the importance for students to receive a high school diploma that provides them with the foundation necessary for success in college, the workforce, job training programs, or the military; and the role of elementary and middle schools in preparing students for high school. • Graduation Score: Combined performance across the graduation and dropout rates for • Grade 9-12 Four-Year Graduation Rate for All Students and all student groups • OR • Grade 9-12 Five-Year Graduation Rate for All Students and all student groups, whichever contributes the higher number of points to the index. • RHSP/DAP Graduates for All Students and seven race/ethnicity student groups • Texas Success Initiative (TSI) college readiness benchmarks • Number of students who earn postsecondary credit required for the foundation high school program, an associate’s degree, or an industry certification.* • STAAR Score: STAAR Percent Met FINAL Level II on One or More Tests for All Students and seven race/ethnicity student groups Elementary/Middle Schools will only have FINAL level II
Systems safeguards are designed to evaluate the disaggregated performance results of the state accountability system to ensure that poor performance in one area or one student group is not masked in the performance index. [Federal lens] 2013 System Safeguards 2014 Targets TBD 5 x 11 = 55 2 x 11 = 22 1 x 11 = 11 2014 Targets To Be Determined District only 1 Indicators Performance rates for system safeguards are calculated from the assessment results used to calculate performance rates in Index 1. Campus=88District =89
2014Accountability Ratings and Designations Index 2 Index 3
Campus Designation Reports Index 2 Student Progress Index 3 Closing Performance Gaps
2014Performance Index Targets • The2014Index targets will be finalized in spring 2014 by the commissioner based on the recommendations from accountability advisory groups.
Cheri Hendrick Accountability and Assessment Specialist School Support Team (210)370-5451 cheri.hendrick@esc20.net
Sboe update Marissa Perez