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Present Assembly Status. Three important milestones completed: We tried the entire assembly procedure on real modules and it worked The construction of 4/4 Type 1 modules finished successfully (2 spares will be assembled next week) The bonding is now well under control
Present Assembly Status Three important milestones completed: We tried the entire assembly procedure on real modules and it worked The construction of 4/4 Type 1 modules finished successfully (2 spares will be assembled next week) The bonding is now well under control The test setups (2) provide fast tests The database: all module/hybrid configurations are stored in database the present status of the assembly is documented for each part all calibration test data are available in the database (source test still to come)
Status of Spectrometer Status of silicon (Gerrit 15min) Status and Plans for Assembly (Heinz 15min) Outline of the test procedure (Pradeep 15min) Test results with Type 1 modules (Carla 15min) Status and Plans for Flex cables (Bernie 15min)
Things we learned during the assembly ... • The hybrid assembly works fine and is fast: • assembly and bonding of 2 hybrids/day is possible) • 12/13 hybrids worked without any problem • The biggest improvement since the last collaboration meeting is the bonding: • the hybrid-chip bonding is fast • the sensor bonding works fine but is still a delicate task! • The gluing procedure needed some changes: • the sensor alignment is not easy • we added a crossbar for modules with two hybrid which gives additional strength (not in the active area!) • the backplane contact is now done with a thin wire rather than the glass piece metallization
The next module: Module 5 T5 • The module: • 1 MS3L hybrid with 12 64-channel chips • 3 Type 5 sensors • 1arm = 14 modules + 4 spares • Module 1 + Module 5T5 = 45 % of the spectrometer (18/43 modules) • Started about 1week delayed (due to subplate/chip delivery delays) • The main components: • 18 assembled MS3L hybrids (hyb. at MIT, subplates next week) • 216 64-channel chips (96 at MIT) • 54 glass pieces (at BNL, on the way to MIT) • 54 Type 5 sensors (17sensors at MIT) • 18 transport boxes (currently at work shop ready by next week)
Some comments to the chips • We received sofar: • 300 128-channel chips, worked according to specs (105 at UIC, about 5 remaining at MIT) • 96 64-channel chips: received test results from IDE and need somebody to have a look at the data to confirm specs • will evaluate 6 64-channel chips next week as a check • We are about to receive: • 150/260 tested 128-channel chips (tested and work according to specs) • for remaining 50 128-channel chips: need to lower other pedestal constraints by or start new production • 64-channel chips: according to Lars within specs, they finished testing of about 100 additional chips and will ship the “OK” chips next week
The schedule: • for August: will focus on hybrids to get more Type 5 sensors tested • plan to assemble 4 spare modules first (“training and debugging”) • September: start with assembly of “to-be-installed” modules • plan to finish Module 5T5 during November
Steve’s and my interest in adE/dx MEASUREMENT with Phobos Modules • Phobos is THE “dE/dx-in silicon- experiment” • we use it for nearly any physics measurement in Phobos • we mainly focus on low momentum p,K,p in our analysis • there are nearly NO MEASUREMENTS on low momentum dE/dx in “modern” silicon detectors available. • What do we know sofar: • we have NOW the final modules available for tests • we tested them in the 1MIP range and they are optimized for this measurement
What do we want to measure? • We want to learn how silicon works at low momenta: • We want to measure the signal response and test the PID for low momentum stopping particles • Obtain measurements of dE/dx below minimum ionizing for pions and kaons to test mid-range PID • What can we learn in addition by making this measurement? • we can develop code for hit reconstruction with REAL data NOW • we can test, if we can associate hits by dE/dx, which is important for the pattern recognition • find any potential problem in the module before we built test rest BUT: where can we get low momentum p, K beams?
The beam line E913 @ AGS 4 Type 1 modules TOF stop (963cm) Energy degrader (Cu 4 inch) TOF start TOF stop 1.9m E913 • Some beam information • inital momentum spread Dp/p =+-4% • E913 will provid us with TOF signals to improve p-measrement • momentum can be varied • pion beam 200 MeV/c - 750 MeV/c (inital beam) • weekly run with degrader for stopping pions • K- beam: K-/pion mix with >= 400MeV/c (inital beam, use degrader for lower momentum)
Support for this measurement: • We already have a lot of support from the Institute of High Energy Physics/Vienna • they are providing the whole readout system and all necessary electronics for it • they will participate with 1 physicist, 1 electronic engineer and 1-2 students during setup and data taking • we are hoping to get 1 student from Vienna to MIT for 2 months to work full-time on data analysis • We are looking for people who are interested and want to participate (and have time for it) • bring your ideas • give a helping hand at BNL • work on data analysis