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Digital Learning Material (e-Content) Development Process

Digital Learning Material (e-Content) Development Process. Senthil Kumar. 24 th June 2008. transforming education, empowering communities, promoting development. ICT in Education can make…. Learning “ play ” Assessment “ fun ” Equal Opportunity “ for all ”.

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Digital Learning Material (e-Content) Development Process

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Digital Learning Material (e-Content) Development Process Senthil Kumar 24th June 2008 transforming education, empowering communities, promoting development

  2. ICT in Education can make… Learning “play” Assessment “fun” Equal Opportunity “for all” Attract, retain and enhance the quality of learning…

  3. Some confusions … • IT Education VsIT based Education • Content for teachers to use VsChildren to use • Video VsAnimation • Instructional lessons VsStory based Vs Module based • Urban settings VsRural environment • Fantasy Vs Reality • Class specific VsCompetency based • All the topics VsSpecific topic • Curricular VsCo-Curricular • Central created Vs Content creation by Teacher • Many more… Need clarity on pedagogical approach, age group and type of technology infrastructure

  4. Example (for primary school children): • Child centric • Interactive, Self paced • Story, game and riddle based • Child friendly navigation and interaction design • Non-threatening • Contextualized, simple-crisp-local language • Availability of multiplayer games • Activities with choice in difficulty levels • Equip teachers with relevant resource material • Additional learning tool for reinforcement – beyond classroom • Etc., Decide on the content attributes… Sample content…

  5. Content Director / Project Manager • Children • Subject Matter Expert • Classroom Practitioner • Academic & Pedagogy Team • Creative writer • Child Psychologist • Instructional Designer • Interaction designer • Industry Practitioner • Musician, Singer, Voice over professionals • Technical team – Graphics, Animation, Programming, Usability Engineering and quality checks • Etc., Digital Content – Talent Resource…

  6. ADDIE - The Water Fall Method ANALYSIS DESIGN DEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION • Note: • The process assumes fully complete and totally accurate in the • output of each phase • This process assumes that perfection, or near perfection, is • possible • Each Sub-Process is intended to be performed only once. Let us look at the film…

  7. Identify subject experts & teachers, workshop / topic identification /need analysis / scope definition & validation ADDIE – Water fall Method… Stage 1 Continuous feedback loops and regular interface with academic experts and child psychologists and children 7 Identify suitable partner for content development from data bank Stage 2 26 Concept Note / Story board / Instructional Design / Script / Character design / graphics 26 Stage 3 Still / Functional Prototype and Language translations / validation 20 Audio / Video recording, editing and integration 18 Stage 4 Quality Assurance / Field Test / Final refinement / Stage 5 18 The Block Arrows represent the elapsed time in no. of working days Post production work like cover design, CD replication and distribution to schools 115 Any re-work will cost enormous resources – More suitable for we defined learning objectives

  8. Internal Evaluation Internal Evaluation Internal Evaluation Creation Design Prototype 1 Prototype 2 Prototype 3 Creation Creation Design Design Successive Approximation Review with Learners Initial Analysis Review with Learners Post production & Final Delivery Modules Development Voice / video Integration Field Test & Quality Checks This model is helpful where the learning objectives needs to be refined through iterative process

  9. Emerging Model Evolved by Prof. Anirudha Joshi, IIT-Bombay and Senthil

  10. Possible Deployment model… Let us look at this film…

  11. The issues for discussions… Integrated Add on Teacher Children Learning Focused Assessment focused Competency based Class specific Text book / Syllabus Curriculum Teacher & Students to create content Digital Content Centrally created Consider contextualized and comprehensive approach

  12. User Key Inputs System wide Deployment of ICT platform Content User training and support Technical support Monitoring and reporting User training and support Technical support Monitoring & Evaluation • Common goals • Partners • Funding Need to plan holistically… • Think about deployment of ICTs holistically • Target an end-to-end system • Focus on Education Objectives • ICTs are only a tool and not an end in themselves • Consider short term as well as long term costs • Total Cost of Ownership • Consider a multi-stakeholder approach • Involve all partners

  13. Thank you… Any Questions… senthil.kumar@gesci.org +250 0329 0517 Let us leverage the potential of ICT to enhance the quality of learning…

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