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February 27, 2013| Holyoke, Massachusetts

February 27, 2013| Holyoke, Massachusetts. Robert B. Burke. Demand Resources Working Group - DRWG. FCM Demand Asset Auditing Process Impacts. Principal analyst - ISO New England Inc. rburke@iso-ne.com. Background.

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February 27, 2013| Holyoke, Massachusetts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. February 27, 2013| Holyoke, Massachusetts Robert B. Burke Demand Resources Working Group - DRWG FCM Demand Asset Auditing Process Impacts Principal analyst - ISO New England Inc. rburke@iso-ne.com

  2. Background • At the January 9, 2013 Markets Committee meeting, during the discussion of the New Demand Response Asset Auditing tariff changes, the MC referred to the DRWG: • Review the FCM Demand Asset auditing process with regard to its impact on the commercial capacity for a FCM Demand Resource. After initial review by the DRWG, the DRWG will report back to the Markets Committee on the status of its discussions and provide a more detailed description of this effort.

  3. Roadmap • Where do we go? • Examine and discuss how New Demand Response Asset Audits influence qualification and CSO values • Discuss how New Demand Response Asset Audits could be used to determine the commercial capacity of a Demand Response Resource • Identify and discuss interactions that result from the use of New Demand Response Asset Audits in any of those values (i.e. existing qualification, CSO, Commercial Capacity, etc.) • Report back to the Markets Committee on the status of the discussions and provide a more detailed description • ISO will ultimately develop a change project, if warranted, to be presented through the stakeholder process

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