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Explore cyclic activities in lava dome building eruptions, focusing on short and long-term behaviors, tilt and seismological data, episodic dome extrusion, pauses, and ground deformation. Investigate insights from Mount St. Helens, Santiaguito, and Shiveluch eruptions.
Cyclic behaviour in lava dome building eruptions. Oleg Melnik, Alexei Barmin, Antonio Costa, Stephen Sparks
Cyclic activity (Montserrat) • Short-term (hours to days) • Tilt data • Seismological data • Long term (2-3 years) • Episodes of dome extrusion • Pauses in eruption • Ground deformation (deflation during growth, inflation during repose periods) • Intermediate (5-7 weeks) • Rapid, irreversible change in tilt • Seismic swarms and pyroclastic flows in the beginning • Rapid increase in dome growth rate
Mount St. Helens (1980-1987) 3 periods of dome growth; I- 9 pulses ~12 m3s-1, Qav=0.67 m3s-1 II - continues, Qav=0.48 m3s-1 III- 5 pulses <15 m3s-1, Qav=0.23 m3s-1
Santiaguito (1922-2006-?) Cycles: 8 after 1922 high (0.5-2.1m3 s-1): 3-6-years low (0.2 m3 s-1): 3-11-years Average discharge:~0.44 m3s-1
Shiveluch (1981-2006-?) 3 episodes of done growth with long repose periods High intensity in the beginning of each episode Non-periodic oscillations
Main features of extrusive eruptions • Slow ascent rates: 0.1-20 m3/s. • Gas can easily escape from ascending magma. • Crystals can nucleate and grow during the ascent. • Magma chamber can be significantly recharged during eruption.
Conduit was split to upper and lower part • Upper part • Volatile exsolution with time delay • Friction is controlled by volatile dependent viscosity • Lower part • Elastic conduit deformations due to pressure variation • No friction • Conduit inlet • Constant influx rate
Cyclic eruptive behavior of silicic volcanoes R. Denlinger, R. Hoblitt • magma is fed at a constant rate; • the magma is compressible; • m= const; • slip occurs when Q > Qcr;
Lensky N.G., Sparks R.S.J., Navon O. Lyakhovsky V.Cyclic Activity in Lava Domes: Degassing-induced pressurization. Stick-slip response of the conduit. • Compression phase - exsolution of volatiles into bubbles under limited volume as long as Pgas<Pslip • Diffusion growth of bubbles, crystallization – P increase • Gas filtration, inflation of the conduit – P decrease • Decompression - friction controlled extrusion as long as Pgas>Parrest • Rate and state dependent friction
3 4 2 Gas diffusion no seismicity 1 seismicity Pressure increasing no seismicity τ τ Gas loss τ τ τ τ Magma slowing Pressure decreasing Gas diffusion Diffusion lags behind Neuberg et al, 2006 FEMLAB, 2D
Long-term pulsations • J.A. Whitehead, K.R. Helfrich, Instability of flow with temperature-dependent viscosity: a model of magma dynamics, J. Geophys. Res. 96 (1991) 4145-4155. • A. Costa, G. Macedonio Nonlinear phenomena in fluids with temperature-dependent viscosity: An hysteresis model for magma flow in conduits. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 29, NO. 10, 1402 • I. Maeda, Nonlinear visco-elastic volcanic model and its application to the recent eruption of Mt. Unzen. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2000, v. 95, p. 35-47. • Melnik O., Sparks R.S.J., Barmin A., Costa A. Degassing induced crystallization, rheological stiffening.
Whitehead & Helfrish and Costa & Macedonio • Temperature dependent viscosity • Heat flux to surrounding cold rocks • Constant temperature of the rocks • Multiple steady-state solutions • Cyclic behaviour Problem: assumption of constant rock temperature. Heating of wallrocks decrease heat flux => oscillations stop.
Maeda 2000 • Constant magma viscosity. • Conduit is surrounded by visco-elastic rocks. • Magma chamber is in purely elastic rocks. • Constant or variable influx into the chamber from below. • Low viscosity of the rocks <1014 Pa s • If magma chamber is in visoco-elastic rocks - no oscillations
Main assumptions. • Magma is viscous Newtonian liquid. • Viscosity is a step function of crystal content. • Crystal growth rate is constant and no nucleation occurs in the conduit. • Conduit is a cylindrical pipe. • Magma chamber is located in elastic rocks and is feed from below with constant discharge. Simplified model
System of equations Boundary conditions
Steady-state solution discharge rate chamber pressure
Transient Solutions Q/Qin
Mount St Helens (1980-1987) 3 periods of dome growth; I- 9 pulses ~12 m3s-1, Qav=0.67 m3s-1 II - continues, Qav=0.48 m3s-1 III- 5 pulses <15 m3s-1, Qav=0.23 m3s-1
Santiaguito (1922-2005-?) Cycles: 8 after 1922 high (0.5-2.1m3 s-1): 3-6-years low (0.2 m3 s-1): 3-11-years Average discharge:~0.44 m3s-1
Model development • Crystal growth kinetics • Gas exsolution and escape through the magma • Realistic magma viscosity model • Temperature variation due to latent heat of crystallization • Dyke shape of the conduit
Governing Equation System d Mass Conservation Momentum equations Energy equation
Non-periodic eruption regimesRandom chamber temperature variation ± 15 K
Shiveluch (2001-2002) Crystal size distributions
Intermediate cycles • Conduit is a combination of a dyke and cylinder • Dyke has elliptical cross-section • Elastic deformation of wall-rocks • Crystallization and rheological stiffening
Elastic deformation of wallrocks a0 and b0are unperturbed semi-axis lengths
2D theory (FEMLAB) discharge rate (cm3/s) Pressure (bar)
What do we need for cyclic behaviour? • Friction decreases with increase in ascent velocity • Variable viscosity • Stick-slip • Non-Newtonian properties • Delay process in the system • Crystallization • Heat transfer • Diffusion