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Optima’s 1078 House CONSTRUCTION MANUAL. Jessica Farr Sierra Farber Fernando Castillo. 1. VDC Proposal Outline. 1.1 Cover Letter 1.2 Case Example 1.3 Value Proposition 1.4 Background 1.5 Sponsor and Team Objectives 1.6 Specific Aims 1.7 Product, Organization, Process
Optima’s 1078 House CONSTRUCTION MANUAL CEE 211 Final Presentation Jessica Farr Sierra Farber Fernando Castillo
1. VDC Proposal Outline 1.1 Cover Letter 1.2 Case Example 1.3 Value Proposition 1.4 Background 1.5 Sponsor and Team Objectives 1.6 Specific Aims 1.7 Product, Organization, Process 2.0 Breakdown Structures 3.0 Coordination and Rework 7.0 Compressing Schedule 8.0 PIP Process and Assumptions 9.0 and 10.0 MACDADI Analysis 11.0 Business Recommendations to Client 12.0 VDC Modeling Recommendations CEE 211 Final Presentation
Business Decision CEE 211 Final Presentation
1.1 Cover Letter • Assumed Engineering Problem: Mr. David Hovey Jr. desires to produce an effective visual, paper-based construction manual for his 1078 ft2 House project. • Team qualifications to Solve this Engineering Problem: • (Product) 3D BIM modeling and analyses skills • (Product/Process) 4D modeling skills • (Organization/Process) SimVision modeling and analyses skills • (Product/Organization/Process) POP & MACDADI modeling and analyses skills CEE 211 Final Presentation
1.1 Cover Letter, Executive Summary Architect, David Hovey Jr. sponsored our CEE211 Team to produce a paper construction manual for his 1078 ft2house project, which will inevitably aid the GC, the superintendent, and crews to achieve schedule conformance during the construction of the 1078 ft2 house. Our team took a VDC approach to this task by using POP, SimVision, BIM (3D) *provided by the sponsor*, 4D, models in order to provide the sponsor with two visual construction manual design options: one paper and the other virtual. These modeling tools allowed our team to analyze the potential effects to schedule conformance given the use of a paper or a virtual manual during construction. We looked to differences in overall process risk, rentable area, schedule, hidden work, and actor backlogin order to see which design option would better increase schedule conformance and cost conformance. Finally, our team used a MACDADI analysis, which compiles and synthesizes all predicted process behavior and outcome performance metrics, in order to determine the overall “goodness” of the paper construction manual versus the virtual construction manual. CEE 211 Final Presentation MACDADI Model 4D Model SimVision Model
1.5 Sponsor & Team Objectives CEE 211 Final Presentation Explanation of Design Response: The baseline design option (the paper manual) conforms exactly to sponsor objectives. However, the alternative design option (the virtual manual) does not conform at all to sponsor objectives as the sponsor directly stated that all he wanted was the paper construction manual.
Paper vs. Virtual Manual – Scenario • Task: Install Slab on Grade • Using: Virtual Construction Manual • 6:00 am: Superintendent shows up to the 1078 site in the morning that the slab on grade is to be installed • 6:30 am: Half of the concrete crew shows up on time, the concrete sub is late • Crew has no study of the site prior to arrival • 6:45 am: Superintendent tells the concrete crew to download the 1078 construction manual application so that they can begin work • 7:00 am: Concrete crew views the virtual construction manual on their phones • 7:20 am: Concrete crew begins their work Task: Install Slab on Grade Using: Paper Construction Manual • 6:00 am: Superintendent shows up to the 1078 site in the morning that the slab on grade is to be installed. • 6:30 am: Half of the concrete crew with the cement trucks show up on time, the concrete sub is late • Crew has no study of the site prior to arrival • 6:45 am: Superintendent has one set of a paper construction manual that he uses and there may be another copy lying around • 6:50 am: Superintendent goes to look for the other paper construction manual in the on-site office • 6:50-8:30 am: Superintendent gets caught up in the office with a call from another subcontractor • 8:30 am: Superintendent begins looking for the other paper manual CEE 211 Final Presentation Virtual Manual allows Superintendent to conduct other business and allows the on-time half of the concrete crew to start the job on time.
Paper Manual CEE 211 Final Presentation
1.7 Alternative Design Option POP Model 3 Product Changes in the Alternative Design Option POP Model will allow for a virtually interactive construction manual—unlike the Baseline Model 2 Additional Actors will allow for a useful, usable, and accessible design of an web/app construction manual CEE 211 Final Presentation @ Additional Tasks will be performed by the Web/App developer: Final Design & Production of the Web/App Construction Manual
Virtual Manual (The Webpage) POP SimVision www.1078house.com 3D 4D Construction Manual CEE 211 Final Presentation Checklists Schedule Combine and conquer!
Checklist, Report, and Support CEE 211 Final Presentation
Virtual Manual – Data Collection • Collect actual duration data from virtual field reports. CEE 211 Final Presentation
Virtual Manual – Data Visualization • Analyze actual duration data from virtual field reports. CEE 211 Final Presentation = Expected Duration = Acceptable Duration
Virtual Manual – Data Analysis • Analyze actual duration data from virtual field reports. CEE 211 Final Presentation = Expected Duration = Acceptable Duration
Virtual Manual – React to Data • React to actual duration data from virtual field reports. 3 Improve Process 1 Learn from CEE 211 Final Presentation 1 Learn from 2 Update manual
SimVision Model - Assumptions Paper Manual Risk: 5% Virtual Manual Risk: 1% CEE 211 Final Presentation
Virtual Manual - Assumptions • Considering the following benefits from the virtual manual: • Data collection and analysis. • Highly updatable. • High quality of information (actual 3D and 4D models) • Ease of access to the manual (assuming builders have iPhones or iPads or that one is provided to them for the job) • The benefits listed above lead us to the following assumption: • Functional probability risk in the SimVision model will be reduced by the use of the virtual manual. • Functional Error Probability with paper manual: 5% • Functional Error Probability with virtual manual: 1% • The following slides compare the results of 5 different analyses based on the assumption above. CEE 211 Final Presentation
1.5cont.) 1st Predicted Behavior: Process Risk Higher Functional Error Probability = Higher Process Risk Decision Dashboard in SimVision models the Functional Error Probability: The likelihood that a task will fail and will require rework CEE 211 Final Presentation We made an assumption that using the virtual manual will result in less rework (1% functional error probability) because the virtual manual historic checklist database will allow the GC & superintendent to avoid potential problems and will, possibly, offer guidance to solve them if they cannot be avoided. We made an assumption that using the paper manual will result in more rework (5% functional error probability) because the paper manual does not have a historic checklist database which would allow the GC & the superintendent to avoid potential problems and would, possibly, offer guidance to solve them if they cannot be avoided.
1.5cont.) 2nd Predicted Behavior: Schedule Conformance Paper Based Manual Virtual Manual CEE 211 Final Presentation Gantt Chart shows a 4 day shorter schedule (30% shorter) for the virtual manual.
1.5cont.) 3rd Predicted Behavior: Hidden Work Paper Manual Decision Wait Coordination Rework Virtual Manual CEE 211 Final Presentation Hidden Work is greatly reduced by using the virtual manual over the paper manual
1.5 cont.) 4th Predicted Behavior: Actor Backlog Latency Backlog with Paper Manual Max Backlog is the same (0.4days) in the use of the paper manual or the virtual manual Backlog with the Virtual Manual CEE 211 Final Presentation
1.5 Five Predicted Project Behaviors5th Predicted Behavior: Rentable Area Rentable Area (same for paper & virtual manual) – Modeled in Revit CEE 211 Final Presentation Square footage modeled in Revit is about equal to 1078ft2. Carport square footage is not included in the 1078 ft2 count
9. MACDADI - (Goodness) Baseline Alternative Required Baseline Alternative CEE 211 Final Presentation Based on the MACDADI, the Design Alternative is a better option. As the baseline design fails in two of the most weighted objectives
1.3 Value Proposition • Our proposed virtual manual provides the owner with multiple benefits over the paper based manual, including: • No paper! • Accessible on mobile devices and big screens during meetings. • Access to fully operable 3D and 4D models (not just snapshots.) • Reviews from the one day building course. • Online checklist field reporting and data base creation. • Highly adaptable and updatable without major costs. • In sum, our VDC approach allows us to make very EXPLICIT ASSUMPTIONS and model-based PREDICTIONS that can help the client to visualize, analyze,interpret, and evaluatethe differences between the paper and the virtual manual. All this to allow the client to make a better informed decisionabout the future of the construction manual. CEE 211 Final Presentation
8. PIP – Process and Assumptions Backlog, Risk, Conformance CEE 211 Final Presentation Area, Cost • Assumptions • The analyses will be useful to Optima, though not requested • Predictions based directly from models provided by Optima are highly accurate • Predictions from SimVision are useable for course-level analyses, though based off of higher level of detail models
12. VDC Modeling Recommendations CEE 211 Final Presentation
1.2 Case Example Product elements for paper construction manual requested by Optima Goodness of baseline paper model (V1) determined by model based analyses and provided information (cost and rentable space). CEE 211 Final Presentation Process and organization necessary for development of baseline paper manual
1.4 Background • Project Objectives: Provide a construction manual to help achieve the strict schedule goals set for the 1078 house. • Proposed VDC Approach: Provide a virtual construction manual to aid in the construction process. • Site Plan: The house should be buildable anywhere in the US. • Alternative Solution: As discussed before, the virtual manual provides many advantages over a paper-based manual. • Current State of the Art: Usually there are no construction manuals, and those that exist are paper based. • Scope of the Problem: The reductions in risk resulting from the benefits of the virtual manual are modeled in SimVision. • Constraints on Solutions: Contractors must have access to mobile devices with internet access and commit to submit their field reports. CEE 211 Final Presentation
1.6 Specific Aims • Deliverables: SimVision model and analysis, virtual manual (website), POP model, 3D and 4D models, paper manual • Content: the POP model contains the breakdowns of the most important items (each about 10% of the project) for the Product, Organization, and Process. • Predicted Behaviors: the Virtual Manual will provide the client the tools necessary to achieve the project quality and schedule goals. • Required Hardware and Software: Computer, internet domain and hosting, internet access, SimVision, Revit, Navisworks, MS Project • Exclusions and non-aims: It was not our intent to deliver a complete and highly detailed paper construction manual. • Next steps: finalize details on virtual manual and implement it in the construction of many 1078 houses. CEE 211 Final Presentation
1.7 Process and Organization (Baseline) CEE 211 Final Presentation Due to the product not being a building, POP field use is not useful to Optima. Instead the model is useful in the design of the construction manual, as it allows for Optima to set important product elements and choose the process and organization for the manual design.
2. PBS Analysis Differences between the Baseline and Alternative Design Option Product Breakdown Structures POP Model Correlation Product Break Down Structure of Baseline Design Option (supports detailed scheduling analysis) PL1: 1078 House PL2: Paper Construction Manual PL3: Introduction/Overview PL3: Gantt Chart PL3: Materials List PL3: Tools/Equipment List PL3: Day by Day Schedule PL3: Day by Day Task Breakdown PL3: Materials, Actors, Tools List Per Task PL3: 3D BIM Images Corresponding to Day by Day Tasks PL3: Task Quality Checklists PL3: 4D Images Corresponding to Day by Day Tasks Product Product Break Down Structure of Alternative Design Option (supports detailed scheduling analysis) PL1: 1078 House PL2: Web/App Construction Manual PL3: Introduction/Overview PL3: Gantt Chart PL3: Materials List PL3: Tools/Equipment List PL3: Day by Day Schedule PL3: Day by Day Task Breakdown PL3: Materials, Actors, Tools List Per Task PL3: Interactive 3D Images PL3: Database of Historic Performance Based off Checklists PL3: Playable 4D Model CEE 211 Final Presentation Product
2. OBS Analysis Differences between the Baseline and Alternative Design Option Product Breakdown Structures POP Model Correlation Organization Breakdown Structure of Baseline Design Option (supports organizational analysis) OL1: Sponsor, Optima OL2: Advisor, J. Kunz OL2: Advisor, Henning OL3: CEE 211 Team OL4: General Contractor Organization Organization Breakdown Structure of Alternative Design Option (supports organizational analysis) OL1: Sponsor, Optima OL2: Advisor, J. Kunz OL2: Advisor, Henning OL3: CEE 211 Team OL4: Web/App Developer OL5: General Contractor OL5: Superintendent CEE 211 Final Presentation Organization
2. WBS Analysis Differences between the Baseline and Alternative Design Option Product Breakdown Structures POP Model Correlation Work Breakdown Structure WL1: Create Paper Construction Manual WL2: Conceptual Design of Paper Construction Manual WL3: Approval of Conceptual Design WL2: Final Design of Paper Construction Manual WL1: Production of Paper Construction Manual WL2: Distribution of Construction Manual WL2: Use of Construction Manual in Field Process Work Breakdown Structure WL1: Create Web/App Construction Manual WL2: Conceptual Design of Web/App Construction Manual WL3: Approval of Conceptual Design WL2: Final Design of Web/App Construction Manual WL1: Production of Web/App Construction Manual WL2: Use of Construction Manual in Field WL3: Interact with Web/App Construction Manual CEE 211 Final Presentation Process
3. Coordination and Rework • Rework links were added to the SimVision model where task dependencies where evident to us. An example is shown below. Potential time-space interference between the curing of the slab and the erection of the steel columns (since the construction method/order will be no different with a paper or web/app construction manual this applies to both the baseline and the alternative model). CEE 211 Final Presentation Coordination and Rework Links
7. Compressing Schedule • Given that the construction method is already optimized we decided to analyze how hidden work resulting from project risks delay the schedule. We assumed that the use of the virtual manual can reduce the functional risk to 0.01 as compared to 0.05 in the paper-based manual model. The results of the assumption are shown below. Paper Based Manual Virtual Manual CEE 211 Final Presentation Gantt Chart shows a 4day delay using the paper-based manual. This is a 30% delay on schedule!
10. MACDADI - (Predictions and Believability) • Believability of Predicted Behaviors • Rentable Area and Cost are based off of the BIM model, which were detailed and provided by Optima • Backlog and Hidden Work values come from SimVision and are based directly off of Optima’s detailed schedule provided to us • Product Risk and Process Risk for the baseline are based directly off of provided information from Optima and for the Alternative, assumptions were made to determine the change in risk factor • All Conformance behaviors are based off of SimVision analyses CEE 211 Final Presentation
Business Decision CEE 211 Final Presentation
11. Business Recommendations to Client Consider using a Virtual Construction Manual CEE 211 Final Presentation
14. ORID • O: • David Hovey Jr. wants a paper construction manual for the 1078 house. • We will provide David with a virtual construction manual. • R(+): • The virtual manual is live and fun to use. • R(-): • Communication with sponsor was difficult because the sponsor’s and the class’s objective were very different. • I: • Virtual manual uses VDC methods to provide an opportunity to help achieve the sponsor’s business objectives. • D: • Propose David to at least consider the use of a virtual manual. CEE 211 Final Presentation
14. Comments • Time: • A lot, we did not measure the time we spent in the project. A guess is that at least 50 hours. • Lesson: • It is very important to align the objectives between the sponsor and the class. Given that we were unsuccessful at doing this it was very important for us to make some assumptions and made the best out of it. • Confusing: • Why a construction manual? • It would have been really nice if the sponsor’s objectives were more aligned with the class from the onset. CEE 211 Final Presentation