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Department of Oregon Leadership

Learn the distinctions between leadership and management, from organizational structure to inspiring trust and innovation. Explore various aspects like decision-making styles, focus on vision, and ability to challenge the status quo.

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Department of Oregon Leadership

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  2. LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT: 1 Must go hand in hand 2 To assign tasks and define purpose 3 Organize workers 4 Nuture skills, develop talent & inspire Conclusion 2

  3. Lessons in Leadership Leadership and Management must go hand-in-hand 3

  4. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A MANAGER & A LEADER • The Manager administrates; the leader innovates • The Manager is a copy; the leader is an original • The Manager maintains; the leader develops • The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people. 4

  5. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A MANAGER & A LEADER • The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust. • The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective. • The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why. 4

  6. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A MANAGER & A LEADER • The manager has his/her eye always on the bottom line; the leader's eye is on the horizon. • The manager imitates; the leader originates. • The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it. 4

  7. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A MANAGER & A LEADER • The manager is the classic good soldier; the leader is his or her own person. • The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing. 4

  8. LEADERSHIP Vs. MANAGEMENT What is the difference between management and leadership? 5

  9. Managers have subordinatesAuthoritarian, transactional styleWork focusSeek comfortLeaders have followers Title 6

  10. Charismatic, transformational stylePeople focusSeek Risk Title 6

  11. In Summary The following table summarizes the above (and more) and gives a sense of the differences between being a leader and being a manager. This is, of course, an illustrative characterization, and there is a whole spectrum between either ends of these scales along which each role can range. And many people lead and manage at the same time, and so may display a combination of behaviors. 7

  12. SubjectLeaderManager Essence Change Stability Focus Leading People Managing Work Have Followers Subordinates Horizon Long-term Short-term Seeks Vision Objectives Approach Sets Direction Plans detail 8

  13. SubjectLeaderManager Decision Facilitates Makes Power Personal charisma Formal Authority Appeal Heart Head Energy Passion Control Culture Shapes Enacts 9

  14. SubjectLeaderManager Dynamic Proactive Enacts Persuasion Sell Tell Style Transformational Transactional Exchange Excitement for work Money for work Likes Striving Action Wants Achievement Results Risk Takes Minimizes 9

  15. SubjectLeaderManager Rules Breaks Makes Conflict Uses Avoids Direction New Roads Existing Roads Truth Seeks Establishes Concern What is Right Being Right Credit Gives Takes Blame Takes Blames 9

  16. Questions 31

  17. Questionnaire / Survey Here is your chance to rate this program. We need your comments and suggestions to improve this course. You can and do make a difference ! Please Circle your response 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Was the program objectives clearly stated ? Did the program accomplish its objectives ? Was the material presented in an orderly & concise manner ? Were you encouraged to make comments or ask questions ? Please rate the overall course. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Excellent Average Poor 6. 7. Please suggest any improvements or changes to the program . ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ General comments or suggestions. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please turn survey in when leaving ! 32

  18. Thank You! 36

  19. 11

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