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Treating Knee Pain

Knee Pain is a common physical complaint. There can be many reasons for knee pain from injury u2013sprain, ligament, or torn cartridges. There are medical reasons for knee pain such as arthritis, gout, and infections. Depending on the intensity and type of knee pain you may need self-care measures, medical treatment, physiotherapy, and surgical intervention.

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Treating Knee Pain

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  1. Downloaded from: justpaste.it/7dj6r Treating Knee Pain Knee Pain is a common physical complaint. There can be many reasons for knee pain from injury –sprain, ligament, or torn cartridges. There are medical reasons for knee pain such as arthritis, gout, and infections. Depending on the intensity and type of knee pain you may need self-care measures, medical treatment, physiotherapy, and surgical intervention. As you grow older the frequency and intensity of knee pain can worsen. The risk of knee pain increases if you are overweight. Symptoms The symptom of knee pain varies depending on the problem. Common symptoms of knee pain are:- Difficulty in bearing weight or walking due to instability. Swelling and stiffness. Locking of the knee. Weakness and instability. Popping and crunching noise. Book an orthopedic doctor in Mumbai If you can’t bear your weight on your knee. Knees have swollen considerably. Unable to bend or flex your knees. Legs or Knee looks deformed. Redness, pain, and swelling of the knee. Causes

  2. Knee pain can be divided into three groups:- Injury Mechanical problems Arthritis Knee Injury can cause mild to severe knee pain. The injury can be sudden or can develop slowly. Common knee injuries include:- Ligament Injury Fractures Torn Meniscus Knee Bursitis Tendinitis Mechanical problems can cause knee pain. Some common mechanical problems are:- Loose bones Iliotibial band syndrome Dislocated knees Hip or foot pain. Arthritis is a common cause of knee pain. There are several types of arthritis. Common arthritis that can cause knee pains are:- Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Gout Pseudogout Septic arthritis. The risk of knee pain is aggravated if you are overweight or obese. If your leg lacks muscular strength or flexibility increases the risk of a knee injury. Certain sports and occupation increase the stress on your knee increase the likelihood of knee pain. Diagnosis The best orthopedic doctor in Mumbai will examine your medical history. During your physical examination, they will examine your knee and check it for flexibility, tenderness, and swelling. The orthopedic doctor will also assess the structural strength and integrity of your knee. The orthopedic doctor near me may order the following tests:- Imaging tests such as X-ray, CT-Scans, Ultrasound, or MRI. Arthroscopy is a small invasive surgery that will allow your doctor to examine the condition of the knee joint. Blood tests at home to rule out infection. Arthrocentesis to take fluid samples from the knee joint Treatment The best orthopedic doctor in Mumbai will treat your knee pain depending on the cause of the knee pain. The doctor may opt to treat your knee with medication. Medication can help treat underlying medical conditions such as gout or for pain relief or anti-inflammatory medication. In some cases, they may prescribe injections directly into your joint.

  3. The doctor may suggest you visit a physiotherapist in Mumbai to strengthen your knee joint and make it more stable. Exercise can help improve the flexibility and stability of your knee joint. Knee surgery options range from arthroscopic procedure to total or partial knee replacement. Knee injuries often need to treated surgically. Ayurvedic doctors in Mumbai may prescribe diet, medication, and exercise to treat your knee pain. Ayurvedic problem is effective in controlling chronic knee ailment and provide pain relief.

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