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Honors English 9. Week 1: August 20-24, 2012. Due Today:. Monday, August 20, 2012. Walk-In: Welcome to Honors English 9. Please find your assigned seat on the seating chart. Learning Objective:
Honors English 9 Week 1: August 20-24, 2012
Due Today: Monday, August 20, 2012 • Walk-In:Welcome to Honors English 9. Please find your assigned seat on the seating chart. • Learning Objective: • Student will understand the characteristics of a Six Word Memoir by identifying characteristics that always, sometimes, or never appear. Students will use their examination to create their own Six Word Memoir. • Agenda: • Attendance • 6 Word Memoir Study • 6 Word Memoir Expectations and Drafting • Today’s Schedule • Questions Homework: Six Word Memoir/Banner Due Blockday
Six Word Memoir Study • While watching the video about Six Word Memoirs think about the characteristics of this style of writing. Jot down some ideas on a sheet of paper. • Think about what the purpose is and what do we always, sometimes, or never notice? Six Word Memoirs - The Video Story video can be found at this address http://www.cleanvideosearch.com/media/action/yt/watch?v=0ZOxhHXZW6o Always Sometimes Never
Six Word Memoir Study • After you have recorded your noticeings, please turn to a partner and share what you noticed. • Whole Class Discussion: What are the must haves, the options, and the nevers of Six Word Memoirs?
Six Word Memoir Writing • Begin planning your memoir by brainstorming the following information. • Subject: • Audience: • Purpose: • Situation: • After you have completed this, try writing out a few drafts of some six word memoirs of your own. Just let the pencil flow, don’t belabor, you may find the perfect one or combine some of your drafts into the perfect one. • Your task: create a six word memoir about yourself. This must be colorful, neat, creative, and stand out as it will be displayed in the classroom for the entire school year. Please make your name visible, but it should not be larger than your memoir. This is DUE Blockday.
Today’s Schedule • Period 1: 7:55-8:20 • Period 2: 8:30-8:55 • Connections A: 9:05-9:50 • Connections B: 10:00-10:45 • Period 3: 10:55-11:20 • Period 4: 11:30-11:55 • Lunch: 11:55-12:40 • Period 5: 12:50-1:15 • Period 6: 1:25-1:50 • Period 7: 2:00-2:30
Questions • If there are any questions you have for me, please ask. We will be going over grading, make-up work, and general course expectations tomorrow.
Due Today: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 • Walk-In: Please pick up the handouts on the table by the door as you walk in. • Learning Objective: • Students will reflect on how teams work and what makes them successful. • Students will understand the grading policy, make-up policy, and general expectations of the class. • Agenda: • Community Builder • Class Expectations Homework: Six Word Memoir/Banner Due Blockday
Community Builder • What makes a team successful? What challenges do teams face? • How does home field advantage impact a team’s performance?
Puzzle Activity • Take the pieces out and turn them over, so that you cannot see the picture. • Your task is to put the puzzle together without talking and without looking at the picture.
Community Builder • What made your team successful? • What was challenging for your team? • What different strengths or roles did people exhibit or play in your group? • How did having a clearer objective (see the picture) help your team? • How can we apply home field advantage to our classroom and your individual groups?
Honors English 9 Class Expectations How you are assessed….. Grades • 70% ~ Summative Assessments of English Standards • Summative Assessments were developed as a means to monitor the progress of a student’s ability level throughout their high school careers. These include unit-ending tests, quizzes, and major projects. • Throughout the semester students will have multiple opportunities to demonstrate growth and improvement among the Colorado English Standards. Your teacher will analyze the trend in scores to determine the final summative grade. The three different types of Summative Assessments and their weight in the grade book is as follows: • 30% Reading (Comprehension, Literature Study, Word Study) • 40% Writing (Strategies/Processes, Ideas and Organization, Craft and Style, Conventions)
Honors English 9 Class Expectations How you are assessed….. • The five point scale grading scale for Summative Assessments is as follows: Proficiency 5 Point Scale • Mastery 4.5 - 5 • Proficiency 4 – 4.4 • Partial Proficiency Progressing 3.5 – 3.9 • Partial Proficiency Not Progressing 3 – 3.4 • Unsatisfactory 2 – 2.9 • No Evidence 1* • * A missing Summative Assessment is scored a 1 and is flagged “missing” in the grade book. Students can improve their score on a Summative Assessment, but only during the 6 week term in which it was assigned and only if the student initially submitted the assessment on time. At the end of the 6 week term, the “missing” flag is removed and the assignment remains a 1.
Honors English 9 Class Expectations How you are assessed for classwork and homework… 30% ~ Formative Learning Experiences • Formative work is all of the class work and homework generated by students throughout the semester. Each formative learning experience will receive one of the following 3 grades. These grades are more of a check +, check, or check -. • 10/10 work that is complete, on time, and demonstrates understanding • 6/10 work that is late, incomplete, or does not demonstrate understanding • 4/10 no evidence of learning or late and incomplete • *M Missing work is labeled as missing and calculated as a zero
Honors English 9 Class Expectations What you need to do if you are absent or do not turn in an assignment…. • Homework, Make-up Work &the Late Pass:Homework is due when the teacher asks for it. If a student does not have the assignment to turn in, there are a few options for you to earn full or partial credit. Students will be given three late coupons. An assignment submitted within two days of the due date with a coupon will receive full credit. (coupons may not be used for long term projects, assignments, presentations & collaborative team assignments) • Late work submitted beyond two weeks of the due date will be evaluated; however, a completion notation will be recorded not a numeric score. What you will need for this class…. • A 3-ring binder with at least 3 dividers: One for reading, writing, and assessments. • Paper (loose-leaf, college-rule), Pens and/or Pencils, Highlighters • Daily Planner (purchased at enrollment and mandatory) • Vocabulary Workshop workbook (purchased at enrollment and distributed by teacher) • Writers INC textbook (possibly purchased at enrollment, but not mandatory) Your first assignment: • You will need to get your supplies and signature sheet signed by Monday August 27th.
Honors English 9 Class Expectations • How you will need to treat each other and work together…. • Throughout the school year you will be working in reading and writing groups. • The number one expectation is that you treat each other with respect. • The number two expectation is that you leave your previous expectations of what English has looked like for you previously in the past, and at the door. • You will not be playing “the passive student game, serving as a compliant audience to a teacher-centered performance;” and you most certainly will “work with other students in an intimately collaborative and respectful way” (Creating a Community of Writers 63). • That means that you will be learning from and with each other. It does not mean that when you are in groups that you will divide and conquer work. You are each responsible for completing the work, but your group is there for help, coaching, and support.
Due Today: Six-Word Memoir/banner Wed-Thurs, August 22-23, 2011 • Walk-In: Turn to your answers to our team building questions. Then take out your 6-word memoir/banner • Learning Objective: • Students will reflect on how teams work and what makes them successful. • Students will understand how to correctly write and format a letter of introduction. • Students will use definitions of Language Arts Vocabulary in order to complete practice activities to prove you understand the definition. • Agenda: • Team Building Reflection • Six Word Memoir Sharing • Letter of Introduction • Vocabulary of Vocabulary Group Work Homework: Letter of Introduction due Friday
Whole Class Discussion Please rearrange the desks so that we are sitting in a circle. When we have a whole class discussion, this will typically be the format that we will sit in. Pre-Questions • What makes a team successful? What challenges do teams face? • How does home field advantage impact a team’s performance? Post-Questions • What made your team successful? • What was challenging for your team? • What different strengths or roles did people exhibit or play in your group? • How did having a clearer objective (see the picture) help your team? • How can we apply home field advantage to our classroom and your individual groups?
Six Word Memoir Sharing • Before reading your memoir, please state your name, then share your memoir, and feel free to tell us one more thing about yourself if you would care to. • After we are finished, we are going to appreciate our work, by sharing some things that we liked. • Then we will return the desks to the row format.
Honors English 9 Class Expectations How you are assessed….. Grades • 70% ~ Summative Assessments of English Standards • Summative Assessments were developed as a means to monitor the progress of a student’s ability level throughout their high school careers. These include unit-ending tests, quizzes, and major projects. • Throughout the semester students will have multiple opportunities to demonstrate growth and improvement among the Colorado English Standards. Your teacher will analyze the trend in scores to determine the final summative grade. The three different types of Summative Assessments and their weight in the grade book is as follows: • 30% Reading (Comprehension, Literature Study, Word Study) • 40% Writing (Strategies/Processes, Ideas and Organization, Craft and Style, Conventions)
Honors English 9 Class Expectations How you are assessed….. • The five point scale grading scale for Summative Assessments is as follows: Proficiency 5 Point Scale • Mastery 4.5 - 5 • Proficiency 4 – 4.4 • Partial Proficiency Progressing 3.5 – 3.9 • Partial Proficiency Not Progressing 3 – 3.4 • Unsatisfactory 2 – 2.9 • No Evidence 1* • * A missing Summative Assessment is scored a 1 and is flagged “missing” in the grade book. Students can improve their score on a Summative Assessment, but only during the 6 week term in which it was assigned and only if the student initially submitted the assessment on time. At the end of the 6 week term, the “missing” flag is removed and the assignment remains a 1.
Honors English 9 Class Expectations How you are assessed for classwork and homework… 30% ~ Formative Learning Experiences • Formative work is all of the class work and homework generated by students throughout the semester. Each formative learning experience will receive one of the following 3 grades. These grades are more of a check +, check, or check -. • 10/10 work that is complete, on time, and demonstrates understanding • 6/10 work that is late, incomplete, or does not demonstrate understanding • 4/10 no evidence of learning or late and incomplete • *M Missing work is labeled as missing and calculated as a zero
Honors English 9 Class Expectations What you need to do if you are absent or do not turn in an assignment…. • Homework, Make-up Work &the Late Pass:Homework is due when the teacher asks for it. If a student does not have the assignment to turn in, there are a few options for you to earn full or partial credit. Students will be given three late coupons. An assignment submitted within two days of the due date with a coupon will receive full credit. (coupons may not be used for long term projects, assignments, presentations & collaborative team assignments) • Late work submitted beyond two weeks of the due date will be evaluated; however, a completion notation will be recorded not a numeric score. What you will need for this class…. • A 3-ring binder with at least 3 dividers: One for reading, writing, and assessments. • Paper (loose-leaf, college-rule), Pens and/or Pencils, Highlighters • Daily Planner (purchased at enrollment and mandatory) • Vocabulary Workshop workbook (purchased at enrollment and distributed by teacher) • Writers INC textbook (possibly purchased at enrollment, but not mandatory) Your first assignment: • You will need to get your supplies and signature sheet signed by Monday August 27th.
Honors English 9 Class Expectations • How you will need to treat each other and work together…. • Throughout the school year you will be working in reading and writing groups. • The number one expectation is that you treat each other with respect. • The number two expectation is that you leave your previous expectations of what English has looked like for you previously in the past, and at the door. • You will not be playing “the passive student game, serving as a compliant audience to a teacher-centered performance;” and you most certainly will “work with other students in an intimately collaborative and respectful way” (Creating a Community of Writers 63). • That means that you will be learning from and with each other. It does not mean that when you are in groups that you will divide and conquer work. You are each responsible for completing the work, but your group is there for help, coaching, and support.
Letter of Introduction • Turn to a new sheet of paper in your writing section of your notebook.
Letter of Introduction • Purpose for writing: To introduce yourself to your teacher by providing any necessary background information about yourself as a person and a student. • The letter must start with a short introduction introducing yourself as a person and an explanation about why the letter is being written. • You should have three body paragraphs: • Paragraph one should describe you as a student (general and English) • Paragraph two should describe your goals or expectations that you have for this class • Paragraph three should describe your strengths. What type of activities (school, life, extracurricular) are you successful at, have an instinct for, want to grow at, and need to do no matter how tired you are. • An introduction letter must always end on a positive note, so please provide a closing statement that creates a positive tone.
Letter of Introduction • Use page 303 of Writers INC (old version) or 325 in the new version of Writers INC for the correct format. • Remember the content of your writing is dependent upon 4 things: Subject (yourself as a person/student), Purpose (see above), Audience (teacher—you only get one chance to make a first impression), and Situation (beginning of High School—a very important time). Also you need to ask yourself, what does the use of convention say about who you are. • Your Letter of Introduction is DUE Friday. You only need one copy.
English Vocabulary of Vocabulary 101 • For this activity, we will be sitting in learning groups. • You will be responsible for the following terms on the Vocabulary of Vocabulary handout. There will be a quiz on these terms next week. • Right now, I would like you to get started. Scan through the packet and find an section that you feel comfortable and knowledgeable about, in order to begin. • Remember, even though you are in groups, you are all expected to complete this on your own and use each other as a resource, not as a person to copy from.
Due Today: Letter of Introduction Friday, August 24, 2011 • Walk-In: Please sit in your learning groups. Then please turn your Letter of Introduction into the In-Box. • Learning Objective: • Students will use definitions of Language Arts Vocabulary in order to complete practice activities to prove you understand the definition. • Students will work will peers to assess each other on Language Arts Vocabulary. • Agenda: • Vocabulary of Vocabulary • Vocabulary of Vocabulary Review Homework: Study Vocab of Vocab
English Vocabulary of Vocabulary 101 • You will be responsible for the following terms on the Vocabulary of Vocabulary handout. There will be a quiz on Tuesday. • Right now, I would like you to pick up where you left off on Blockday. In order to complete this correctly, you will need to use resources in this classroom. • Resources available: Writers INC or The Elements in Literature blue textbook: Section: Handbook of Literary Terms (in the back of book) • Remember, even though you are in groups, you are all expected to complete this on your own and use each other as a resource, not as a person to copy from.
English Vocabulary of Vocabulary Review • Take out a sheet of paper and fold it in half. On one side list all of the terms that you are responsible for on the Vocabulary of Vocabulary Handout. On the other side provide a definition of the term and an example. • For the remainder of class, I would like you to study the key terms, definitions, and examples with your group.