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What is action research?

What is action research?. Action research is part of a broad movement that has been going on in education. It is related to the ideas of “reflective practice” where the teacher become researcher. ( Anne Burns, 2010).

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What is action research?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is action research? Action research is part of a broad movement that has been going on in education. It is related to the ideas of “reflective practice” where the teacher become researcher. ( Anne Burns, 2010). AR make teachers take into a consideration how well are they doing, what problems they have in class, how they can solve those problems. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHiZdh85R3w

  2. Planning • Research Process In this part you as a teacher identify a problem, and you have some questions, doubts. And you want to find possible answers for them At this step you need to make some research, look for the materials you will need Clarify your ideas and focus in the area you need to work on it.

  3. Acting • Research Process Involvesinteractions into your teaching situation. Put into action the plan Trialing, collecting, questioning

  4. Observing • Research Process This phase involves teachers in observing, Analyze, report, share.

  5. Reflecting • Research Process Evaluate, implement, revise Sharing and communicate the results Reflect on the process.

  6. Real Action Research Projects • Action Research Project on Problem-Based Learning in Math. • http://centerx.gseis.ucla.edu/principal-leadership/fw-examples/meise/project-webpages/project-6-action-research-project-problem-based-learning-in-math • Effect of Technology on Enthusiasm for learning science. • http://www.sagepub.com/mertler3study/resources/reports/88896_sr1.pdf • Action Research in Language Teaching. • http://www2.uah.es/master_tefl_alcala/pdf/arp_article.pdf

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